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Disclaimer Leadership for the Common Core in Mathematics (CCLM^2) Project University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 2013–2014
Disclaimer Leadership for the Common Core in Mathematics(CCLM^2) Project University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 2013–2014 This material was developed for the Leadership for the Common Core in Mathematics project through the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Center for Mathematics and Science Education Research (CMSER). This material may be used by schools to support learning of teachers and staff provided appropriate attribution and acknowledgement of its source. You may not use this work for commercial purposes. This project was supported through a grant from the Wisconsin ESEA Title II Improving Teacher Quality Program.
How are Your Assessment Practices Changing? Common Core Leadership in Mathematics (CCLM)
Keys to Quality Assessment Key 1: Clear Purpose Key 2: Clear Targets Key 3: Sound Design Key 4: Effective Communication Key 5: Student Involvement
Learning Target We continue to deepen our understanding of the teacher’s role in assessment for learning.
Teacher’s Role in Assessment FOR Learning Identify the standard. Deconstruct it to enabling targets. Transform to student friendly version. Create accurate classroom assessments. Use with students to track growth.
Sound Design: Classroom Then/Now
Classrooms Then/Now Read: My Classroom Then and Now assigned scenario Number 1: Amy James (pages 104 - 105) Number 2: Christine Hellman (pages 106 and 107) Number 3: Ken Mattingly (pages 113 and 114) Task: Prepare a poster that enables your group to teach others about the most important points in your classroom scenario.
Coaching Skills to Reflect Partner A: Share a two minute synopsis about the changes in your formative assessment system. Include successes and challenges, be sure to highlight your growth in this area. Partner B: paraphrase and probe Switch roles
Connecting it Back to Our Classroom: Homework https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_laaxl1EKqQ&desktop_uri=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3D_laaxl1EKqQ&app=desktop
Assessment Blueprint Plan AFormative Assessment Blueprint Plan for a cohesive set of lessons: Learning Target aligned to a Common Core Standard Type of Target (e.g., knowledge, reasoning, or skill) Description of Lesson Description of Assessment Aligned to Target (what data will you collect that shows evidence of student learning) Students’ Engaging in the Assessment Process
Homework from November Choose one or two of the ideas below to imbed into your classroom practice for your unit in November. Reflect on how you structured the assessment ideas and how it impacted student learning. Be prepared to share this in December. (Approx. 2-3 paragraphs) Assessment for Learning Using Assessment Blueprints • Differentiate subsequent instruction after giving a quiz or test, by grouping students according to which learning targets they had trouble with. • Share the blueprint with students at the outset to make the learning targets clearer. • Share the blueprint with the students and ask them to identify where each day’s instruction fits. • Share the blueprint with students and have them write practice test questions periodically for each cell, as a form of focused review.
Debriefing Homework from November In triads: 1. Share Reflections • Switch papers. • Read quietly on your own. • Leave two to three comments on a post-it note. • When group is ready, make connections between reflections. 2. Share Assessment Blueprint • Share best thing that has happened as a result of your Assessment Blueprint.
Learning Target We continue to deepen our understanding of the teacher’s role in assessment for learning.
Formative Assessment Projects Three Main FA Projects on Syllabus Homework: Math Tasks, Readings, Written Reflections Alignment Project/Assessment Blueprint Plan: Learning Target aligned to a Common Core Standard Type of Target (e.g., knowledge, reasoning, or skill) Description of Lesson Description of Assessment Aligned to Target (what data will you collect that shows evidence of student learning) Students’ Monitoring their Learning of the Mathematics in the Target Due: January 21, 2014 Classroom Assessment System Project (Individual Reflection Paper) Due: April 29, 2014