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Capitalism. The Economic System for Private Citizens. Capitalism. Mercantilism – Econ. System that allowed European countries to become very wealthy Export more than you import = BIG MONEY. Capitalism. Mercantilism was great for the Euro. Countries but not so good for the Colonies

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Capitalism The Economic System for Private Citizens

  2. Capitalism Mercantilism – Econ. System that allowed European countries to become very wealthy Export more than you import = BIG MONEY

  3. Capitalism Mercantilism was great for the Euro. Countries but not so good for the Colonies Colonies were built just to make the parent countries more wealthy

  4. Capitalism So colonists began to take on investors and partners in Joint-Stock Companies The Joint-Stock Companies took great risks to make sure their business thrived

  5. Capitalism As these companies became successful, private citizens began to accumulate wealth Kings and Queens in Europe supported this as they took their share in taxes

  6. Capitalism • Capitalism is defined by these factors: • A build up of Capital or money • Growth of Middle Class • Raw Materials to produce Manufactured Goods • Markets to sell goods

  7. Capitalism However, for Capitalism to work Govts. Must stay out of the way This called Free Enterprise

  8. Capitalism Capitalism is the free practice of buyers and sellers to do business without the interference of the Govt.

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