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Missional Prayer. Praying Toward the Kingdom. Missional Prayer: Key Texts. Psalm 2:8 Matt. 6:9-10 John 17 Acts. Prayer and the Evangelistic Mission. Prayer and Preparation for the Evangelistic Mission Prayer for the lost (Matt. 6:10; 1 Tim. 2:1-4)
Missional Prayer Praying Toward the Kingdom
Missional Prayer: Key Texts Psalm 2:8 Matt. 6:9-10 John 17 Acts
Prayer and the Evangelistic Mission Prayer and Preparation for the Evangelistic Mission • Prayer for the lost (Matt. 6:10; 1 Tim. 2:1-4) • Prayer for laborers (Mat. 9:35-38; Acts 13:1-3) • Prayer for personal holiness and unity in believers (Ps. 51:10-13; John 17) • Prayer for open doors for the gospel to be shared (Col. 4:2-6; Acts 10-11) • Prayer that creates an divine encounters for the Gospel to be shared (Acts 10-11:18)
Prayer and the Evangelistic Mission Prayer and Proclamation in the Evangelistic Mission • Prayer for bold proclamation (Acts 4:29-31) • Prayer for the proper words to be proclaimed (Is. 50:4-5; Eph: 6:18-20) • Prayer for Kairos timing (Col. 4:2-4) • Prayer for protection to proclaim (Rom. 15:30-33) • Prayer for power to proclaim (Eph. 3:18-21)
Prayer and the Evangelistic Mission Prayer and Preservation of the Evangelistic Mission • Prayer for new converts to be protected from the evil one (Mat. 6:13; John 17) • Prayer that new converts will abound in love for believers and all men (1 Thes. 3:9-11) • Prayer new believers will bear fruit in every good work (Col. 1:2-11) • Prayer that new converts will know and do God’s will (Col 1; 9; Eph. 1:17-18) • Prayer for the seed of God’s Word to bear fruit in folk’s lives (2 Thess. 3;1; Isa. 55:10-11).
“To the use of Scriptures the early Christians added prayer as a prime necessity in all evangelistic enterprise.” Green, Evangelism in the Early Church, 235.
“Prayer is the Tropical Climate of the Soul” G. F. Gordan, Soul Winner’s Secrets
Prayer and the Early Church Introduction • Prayer in Acts builds upon and/or “coheres” to Jesus’ perspective on prayer in Luke • Over 30 times Christ’s followers in Acts are shown in prayer or the narrative refers to prayer. • Most of the these occurrences are found in the first half of Acts—setting a pattern.
Prayer and the Early Church (cont.) David Crump (Knocking on Heaven’s Door) Three Prayer Behaviors: • They sustained a significant degree of unity through corporate prayer (praying together, homothymadon, 6 times, 1:14; 2:46;4:24;5:12;8:6; 15:25) • The emerging church rapidly adopted Christ’s model and teaching about personal prayer (priorities of the Lord’s prayer, absence of personal self-centered prayer)
Prayer and the Early Church (cont.) 3.Prayer is a way for believers to find their lives realigned with God’s redemptive plans (regular revealing of God’s presence/power among praying people (Acts 4, 13). God accomplishes His sovereign work/plans when and where the church prays. Through prayer believers become “spiritually receptive recipients of divine communication.”
Prayer’s Role in the Early Church • Prayer—a foundational lifestyle and relationship that was employed for the evangelistic mission (Acts 2:42) • Prayer paved the way for bold and fruitful proclamation of the gospel (Acts 4:23-33) • Prayer provided the environment for the Holy Spirit to inspire and fill believers with power to be witnesses (Acts 1:14; 2:1-13) • Prayer was key element for the overcoming of barriers to the Mission (Acts 1:14 (leadership); 2:1-11 (power); 2:41-47 (consistent life, unity, Joy, love);
Prayers role (cont.) • Prayer prepares both believers and unbelievers for providential encounters and effective evangelistic witness (Acts 10-11:18) • Corporate prayer patterns are shown as normal for the early church (Acts 12:5, 2:42; 1:14) • Prayer is key component for effective leaders (Acts 6:1ff; Acts 14:23) • Prayer plays a vital role in the sending of witnesses to the world (Acts 13:1-4)
Marks of a Praying ChurchThe Early Church at PrayerActs 4:23-33 1.First Response is Prayer (23, 24) Praying People, United Corporate Prayer 2. Healthy Bible Based Prayer Theology (24, 27, 28) Creator God, Providential Lord 3. Strategic Prayer Patterns (29) God’s Nearness, Boldness, Changed Lives 4. They Experienced God’s Activity, Manifest Presence (31-33) Faithful Praying, Fruitful Praying, Unified Ministry, Abundant Grace, Bold Proclamation, etc.
Missional Prayer- A Historical Overview • Athenagoras-(A. D. 2nd Century) Utilized Scripture as he prayed for political figures and others. • Origen (230)—On Prayer—Biblical prayer patterns. Prayer inspired by the Spirit. • Eusebius of Caesarea—Universal practice-use of Psalms, hymns reciting of prayers AM and PM gatherings called Horae—Laity prayer gatherings--North Africa, Rome until 5th century. • Augustine—Confessions—Prayer is abiding state, follow the biblical pattern in Matt. 6. Use quick prayers. Three stages of prayer—arousing of inmost nature, seek God Himself, listen to God to be heard. Seemed to neglect corporate dimensions of prayer. • Ulfilas (318-88)—Ministered among the Visigoths. Communicated the good news through sermon, pen and deed. Translated Bible/Gothic language. Prayer and the holy life was his mark.
Historical Overview (cont.) • Patrick of Ireland (390-490?)—Kidnapped, escaped, returned to evangelize. Started 365 churches, wrote hymns, started schools. Prayer was vital component of encounters with druid priests. Godliness and holiness. • John Cassian (Institutiones, A.D. 420) and Monastic orders—St. Patrick and others, holy lives, proper task of monk, prayer patterns often follows biblical texts (1 Tim. 2) Prayer’s goal, dispense with words and images and become inexpressible sighs. Efforts at continuous praise through use of the Psalms in prayer. Two theological trends—Use of Psalms, Trinitarian patterns. • Columba, sixth century missionary to pagan areas of Scotland, relied on prayer to aid his ministry efforts. • Ansgar of France (A.D. 800-865), prayed and fasted asking God to draw pagans to understand gospel.
Historical Overview (cont.) • Bernard of Clairvaux (1091-1153)—Burning zeal to walk with God. Planted a work in Wormwood which was a hideout for robbers. Peacemaker, powerful preacher, Prayer warrior, writer—devoted to renewal and pious life in Christ. • John Tauler (1091-1153), two years in seclusion in prayer and the study of the Word. Emerged a powerful preacher. Personal prayer closet vital to effective ministry. • St. Francis and Third Orders (lay groups), prayer books were developed (Books of Hours) even in the common languages. • Jerome of Savanarola (1452-1498), Florence, Italy—Catalyst for revival. Interfaced prayer with revival, renewal and the great commission. • John Knox (1514-1572) interfaced prayer with preaching. Personal prayer life was extraordinary.
Historical Overview (cont.) • Reformers (1500-1700)—(1)Luther—prayer is a daily business, prayed 3 hours daily, we come as beggars to God, advocated church prayer, biblical prayer, praying in faith and trust, Lord’s prayer was sufficient, priests before God, prayer and service go hand in hand. (2) Calvin—Prayer unearths the treasures of God, labor on behalf of others, Lord’s Prayer, God’s sovereign work in prayer, pray always, confession prayers, Jesus is our Intercessor, should be a priority both in public and private, prayer is always needed. • Pietism—1630-1760--(1) Philip Spener, small groups, prayer and piety, intimacy, called the church to reform in pious life, University of Halle, Francke was hired, pious life and ministry/missions. (2) Ludwig von Zinzendorf (Mustard Seeds), influenced by Franke and Halle, offerred asylum for Bohemians (heirs of Huss), Herrnhut (the Lord’s watch), led church in prayer, concerted prayer for girls at the school, revival came, 100 years of prayer resulted, 48 adults, 24 hours a day—Moravian Missions.
Historical Overview (cont.) • Jonathan Edwards (1703-58)– Developed the prayer shack, youth prayer groups, personal prayer and study of the Word. People praying for the worship services and concerts of prayer. Famous sermon, “Sinners”-- people were praying all night. • Charles Finney(1792-1875)--prayer bands, Father Nash/Abel Clary, revival prayer, prevailing prayer “groups”. • Charles Spurgeon—(1834-92)—Man of prayer, led congregation to pray in a united way. Regular prayer gatherings in church, “boiler room.” • John “Praying” Hyde, Presbyterian missionary to India (1892-1911), described his witnessing lifestyle as an “Evangelism of Prayer.” • R. A. Torrey—(1856-1928) Apologist evangelist– worldwide crusades, “Pray it through,” book How to Pray was used in training prayer teams for the crusades.
Historical Overview (cont) • Contemporary Expressions • Jessie-Penn Lewis -”working prayer”. • Helen Shoemaker - “prayer provides the “base” for ministry/evangelism/missions or “prayer-supported evangelism.” Constant prayer is key to effective evangelism. “It bore fruit in first century-it bears fruit today.” • Evelyn Christensen-”Pre Evangelism Praying”—Prayer Groups • Howard Tryon—”Praying for You,” prayer visitation. • David Bryant-Concerts of Prayer • Al Vandergriend-”Houses of Prayer Everywhere” • Billy Graham-Prayer tripletts, gatherings, etc.
Historical Overview (cont.) • Denominational Prayer initiatives-Sweet Hour of Prayer, Prayer for Revival, Spiritual Awakening, Evangelism, etc. • Since 1900 prayer emphases include: 1904-06 Awakening; Heberdes Islands (Post WWII);Jesus Movement; Prayer Rooms; Prayer Evangelism; Prayer Walking; Watchman on the Wall Initiatives, Prayer Advances; Conferences, Resources, Summits; Africa--World Day of Prayer; NA--National Day of Prayer; India, China (small group prayer meetings), Korea (prayer mountains, fervent prayer), 24-7 prayer rooms on College Campuses, Offices of Prayer in Denominations, Tuesday Evening Prayer meetings, Brooklyn Tabernacle, Biltmore Baptist Chruch.
A Kingdom-Focused Prayer Strategy Vision God is calling us as followers of Christ to glorify Him through a holy lifestyle of passionate, Spirit-led prayer that seeks His Kingdom purposes (John 17; Matt. 6:5-13) Three Elements • Kingdom Prayer Priorities • Kingdom Prayer Practices • Kingdom Prayer Purposes
Kingdom Focused Prayer (cont.) Kingdom Prayer Priorities This involves developing prayer atmosphere or culture. Prayer core values and beliefs are implemented in this component. Biblical prayer foundations are laid so that the church may grow in its praying life and may become a house of prayer for the nations (see Mark 11:17).
Kingdom Focused Prayer (cont.) Kingdom Prayer Practices This component focuses on the being and doing of prayer in and through the church. Practicing the presence of Christ through Bible based prayer methods and approaches are key components. Providing ways and opportunities for believers to practice prayer passions individually and congregationally are accomplished with this component.
Kingdom Focused Prayer (cont.) Kingdom Prayer Purposes This element pushes the congregation toward the bigger picture of prayer mobilization. Prayer with and for the greater world-wide body of Christ is the focus of this component. Strategic prayer patterns for revival, spiritual awakening, missions, and the Great Commission are taught, modeled and implemented.
Prayer Grams/Lines Weekly Windows World Religion Prayer Guides State Prayer Lines Prayer Journeys-International, SFC Cities Adopt People Groups Prayer Initiatives Prayer Groups Prayer Walking Prayer Chains Prayer Rooms Prayer Stations Prayer Summitts Prayer Training Methods and Approaches for Mobilizing Missional Prayer
Contemporary Churches • Biltmore Baptist Church, Arden, NC • Richland Creek Community Church, Wake Forest, NC • Mt. Vernon Baptist Church, Boone, NC • Providence Baptist Church, Raleigh, NC • Central Baptist Church, Wendell, NC
Confident and dependent on God through Prayer Passionate Prayer Lives Prayer toward the Great Commission Specific Prayer Patterns Unified toward the Mission Ripe Environment for God to Speak and Work Multiple Avenues for Prayer Passions to be Expressed Prayer is Foundational Biblical, Contextual prayer Patterns Changed Lives God-Centered Praying Signs of a Praying Congregation(Contemporary Church)
Prayer ministries will need to flow out of prayer passions (affinity prayer groups) Strategic prayer should be sensitive to both church and non-church cultures Prayer for revival, awakening and toward the Great Commission is the heart of strategic prayer Web-based networks provide avenues for involvement in Kingdom-oriented prayer emphases Field-based prayer ministries provide excellent opportunities for congregations to utilize prayer as an avenue for genuine relationship building Denominational missions praying must be taught and modeled Participation in Inter-denominational prayer efforts is essential Considerations