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The Christian and Money Conclusion

The Christian and Money Conclusion. Questions about Money!. What about Bankruptcy?. May a Christian declare bankruptcy? We live in an irresponsible society!. What about Bankruptcy?. Consider numerous principles: Stewardship, materialism, self-control, contentment.

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The Christian and Money Conclusion

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Christian and Money Conclusion

  2. Questions about Money!

  3. What about Bankruptcy? • May a Christian declare bankruptcy? • We live in an irresponsible society!

  4. What about Bankruptcy? • Consider numerous principles:Stewardship, materialism, self-control, contentment. • Have we been careless? How can we expect someone else to absorb our irresponsible consequences?

  5. What about Bankruptcy? • There are consequences to sinful conduct and decisions. • Have we been careless? Galatians 6:7, Rom. 6:23 • Sometimes consequences are needed (cf. Heb. 12:3-11)

  6. What about Bankruptcy? • Rom. 13:8, “Owe no one anything except to love one another.” • Psalm 37:21, “The wicked borrows and does not repay.”

  7. What about Bankruptcy? • 2 Cor. 7:10-11, True repentance will do all that is possible to make things right. Repentance is NOT easy!

  8. What about Bankruptcy? • What about debt not due to carelessness? • Have you pursued every other means? • Renegotiate? • Types of bankruptcy

  9. What about Bankruptcy? • EVEN if you find temporary relief you still have a debt to make right (or have lending party forgive). Do your best to repay it!

  10. What about the Lottery? • Gambling is sinful because of Biblical principles • Stewardship, covetousness, legitimate means of income. • Goal of gambling is to profit at another's loss!

  11. What about the Lottery? • Consider the lottery itself • Often promoted as relief for good causes, but is it? Eph. 5:11 • Funded in part by the poor

  12. What about the Lottery? • Consider the lottery itself • People gamble for the thrill and fantasy. • It is foolishness and a waste of money. Odds: 1:175,000,000

  13. What about the Lottery? • “But I only buy it recreationally” • Principles of gambling still apply! • It is a questionable behavior (Rom. 14:22-23) • Prov. 28:20, 22

  14. What about the Lottery? • “What about charity raffles?” • While intentions are good, principles still apply • Why not donate directly to the charity? • Consider your example for good

  15. How does God bless us Today? • Can God work providentially? Does He????? • God DOES bless us spiritually – Eph. 1:3, Prov. 10:22

  16. How does God bless us Today? • God blesses us through His word – both His wisdom and our application! 2 Tim. 3:16-17, James 1:25cf. 1 Cor. 10:13, Eph. 4:28

  17. How does God bless us Today? • He hears our prayers! 1 John 5:14-15. His answers for our best!

  18. How does God bless us Today? • His promise is only to take care of us - Matt. 6:25-33, 1 Tim. 6:6-8, Prov. 30:8-9

  19. How does God bless us Today? • Sometimes, we don’t recognized God’s blessings – cf. Gen. 50:19-20, Philemon 15-16

  20. How does God bless us Today? • Considering His blessings NEVER forget our overall goal! Phil. 3:7-11

  21. May we strive to be good and faithful stewards with what we have? WHERE IS YOUR TREASURE?

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