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Learning-Focused Interactions Communication Styles

Explore different communication styles and coaching skills to support a learning-focused interaction. Reflect on your own style, create a pie graph, and learn the significance of being an expert in communication. Discover cues, intentions, and the importance of flexing your stance in interactions.

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Learning-Focused Interactions Communication Styles

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Learning-Focused InteractionsCommunication Styles CCLM: 2011–2012

  2. Overview Communication Styles Continuum of Interaction; Three Stances Coaching Skills in a Learning Focused Interaction

  3. Goals To become aware of your communication style To list coaching skills that support a learning-focused interaction

  4. Communication Style • Friend: Share stories, secure relationship • Expert: Give information, tell opinion • Boss: Set expectation, impart advice • Parent: Protect & shield, offer guidance • Other: (Explain this style)

  5. Pie Graph Representation • Create a pie graph showing the proportions of the communication styles that you use. Include “other” if appropriate.

  6. Self Reflection Questions • How do I see myself? • How do I want to see myself? • How do I think others see me? • How do I see others? • How do I want others to see me?

  7. Who we believe we are at any given moment will drive our… • Perceptions • Behaviors • Interactions • How is being an expert simultaneously a liability and an asset?

  8. Learning-Focused Interactions • Operate along a continuum of interaction to support learning for their colleagues. • Consult: Shares information • Collaborate: Shared analyses, problem solving, reflection, decision-making • Coach: Supports a colleagues thinking, problem solving and goal clarification.

  9. Learning-Focused Interactions • Cues and Cautions (pg. 29) • Intentions (pg. 28) • What does it mean to continually anticipate, monitor, and flex our stance across the continuum of interaction?

  10. Coaching Conversation • Make observations during this conversation. • What does it look like? • What does it sound like?

  11. Why Coach? • Why are you interested in learning skills to support learning focused interactions? coaching skills? • What skills are needed to facilitate conversations that promote thinking? • What are your strengths/challenges in facilitating a conversation with your colleagues?

  12. What Coaching Is… • There is no one single coaching model for any relationship or even for any one session, and the coaching strategies may blend into one another. However, there are some common practices and characteristics to the relationship.

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