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Microbial Ecology

Microbial Ecology. Microenvironment Biofilm Microbial Competition Microbial Cooperation Enrichment and Isolation Methods. Winogradsky Column. Viable Stain. AODC – Acridine Orange Direct Counts DAPI Counts Fluorescent Antibodies FISH – Fluorescent In Situ Hybridization

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Microbial Ecology

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Microbial Ecology • Microenvironment • Biofilm • Microbial Competition • Microbial Cooperation • Enrichment and Isolation Methods

  2. Winogradsky Column

  3. Viable Stain • AODC – Acridine Orange Direct Counts • DAPI Counts • Fluorescent Antibodies • FISH – Fluorescent InSitu Hybridization • Chromosomal Painting

  4. In Situ Reverse Transcription

  5. Other Techniques • Optical Tweezers

  6. Microelectrodes Stable Isotopes

  7. Soil Microbiology Desert Crust + Water

  8. Aquatic Microbiology

  9. Marine Microbiology • Constant Salinity • Oxygen Relationships • Deep-Sea Microbiology • Barotolerant • Barophile

  10. Hydrothermal Vents • Black Smokers • Tube Worms

  11. Rumen Microbiology

  12. Microbial Leaching of Ore Heavy Metal Transformation Mercury

  13. Xenobiotic Biodegradation Petroleum Degradation

  14. Plant-Microorganism Interaction • Lichens Algae Fungus • Rhizosphere • Mycorhizae

  15. Crown Gall Disease Agrobacterium Ti Plasmid

  16. Bacterial Nitrogen Fixation Free living Bacteria – Azotobacter Symbiotic Bacteria-Rhizobium Root Nodules

  17. Microbial Ecology Word List Viable Stain Acridine Orange – AODC DAPI Fluorescent Antibodies FISH – Fluorescent In Situ Hybridization Chromosomal Painting Microenvironment Biofilms Microbial Competition and Cooperation Enrichment and Isolation Methods Winogradsky Column In Situ Reverse Transcription Optical Tweezers Microelectrodes Stable isotopes Soil Microbiology Aquatic Microbiology

  18. Microbial Ecology Word List 2 Plant-Microorganism Interaction Lichen Mycorrhizae Agrobacterium Crown Gall Disease Root Nodules Symbiosis Rhizobium Rumen Microbiology Microbial Leaching of Ores Heavy Metal Transformation Mercury Petroleum Biodegradation Xenobiotic Degradation Marine Microbiology Oxygen Relationships Deep-Sea Microbiology Barotolerant Barophiles Hydrothermal Vents Black Smokers Tube Worms

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