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Lecture 1 Terminology

Lecture 1 Terminology. Endoplasmic Reticulum. Endoplasmic means. Within the cytoplasm. Reticulum means. Little net. Cyto- means. Cytoplasm. Cell. -plasm means. Formed or molded. Lysosomes. Lyso- means. Dissolving. -somes means. bodies. Mitochondria. Mito- means thread.

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Lecture 1 Terminology

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Lecture 1 Terminology

  2. Endoplasmic Reticulum Endoplasmic means Within the cytoplasm Reticulum means Little net

  3. Cyto- means Cytoplasm Cell -plasm means Formed or molded

  4. Lysosomes Lyso- means Dissolving -somes means bodies

  5. Mitochondria Mito- meansthread -chondria meansgranules

  6. Phospholipid Phospho- means Phosphorus -lipid means fat

  7. Glycoproteins Glyco- means Carbohydrate

  8. Phagocytosis Phago- means To eat -cytosis means Cell

  9. Pinocytosis Pino- means To drink -cytosis means Cell

  10. Nucleus means Nut seed

  11. Intracellular Intra- means Inside Extracellular Extra- means Outside

  12. Endocytosis Endo- means Inside Exocytosis Exo- means Outside

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