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Creating a Cycling Banner

Creating a Cycling Banner. Dreamweaver. Cycling Banner.

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Creating a Cycling Banner

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  1. Creating a Cycling Banner Dreamweaver

  2. Cycling Banner • When you are surfing the Web, you usually encounter commercial Web sites containing advertisements that are constantly changing. These cycling banners (also known as ad banners) can be created in various ways using different Internet technologies. One of the easiest and most efficient ways to create these types of advertisements is by using JavaScript events and functions.

  3. Cycling Banner • A cycling banner is really nothing more than a sequence of graphic images that are displayed one after another with a small pause between each image change. After all of the images in the sequence have been displayed, the browser will cycle back to the first image and start the sequence all over again. This is the reason why it is called a “Cycling” Banner

  4. Time and Effort! • You will use a single “JavaScript event” • You will use a simple “JavaScript function” • You will put these images in a folder where you have been saving your web images.

  5. Source Code <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE> HTML AND JavaScript</TITLE> <SCRIPT> Var imgArray = new Array (4); imgArray [0] = new Image; imgArray [0].src=“lions.gif”; Etc, etc Function cycle () { document.banner.src=imgArray[index].src; </script> </head> </body> </html>

  6. Source Code • Array – an array is simply a collection of similar objects that can be accessed by means of a variable name and an index • An index is simply an integer variable that identifies which element of an array is being referenced • Arrays are available in every modern computer language • Our array will have four elements and its variable name will be called imgArray • In this case the array will contain four Image objects, but arrays can contain any other type of JavaScript object as well

  7. Source Code • Sac sets the property of objects • Vary index = 0 a variable named index and a value must be assigned • Function cycle ()

  8. JavaScript • A scripting language (not a program language) • More powerful than HTML • Allows Web Page Developers to add programming features to a web document without knowing a programming language

  9. JavaScript • Does not need a compiler • Programs automatically when the source code is processed by the target program • When a document contains embedded JavaScript code, the code is interpreted by the browser • It is then converted into its machine-readable form “on the fly”

  10. JavaScript • When “on the fly” programming occurs….developers use the term Interpretation to describe the line-by-line conversion process that automatically occurs.

  11. JavaScript: Power • Usually used for one or more strings of text that are inserted into the main Web Page • Text can change from day to day • Text can change from one computer to another • Different looking Web Pages could be the result of time, location, or the variable of a Browser

  12. JavaScript – To Begin • <SCRIPT> - beginning of document • </SCRIPT> - end of document The Web Browser will interpret everything between these 2 tags as JavaScript Code, not HTML

  13. JavaScript: Final Product The browser then converts the script (Interpretation Process) into equivalent machine-readable form called binary code. Binary Code is then executed and output will be inserted into the HTML text stream & displayed.

  14. JavaScript: Not just any old Script • Your text must conform to certain rules • You must adhere to Program Syntax • You must use JavaScript Keywords and Operators

  15. JavaScript Properties • Made up of a number of invisible entities called Objects that contain a well defined set of capabilities • In order to make use of these capabilities, the programmer must use known methods within objects

  16. JavaScript • To invoke the service of a method or to use a method; the programmer must key the name of the object, followed by a period (the. character) followed by the method name [visualize a list of ingredients to a recipe]

  17. JavaScript • Method names are always followed by a parameter list [the parameter list provides the method with the information it needs to perform the function]

  18. JavaScript • Syntax of the parameter list has an opening parenthesis, zero or more parameter items, a closing parenthesis

  19. IN OTHER WORDS: To “write” method of the JavaScript object called “document” your code would be: document.write(“A string of text.”):

  20. Increment and Decrement • Java includes increment ( ++ ) operators • Java includes decrement ( - - ) operators These increase or decrease a variable’s value by one. A variable is a memory location, referenced by an identifier, whose value can be changed during execution of a program.

  21. HTML • <hr> is the Horizontal Rule Tag • By using the option • <hr size=N> you can allow for the size of the thickness of the line in pixels • Example: <hr size=8>: or <hr size=20>; • If you were going to change the line width: • <hr width=X> Example: <hr width=80 size=10>

  22. Project • You will create a Cycling Banner or a Java Script rotation of images. • You will collect 5 images and have them cycle on a webpage utilizing JavaScript • You will write the code and show me the script in Dreamweaver

  23. JavaScript Creating Rollover Buttons and Image Rollovers

  24. JavaScript <html> <head> <title> Rollover Buttons </Title> <SCRIPT language=“javascript”> <!— var image1=new Image; var image2=new Image; image1.src=“images/picture.jpeg”; image2.src=“images/picture2.jpeg”; { if (type == 1) { document.picture.src=image1src; } } </Script>

  25. HTML • HTML tag • Starting tag • Ending tag • Nested tag • Empty tag • Source code

  26. HTML • Attributes using HTML • An attribute is an instruction that further specifies a tag’s characteristics. Attributes allow you to add colors, styles and alignment to a page • You place attributes in opening tags. The attribue has a name, an equal sign (=), and a descriptor that must appear in quotes to conform to HTML specifications. The attribute must also be lowercase to meet specifications

  27. Background Color Attributes <BODY bgcolor=:#33CC33”> Attribute Name Hexadecimal Color

  28. HTML TAGS • src: specifies the source location of the image • alt: gives the browser an alternative text message to display if the image is missing • align: wraps text around the image • border: places a border around an image • width and height: specifies the image’s width and height

  29. Text Links • A text link is a text a user clicks to activate a hyperlink. <A href=http://www.centurypubliclibrary.org> Century Public Library</A>

  30. Graphic Link A graphic link is an image a user clicks to activate a link. <A href=http://www.centurypubliclibrary.org> <IMG src=“images/book.gif”alt=“Books”align=“left” border=“0”width=“40” height=“30”> </A>

  31. Text and graphic Links • There are relative and absolute links • Relative Links contains the name of the file being linked to • The link is relative because it links pages within the same Web site • Absolute links contain the complete URL or path of the file being linked to

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