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Neural circuits of emotions 2 : Extended amygdala , insula , anterior cingulate gyrus , and others. Anders Gade, Copenhagen University. Gade. Limbic areas. .. The limbic system is a concept in perpetual search for a definition Heimer et al., 2008, p.22. Gade. Extended amygdala.

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  1. Neural circuits of emotions 2: Extendedamygdala, insula, anteriorcingulategyrus, and others Anders Gade, Copenhagen University Gade

  2. Limbicareas .. The limbic system is a concept in perpetualsearchfor a definition Heimer et al., 2008, p.22 Gade

  3. Extendedamygdala Anteriorcingulategyrus Orbital and ventromedialprefrontalcortex - - mPFC-amygdalaconnectivity Gade

  4. The extendedamygdala - A role in anxiety, addiction, and stress disorders Gade

  5. Coronalsection at the level of the anteriorcommissure BSTL Substantiainnominata amyg Gade

  6. Coronalsections at fourlevels, from accumbens(A) to caudalamygdala (D) Yellow: The extendedamygdala Red: Cholinergic cell groups Gade

  7. The basal forebraincontains an extension of the basal ganglia, overlapping the cholinergiccellgroups and the extendedamygdala Alain Dagher The extendedamygdala(Centalnucleus, striaterminalis,bed nucleus, and othercellgroups) Gade

  8. Extendedamygdala Extendedamygdala: Autoradiography of aminoacid transport afterinjection in the central nucleus (Ce) of the amygdala Gade

  9. Coronalsections at fourlevels, from accumbens(A) to caudalamygdala (D) Yellow: The extendedamygdala Gade

  10. Gade, A. (2012)Angstens neuropsykologi, I Leth & Hoff Esbjørn(red.), Angst hos børn. Dansk Psykologisk Forlag (pp.45-108) AcademicPress, 2008 Gade

  11. Extendedamygdala: role in anxiety - best reference ShownwithfMRI in anticipatoryanxiety in 3 studies: Straube et al., (2007). NeuroImage, 37, 1427-36 Somerville et al. (2010). Biol.Psychiatry, 68, 416-424Alvarez et al., (2011). NeuroImage, 55, 389-400 #2625d,e,f New suggestion: Role of extendedamygdala in the acutefear-enhancingeffects of SSRIs: Ravinder et al., 2013 Gade

  12. Biol.Psychiatry, 68, 416-424 low highanxiety ss. Biol.Psychiatry, 68, 416-424 Gade

  13. Biol.Psychiatry, 68, 416-424 insula Conjunctionanalysis: linearlyincreasingresponseto greaterthreat + greater in more anxioussubjects Gade

  14. Insula Gade

  15. Somatosensation Proprioceptive, tactile/haptic, & pain(localizable) information (in four ’homunculi’) Keysers et al., (2010) Nat.Rev.Neurosci., 11, 417-428 # a590.. Gade

  16. Insula - interoception Craig (2002). How do you feel?Interoception: the sense of thephysiological condition of the body. Nat.Rev.Neurosci., 3, 655-666 Craig (2009). How do you feel – now? The anterior insula and human awareness. Nat.Rev.Neurosci., 10, 59-70 # 2730a&b Gade

  17. Insula Representationof autonomicand otherbodilystatesand sensations(hereheartbeat;normal subjects) Critchley et al. (2004). Nature Neuroscience, 7, 189-195 #2733a Gade

  18. Critchley et al. (2004). Nature Neuroscience, 7, 189-195 #2733a Gade

  19. Insula emotionalaspectsof pain … including perception of others’ pain(Singer et al., 2004) Conjunctionanalysisself / other Gade

  20. … exemplified by pain Annu.Rev.Neurosci., 35, 1-23 (2012) #a413-1e Modulated by both personality characteristics and situationalcontext Gade

  21. Annu.Rev.Neurosci., 35, 1-23 (2012) #a413-1e Alexithymia – in bothnormal subjects and autism Ingroupvs.outgroup Gade

  22. Annu.Rev.Neurosci., 35, 1-23 (2012) #a413-1e Gade

  23. Explicit :painor not ? Implicit: Right orleft? Gade #2736a

  24. A) Meta-analysis of fMRI studies of pain empathyB) 2 x 3 patients with lesions in insula or ACC Gade

  25. 32 normal subjects- ”wide dispersion onSTAI” Baur et al. (2013), Biol. Psychiatry, 73, 85-92 #1549d Gade

  26. Gade

  27. Theoretical model for amygdala-insula interaction in anxietyBlue: bottom-up ”salience” pathway; Read: feedback/interoceptive pathway aCurrentbody statebadjustment ..autonomic feedbackcAutonomicreaction I Sensory informationIIStimulus meaningIIIIncreased attention kropstilstand Sensoriskinformation Baur et al. (2013), Biol. Psychiatry, 73, 85-92 #1549d Gade

  28. Anteriorcingulatecortex dorsal caudal rostral ventral / subgenual Gade

  29. Anteriorcingulatecortex Neurology: apathy (Ch. 14: Disorders of motivation and goal-directedbehavior) Cognitiveneuroscience and: neuroimaging: effort & control(Raichle et al., 1994) #b125aa Depression: subgenual/ventral ACC - small but hyperactive(Drevets, 1998) Bush, 2000: a cognitive and an emotional divisionDepression & anxiety: hypoactivedACC Gade

  30. dACC - one, two, ormanyfunctions ? • Detection & signalingneed for adjustments in control • Subjectiveexperience of negative affect (pain, fear) • Energizingbehavior ”Howdoes it feelwhen ACC is activatedduring a cognitivetask” Rainville, 2002 Gade

  31. Spunt et al., (2012). The phenomenology of errorprocessing: The dorsal ACC response to stop-signal errorstracksreports of negative affect. J.Cogn.Neurosci., 24, 1753-65 #4685e Gade

  32. VBM brainvolume in anxietyand depression MDD (N:68)MDD + anxiety(N:88) AnxietywithoutMDD (N:68) NC (N:65) Reduced volume in entirepatientgroup vs.normal Ss Van Tol et al. (2010), Arch.Gen.Psychiatry, 67, 1002-11 #1032i Gade

  33. VBM brainvolume in anxietyand depression Depression withonsetbefore age 18 Van Tol et al. (2010), Arch.Gen.Psychiatry, 67, 1002-11 #1032i Gade

  34. Nature of cingulatecontrol …. Ridderinkhof et al. (2004). The role of the medial frontal cortex in cognitivecontrol. Science, 306, 443-447 #4680a Carter, Cohen et al.: conflict-control model fx Kerns et al., (2004) Science, 303, 1023-1026) red blue green Gade

  35. Nature of cingulatecontrol …. C: Congruent I: Incongruent ACC conflict activation Carter, Cohen et al.: conflict-control model fx Kerns et al., (2004) Science, 303, 1023-1026) red blue green dlPFCactivation in highadjustmenttrials iI: Incongruentfollowingincongruent cI: Incongruentfollowingcongruent Gade

  36. Nature of cingulatecontrol …. C: Congruent I: Incongruent Carter, Cohen et al.: conflict-control model fx Kerns et al., (2004) Science, 303, 1023-1026) #4684c Gooddiscussion: Mangun et al. (2009). Ch. 16in Gazzaniga (Ed.) The cognitive neurosciences,4th ed. iI: Incongruentfollowingincongruent cI: Incongruentfollowingcongruent Gade

  37. Emotionalface-wordStroop Etkin et al., 2010 Gade

  38. Emotionalface-wordStroop Rostral ACC:Alsootherforms of emotion regulation Etkin et al., 2010 Am.J.Psychiatry, 167, 545-554 Gade

  39. Fearconditioning and extinction Milad, M. & Quirk, G. J. (2012). Fear extinction as a model for translational neuroscience: Ten yearsof progress. Annu. Rev. Psychol., 63, 129-151 Gade

  40. Interactionsbetweenamygdala and ACC /prefrontalcortex Tost & Meyer-Lindenberg, 2010 AG# T381a Gade

  41. Pezawas et al., 2005 5HTTLPR Statisticalmap –lessgrey matter volume in S-allelecarriers Gade

  42. NeuroImage2010 49: 963-970 Gade

  43. Cremers et al., (2010), NeuroImage, 49: 963-970 AG# T027a Gade

  44. Medial temporal / medialprefrontalconnections: Uncinatefasciculus Diffusion tensorneuroimaging(tractography) Normal child Adopted fromromanianorphanage Eluvathingal et al. (2006). Pediatrics, 117: 2093-2100 Gade

  45. Uncinatefasciculus in anxiety 30 patientswith social anxiety + 30 NC: Same findings in GAD Tromp et al. (2012)Arch.Gen.Psychiatry,69, 925-934# 1547e Decreased ”fractionelanisotropy”inuncinate f.near the orbitofrontalcortex Phan et al. (2009) Biol.Psychiatry, 66, 691-694 Gade

  46. Tromp et al. (2012) Arch.Gen.Psychiatry,69, 925-934# 1547e Gade

  47. CorrelationwithrACC-amygdalaconnectivityin implicit emotion regulationtask(aversion anticipation) Tromp et al. (2012) Arch.Gen.Psychiatry,69, 925-934# 1547e Gade

  48. Extendedamygdala Anteriorcingulategyrus Orbital and ventromedialprefrontalcortex - - mPFC-amygdalaconnectivity Gade

  49. Gade

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