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Start a discussion on Proposed Amendment and 5C Criteria for Ultra-Low-Power Wireless Sensor Networks for better battery life and form factor in IEEE P802.15 WG. Objective, applicability, feasibility, and future work are covered.
Project: IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title:[Discussion on PAR and 5c] Date Submitted: [5/14/2012] Source:[Kiran Bynam[Samsung], Youngsoo Kim[Samsung]] Address [Samsung India, Bagmane Tech Park, Bangalore] Voice:[+91-9986154930], FAX: [+], E-Mail:[kiran.bynam@samsung.com] Re: [] Abstract:[This presentation is meant to start the discussion on PAR and 5C criteria] Purpose:[To initiate the discussion on PAR and 5C criteria] Notice: This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P802.15. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release: The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P802.15. Kiran Bynam, Samsung Electronics
Objective • To Start the discussion on the PAR and 5C criterion and the contents Kiran Bynam, Samsung Electronics
Scope and Need Kiran Bynam, Samsung Electronics
Broad sets of applicability • There are many existing 802.15.4 based low data rate command and control applications, wireless sensor applications such as indoor and outdoor control applications, that can benefit from the advantages offered by a ULP Physical Layer that can provide a smaller form factor and better battery life • Multiple vendors and numerous users • The PHY proposed can be easily implemented by the existing technologies and hence multiple vendors can adopt this technology easily. There are many users as well for sensor network applications • Balanced costs • The proposed amendment can be implemented with significantly smaller costs compared with the cost of the sensor itself Broad market potential Kiran Bynam, Samsung Electronics
Application Space Kiran Bynam, Samsung Electronics
Substantially different from existing standards • The amendement will propose a PHY that consumes power approximately much less than existing PHY • One unique solution per problem • This amendment gives an unique solution that can operate with a very low power compared to IEEE 802.15.4 2.4 GHz OQPSK Physical layer . IEEE 802.15.4k TG is proposing a PHY optimized for the critical infrastructure monitoring supporting very lower data rates and long distance. This amendment will focus on the new physical layer for wireless sensor networks with a range of xx m (30 m) and work with thin batteries for a long period of time with data rates comparable to the existing IEEE 802.15.4 2.4 GHz Physical layer • Easy for document reader to select PHY • As a different section, it is easy for document reader to identify the new PHY Distinct Identity Kiran Bynam, Samsung Electronics
Purpose of relevant amendments in IEEE 802.15 Kiran Bynam, Samsung Electronics
Demonstration of technology • Many Low Power radios for 2.4 GHz were demonstrated. Physical Layer proposed should be implementable with existing predomainantly used technologies. • Proven technology • Many propreitery systems are delivering required performance at very low power • Co-existence • coexistence assurance document must be provided with this document Technical Feasibility Kiran Bynam, Samsung Electronics
Many ULP PHY has been proposed and implemented for propritery usage • Uncertain IF [1] • Around 50 Micro Watt for receiver. • Limtations on sensitivity @ -72 dBm • ANT technology is claimed to run for years on a coin cell battery [2] Feasibility of ULP PHY Kiran Bynam, Samsung Electronics
Amendment proposes a change of radio • Design process and costs involved for a radio change in 2.4 GHz band is well understood and we don’t see any issue in economic feasibility • Change in PHY for future networks will not increase any cost burden on istallation/individual sensors • Should be compatiable with the existing 802.1 architecture Economic feasibility and compatiability Kiran Bynam, Samsung Electronics
Need to work on the range of data rates required for better energy efficiency Finalize the target for Power consumption Comment on the technical feasibility, Distinct Identity Explore more ULP applications Future Work Kiran Bynam, Samsung Electronics
[1]http://infopad.eecs.berkeley.edu/php/pubs/pubs.php/832/getPDF.pdf[1]http://infopad.eecs.berkeley.edu/php/pubs/pubs.php/832/getPDF.pdf [2] http://www.thisisant.com/technology references Kiran Bynam, Samsung Electronics