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The Band. The boys from Liverpool appeared in the 60's and were responsible for the invasion of British rock and roll in America. They influenced the youth of his generation with their haircuts, clothes and social consciousness.
The Band The boys from Liverpool appeared in the 60's and were responsible for the invasion of British rock and roll in America. They influenced the youth of his generation with their haircuts, clothes and social consciousness. Even with the final group in 1970 the boys began their solo careers with success. It is considered the most successful musical group in history with over a 1.5 billion albums sold worldwide. The Beatles influenced and continue to influence bands around the world.
HistoricalContext • In 1963, theamericanpresident John F. Keneddywaskilledduring a visit to Dallas. • Even in the USA, Martin Luther King spearheadsmanifestations in supportthe civil rightofblackmans. • Valentina Tereshkovabecomesthefirstwoman to gointospace.
I Wanna Hold Your Hand Oh yeah, I'll tell you somethingI think you'll understandWhen I say that somethingI wannahold your handI wanna hold your handI wanna hold your hand
Oh, please! Say to meYou'll let me be your manAnd, please! Say to meYou'll let me hold your handNow let me hold your handI wanna hold your hand And when I touch you I feel happy insideIt's such a feeling that my loveI can't hide, I can't hide, I can't hide
Yeah, you got that somethingI think you'll understandWhen I say that somethingI wanna hold your handI wanna hold your handI wanna hold your handAnd when I touch you I feel happy insideIt's such a feeling that my loveI can't hide, I can't hide, I can't hide
Yeah, you got that somethingI think you'll understandWhen I feel that somethingI wanna hold your handIwannahold your handI wanna hold your handI wanna hold your hand
Want and Wanna Wanna is frequently used in speech in informal colloquial English, particularly American English, instead of want to. Wanna can be used with all people singular and plural, except third person singular. This is because wanna scans with I want to, you want to, we want to, they want to, but not with he/she wants to where the final s is too intrusive: What you wanna do now? (What do you want to do now?) I wanna go home. My mom and dad are waiting for me and they wanna go out. I wanna hold your hand (I want to hold your hand)
Webgrafia http://www.vagalume.com.br/the-beatles/i-wanna-hold-your-hand.html#ixzz1G37ZZWb4 http://www.muitamusica.com.br/896-the-beatles/biografia http://www.deviantart.com/ http://weheartit.com/
Bruna Helena Débora Julia Matheus Orion