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SELECT COMMITTEE ON LAND AND ENVIRONMENTAL AFFAIRS HEARINGS by Acting Director General Department of Provincial and Local Government. DEPARTMENT OF PROVINCIAL AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT (dplg). 22 - 23 February 2007. Scope of Presentation. Background Bucket Eradication Allocation

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  1. SELECT COMMITTEE ON LAND AND ENVIRONMENTAL AFFAIRS HEARINGSbyActing Director GeneralDepartment of Provincial and Local Government DEPARTMENT OF PROVINCIAL AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT (dplg) 22 - 23 February 2007

  2. Scope of Presentation • Background • Bucket Eradication Allocation • Reallocation strategy/principle • Beneficiary Municipalities • Bucket Eradication: National Overview • General observations • Interventions required • Recommendations

  3. Background • This presentation is from a MIG perspective and is therefore complimentary to the national action plan of DWAF • Cabinet took decision to eradicate all the bucket sanitation systems through out the country • State of Nation Address reflected December 2007 as the target date to have all buckets eradicated • Census 2001 estimated buckets latrines to be over 400 000 throughout the country • Backlogs have since been estimated at 252254 as at February 2005 (DWAF) • Thus far 119583 buckets have been eradicated leaving a remainder of 132 671 buckets to be addressed by the end of the year. • Funding required to eradicate backlogs was estimated at over R2,5 billion in 2005 (at an average unit cost of R10 000) • National Treasury made R1,2 billion available over the 2005/06 MTEF plus additional R400 million allocated for 2007/08 financial year • 2005/06 – R200 million, • 2006/07 – R400 million, and • 2007/08 – R1 billion • Funding was ring-fenced within MIG • A strategy is presented for handling low expenditures, and ensuring that future commitments in funding projects would be met

  4. Bucket eradication allocations

  5. Options to accelerate bucket eradication • An additional R176 million (from MIG re-allocations) will be allocated to municipalities in Free State, North West, Western Cape and Northern Cape to accelerate delivery • Municipalities are being encouraged to prioritise MIG funding to support bucket eradication to achieve the December 2007 target • Provinces must be encouraged to use their own funding to accelerate eradication of buckets, Provinces like Northern Cape, Mpumalanga and Gauteng have allocated R 69million, R55million and R 99million respectively Use normal MIG funding

  6. Bucket Allocation – From 2006/07 reallocations

  7. Reallocation objective • Objectives • Enforce compliance with DORA • Enforce accountability by municipal accounting officers • Use available funds in the most efficient manner to eradicate backlogs, taking cognisance of sector targets • Incentivise performance • Principles • Identify munics with low spending where they would not be able to spend within 2006/07 year • Identify cases where such funds have not been committed • Retain funds within a province, except where such funds are required for bucket eradication • Do not re-allocate funds from cross-boundary municipalities

  8. Reallocation Strategy • The following process was followed in re-allocating the funds • The spending to date was assessed, considering the funds and percentage spent by municipalities from April to December 2006 • Monthly actual expenditure trends were used and extrapolated for the full year • This was compared with the projected expenditures submitted by municipalities • Withholding due to under expenditure implemented to about 3 times in 9 months • All affected municipalities were met to consider the following: • Commitments already made by municipalities and implications thereof. • Re-allocations for all the municipalities that recorded expenditure of less than 60 percent of allocations by December 2006 • The allocation was then adjusted to allow municipalities to honor commitments, considering that new allocations would be available from April 2007 • Informed municipalities of the implications for planning purposes • Consulted with provinces on re-allocations and implications • Final allocations submitted to Treasury for gazetting

  9. Beneficiary Municipalities • The following municipalities will benefit from the re-allocation process:(R584 million) • Municipalities that still have a highest number of buckets backlogs to meet the December 2007 target (R176 million) • The 9 targeted municipalities from each province for immediate service delivery (R61 million) • The best MIG spending municipalities as at the end of December 2006 (R347 million) • Focus on munics with smaller backlogs to eradicate water backlogs • Cross boundary municipalities would not be affected by re-allocations • All the funds to be re-allocated are ring-fenced for water and the eradication of bucket sanitation systems to help meet the targets • It is proposed that the money should remain in the province except the funds that will be allocated for the eradication of sanitation bucket programme

  10. Observations made • Feedback from meetings • Large spending on materials to be incurred in using funds • Investments in roads to show quick wins • Areas of concern • OR Tambo DM • Very large allocation (R295 million), second highest after eThekwini, and higher than total allocation of Northern Cape, but spending low • Matjhabeng LM • Second largest allocation in Freestate (R84 million), but none spent to date • Greater Sekhukhune DM • Largest allocation in Limpopo (R169 million), only spent 25% • Buchbuckridge DM • Largest allocation in province (R91 million), only spent 16% • Nelson Mandela Metro • Challenges with respect to bucket eradication projects • Communication strategy • A comprehensive communication strategy needs to be formulated to ensure that all stakeholders are informed

  11. Expenditure – 2006/07 Financial year

  12. Bucket Eradication- National Overview Progress as at end January 2007

  13. Bucket Eradication- Provincial Overview Eastern Cape

  14. Bucket Eradication- Provincial Overview Free State

  15. Bucket Eradication- Provincial Overview Northern Cape

  16. Bucket Eradication- Provincial Overview North West

  17. Bucket Eradication- Provincial Overview Western Cape

  18. General Observations • The deployment of technical capacity and cooperation of joint interventions is making some impact (Indaka, Kungwini, Ugu etc) • The MIG projects currently being implemented will eradicate approximately 91090 buckets. (where are they being implemented) • MIG projects that are in the planning stages show that the balance of the buckets will be eradicated

  19. Interventions • The DBSA’s Siyenza Manje and SAICE’s programmes are bearing fruits in many municipalities and need to be enhanced • Targeted support by all key government stake holders to ensure that all programmes give priority to bucket eradication • Dplg, provinces and sector departments are being encouraged to continue to provide support to municipalities on the following areas: • Improved capital planning in the context of Integrated Development Planning. • Intergovernmental cooperation with increased oversight responsibility to key intergovernmental structures such as the PCC etc • Improve project management capacity to implement MIG projects (Project Management Units) • Treasuries should assist in accelerating project implementation by providing direct support to municipalities in respect of supply chain management

  20. Recommendations • Select Committee on Land and Environmental Affairs to take note of the status of the bucket eradication process • Select Committee should, through its oversight responsibility assist in addressing the constraints affecting municipalities on matters such as procurement and MFMA budget planning cycles. • Select committee to note the initiative by DWAF to accelerate general sanitation challenges facing municipalities with a focus to 2010 e.g. communities still without access to any sanitation service or facility.

  21. Thank you

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