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S.O.A.R. A grounding and framework for vision and mission planning. Our ELCA Mission statement give us grounding and a framework for God to do God’s Work with Our Hands. Marked with the cross of Christ forever (+), we are claimed, gathered, and sent for the sake of the world.
S.O.A.R. A grounding and framework for vision and mission planning
Our ELCA Mission statementgive us grounding and a framework for God to do God’s Work with Our Hands Marked with the cross of Christ forever (+), we are claimed, gathered, and sent for the sake of the world .
“We are a church that shares a living, daring confidence in God's grace.”
What in God’s name are you—as a congregation (or conference)--here for? • Why in God’s name do we exist? • What in God’s name are we doing? • Where in God’s name are we going?
Bishop Jon Anderson:“What’s the greatest possibility you can imagine God is doing or could do in your community?” (video “Missional Church” and EDS)
Three Listenings • Listening to God • Listening to one another • Listening to neighborhood and context
Eugene Peterson:“Cultivating attentiveness to what God is doing”
Listening….. Prayer—Conversation with God and for one another (Eph 6)- Luther’s Daily catechetical framework (+) 5 practices of prayer Waking, breakfast, noon, evening, bed
S.O.A.R.: Offers a framework and grounding for God to vision and imagine mission through us.S.O.A.R. offers a framework for congregational mission planning and renewal!
S.O.A.R.: A framework for vision and mission Strengths: Opportunities: Aspirations Results
S.O.A.R.: A framework for vision and mission Strengths: What has God already placed in our midst that God can build upon through us? Opportunities: What are the “opportunities” for mission God reveals in this community? Aspirations: What is God placing on our hearts that we care about deeply? Results: What’s one thing God is calling us to see, that we could do together?
Strengths: What has God placed in our midst that God can use us to build on? Strength: God’s Promise—The Cross of Christ! What else? Helps to ask: What’s working here? S.O.A.R.: a framework for renewal!
Group/Team Building: Discovering our Strengths—Part II What has God placed in our midst that we can build on? WRITE on your SOAR handout one thing God is already up to in this congregation (and/or in this community) that we can build on?
Opportunities What is God longing for us to see? Let’s start with: What are some common longings as God’s people?
People have LOTS of longings...4 common ones Who am I? The search for individuality (identity, integrity, autonomy, power)
People have LOTS of longings…. Where do I belong? The search for community.
People have LOTS of longings…. What gives life meaning/purpose? The search for our calling.
People have LOTS of longings…. What gives life hope? The search for new life—hope is stronger than memory.
OpportunitiesWhat is God longing for us to see? What are our longings as God’s people working for God’s mission?Take time (with your group) to ask these questions (above).--See if you can come up with 2-3 opportunities for growing God’s mission in your context. (x)
Aspirations: What is God placing in your head/heart that you care deeply about? What do we “aspire” (want) to do as God reveals these opportunities and strengths?
Switch: How to Change things when change is hard For things to change, somebody, somewhere has to start acting differently. Maybe it’s you or a member of your team. Picture that person.
ASPIRATIONS: What “aspirations” for Jesus do you have? What are you ready to get passionate about at: ______Lutheran (or in your Conference or in our synod)?
AspirationsWhat is God revealing (strengths and opportunites) that God longs for to see? What, as God’s people, are we passionate about? Take time with your group to ask these questions (above).--See if you can come up with. See if you can say, “I/We aspire to change…... (x)
S.O.A.R. Strengths Opportunities Aspirations Results—Write one GOAL you are willing to work on in the next year.
Results: What’s one—or maybe two or three—goal(s) you would be willing to work on in the next year?
Hebrews 12:1-2 Surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight and the sin that clings to closely and let us run with perseverance the race that is set before us... Fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith.