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HOPE and FEAR a revised curriculum. Children’s learning: turning a paper curriculum into an exciting skills based curriculum . He always wanted to explain things But no one cared So he drew Sometimes he would draw and it wasn't anything He wanted to carve it in stone Or write it in the sky
HOPE and FEARa revised curriculum Children’s learning: turning a paper curriculum into an exciting skills based curriculum
He always wanted to explain things But no one cared So he drew Sometimes he would draw and it wasn't anything He wanted to carve it in stone Or write it in the sky He would lie out on the grass And look up at the sky And it would be only the sky and him that needed saying And it was after that He drew the picture It was a beautiful picture He kept it under his pillow And would let no one see it And he would look at it every night And think about it And when it was dark And his eyes were closed He could still see it And it was all of him And he loved it When he started school he brought it with him Not to show anyone but just to have it with him Like a friend It was funny about school He sat in a square brown desk Like all the other square brown desks And he thought it should be red And his room was a square brown room Like all the other rooms And it was tight and close And stiff He hated to hold the pencil and chalk With his arms stiff and his feet flat on the floor Stiff With the teacher watching And watching
The teacher came and smiled at him She told him to wear a tie Like all the other boys He said he didn't like them And she said it didn't matter After that they drew And he drew all yellow And it was the way he felt about morning And it was beautiful The teacher came and smiled at him "What's this?" she said "Why don't you draw something like Ken's drawing?" "Isn't that beautiful?" After that his mother bought him a tie And he always drew airplanes and rocket ships Like everyone else And he threw the old picture away And when he lay out alone and looked out at the sky It was big and blue and all of everything But he wasn't anymore
He was square inside and brown And his hands were stiff And he was like everyone else And the things inside him that needed saying Didn't need it anymore It had stopped pushing It was crushed Stiff Like everything else.
Watch your thoughts, They become words, Watch your words, They become actions, Watch your actions, They become habits, Watch your habits, They become character, Watch your character, It becomes your destiny Making learningIrresistible Tom Robson
da Vinci - possible that he would be diagnosed with ADHD as well as dyslexia and language difficulties.
Despite their talents, creativity and genius qualities – all of these people would been allocated learning support if they were in school here today. Some would have been assessed by Ed Psychologists and allocated resource hours!
How many ‘hidden Einsteins’ are in our classrooms today, assessments mostly print-based on literacy and numeracy skills
Breath life into our learners • The teachers we remember are the ones that leaves some of their breath inside us
“Too many teachers think that if they had more time, resources and space they could make a difference. The last thing most teachers need is more.. ..they need different!”John HattieDirector, Melbourne Education Research Institute
What do the following words mean • Values • Attitudes • habits
Building bridges Where you are to where you want to be
Key Stage 1 • A. Basic structures and simple classification of common plants (year 1 and 2) • A. Plants and growing (year 1 & 2) • B. Animals including humans (year 1 & 2) • B. Habitats, including food chains (year 2) • A. Simple physical properties of everyday materials in relation to their uses (year 1) • B. Uses of everyday materials (year 2) • A. sounds (year 2) • B. Light (year 1) • A & B Seasonal changes and day and night (year 1)
Lower Key Stage 2 • A. The function of different parts of plants, and what plants need to survive (year 3) • B. Animals including humans: what animals need to survive, movement and skeleton (year 3) • B. Classification of living things: plants and animals and conservation (year 4) • A. Human digestion (year 4) • A. Simple physical properties of some kinds of rocks, and how rocks and fossils are formed (year 3) • B. States of matter and changes of state, with particular reference to water (year 4) • A. Forces and magnets (year 3) • A. Sources of sound (year 4) • B. Light and shadows (year 3) • B. The uses of electricity, and how to wire a simple circuit. (year 4)
Upper Key Stage 2 • A. Life cycles, including reproduction and growth and old age (year 5) • A. All living things: Life processes, including classification (year 6) • B. Human circulatory system and blood (year 6) • B. Inheritance and evolution happening over long periods of time (year 6) • B. Properties and changes of materials (year 5) • A. forces (gravity, friction e.g. air resistance and transfer of force through mechanical devices) (year 5) • A. Earth and space (year 5) • B. electric series circuit; (year 6) • B. Light (year 6)
language • read and spell scientific vocabulary at a level consistent with their increasing word reading and spelling knowledge at KS 1. • read and spell scientific vocabulary correctly and with confidence, using their growing word reading and spelling knowledge at lower KS 2 • read, spell and pronounce scientific vocabulary correctlyat upper KS 2
Working scientifically • ‘Working and thinking scientifically’ is described separately at the beginning of the programme of study, but must always be taught through and clearly related to substantive science content in the programme of study.
Working scientifically • Asking the question • Collecting data • Analysing data & drawing conclusions • Presenting findings
Pupils above Pupils needing extra support