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Surat Al- Ikhlas. The Purity. قُلْ هُوَ اللَّهُ أَحَدٌ(1) 1. Say (O Muhammad ( )): "He is Allah, (the) One.” اللَّهُ الصَّمَدُ(2) 2. " Allah-us- Samad (The Self-Sufficient Master, Whom all creatures need, He neither eats nor drinks).” لَمْ يَلِدْ وَلَمْ يُولَدْ (3)
Surat Al-Ikhlas The Purity
قُلْ هُوَ اللَّهُ أَحَدٌ(1) • 1. Say (O Muhammad ()): "He is Allah, (the) One.” اللَّهُ الصَّمَدُ(2) • 2. "Allah-us-Samad(The Self-Sufficient Master, Whom all creatures need, He neither eats nor drinks).” لَمْ يَلِدْ وَلَمْ يُولَدْ (3) • 3. "He begets not, nor was He begotten” وَلَمْ يَكُن لَّهُ كُفُواً أَحَدٌ (4) • 4. "And there is none co-equal or comparable unto Him."
Its names • Surat Al-Ikhlas (The famous name): because it talks about the sincerity in worshipping to Allah, the One, to free Him from deficiency and shirk. • Surat (قل هو الله أحد):As in the hadith: (Narrated from Abu Hurairah that the Messenger of Allah () recited in the two rak’ah of Fajr: “say: ‘O disbelievers’ and “Say: “He is Allah the One”.’) (Muslim 726) • And because it starts with this verse.
Its Virtues: • 1) Before sleeping: Al-Bukhari recorded from `A'ishah () that whenever the Prophet () would go to bed every night, he would put his palms together and blow into them. Then he would recite into them (his palms), `قل هو الله أحد، قل أعوذ برب الفلق، قل أعواذ برب الناس.' Then he would wipe whatever he was able to of his body with them (his palms). He would begin wiping his head and face with them and the front part of his body. He would do this (wiping his body) three times. The Sunan compilers also recorded this same Hadith.
2) equivalent to a one - third of the Qur'an • Al-Bukhari recorded from Abu Sa`id that a man heard another man reciting, (Say: "He is Allah, One.'') and he was repeating over and over. So when morning came, the man went to the Prophet () and mentioned that to him, and it was as though he was belittling it. The Prophet () said, (By He in Whose Hand is my soul, verily it is equivalent to a third of the Qur'an.) • Abu Dawud and An-Nasa'i also recorded it. 3) Recited in the two rak’ahs before Fajr and after Maghrib (with Al-Kafiroun) • Narrated Abu Hurairah () that the Messenger of Allah () recited in the two rak’ah of Fajr: “say: ‘O disbelievers’ and “Say: “He is Allah the One”.’ (Muslim 726)
4) loving it will cause you to enter Paradise: • In his Book of Salah, Al-Bukhari recorded that Anas()said, "A man from the Ansar used to lead the people in prayer in the Masjid of Quba'. Whenever he began a Surah in the recitation of the prayer that he was leading them, he would start by reciting `Say: He is Allah, One' until he completed the entire Surah. Then he would recite another Surah along with it (after it). And used to do this in every Rak`ah. So his companions spoke to him about this saying; `Verily, you begin the prayer with this Surah. Then you think that it is not sufficient for you unless you recite another Surah as well. So you should either recite it or leave it and recite another Surah instead.' The man replied, `I will not leave it off. If you want me to continue leading you (in prayer), I will do this; and if you all do not like it, I will leave you (i.e., I will stop leading you).' They used to consider him to be of the best of them to lead them in prayer and they did not want anyone else to lead them other than him. So, when the Prophet () came they informed him of this information and he said, (O so-and-so! What prevents you from doing what your companions are commanding you to do, and what makes you adhere to the recitation of this Surah in every Rak`ah) The man said, `Verily, I love it.' The Prophet () replied, (Your love of it will cause you to enter Paradise.) This was recorded by Al-Bukhari, with a disconnected chain, but in a manner indicating his approval.
5) Reciting them evening and morning (3 times, they will be sufficient for you) • Abdullah bin Imam Ahmad recorded from Mu`adh bin `Abdullah bin Khubayb, who reported that his father() said, "We became thirsty and it had become dark while we were waiting for the Messenger of Allah () to lead us in prayer. Then, when he came out he took me by my hand and said, (Say.) Then he was silent. Then he said again, (Say.) So I said, `What should I say' He said, (Say: "He is Allah, One,'' and the two Surahs of Refuge (Al-Falaq and An-Nas) when you enter upon the evening and the morning three times (each). They will be sufficient for you two times every day.)'' 6) Reciting it ten times, a palace in Paradise will be built for you: • The Prophet () said: " Whoever recites "Qul-howaAllahuAhad" (surat Al-Ikhlas) Ten times, a palace in Paradise will be built for him, and Whoever recites "Qul-howaAllahuAhad" (surat Al-Ikhlas) Twenty times, Two palaces in Paradise will be built for him, and Whoever recites "Qul-howaAllahuAhad" (surat Al-Ikhlas) Thirty times, Three palaces in Paradise will be built for him. Omar Ibn Al-Khatab said: " By Allah O, Messenger of Allah, then our palaces will increase (in number). The Prophet () said: "God is greater than that" (Allah's favors and Kingdom are greater than our imagination). (Al-Darimi)
7) In this Sura is the greatest Name of Allah: • Abdullah bin Buraydah, who reported from his father () that he entered the Masjid with the Messenger of Allah () , and there was a man praying and supplicating saying, "O Allah! Verily, I ask you by my testifying that there is no God worthy of worship except You. You are the One, the Self-Sufficient Sustainer of all, Who does not give birth, nor were You born, and there is none comparable to Him.'' The Prophet () said, By He in Whose Hand is my soul, verily he has asked Him by His greatest Name that if He is asked by it, He will give, and if He is called upon by it, He will answer. • اللهم إني أسألك بأني أشهد أنك أنت الله لا إله إلا أنت الأحد الصمد الذي لم يلد ولم يولد ولم يكن له كفوا أحد 8) Loving it will lead you to be loved by Allah(): • Al-Bukhari reported that A'ishah () said, "The Prophet () sent a man as the commander of a war expedition and he used to lead his companions in prayer with recitation (of the Qur'an). And he would complete his recitation with the recitation of `Say: He is Allah, One.' So when they returned they mentioned that to the Prophet and he said, (Ask him why does he do that.) So they asked him and he said, `Because it is the description of Ar-Rahman and I love to recite it. So the Prophet () said, (Inform him that Allah the Most High loves him.)'' This is how Al-Bukhari recorded this Hadith in his Book of Tawhid.
General explanation for Surat Al-Ikhlas: • قل هو الله أحد: Say: “He is Allah the One ‘with your tongue, with certainty in your heart, and with knowing its meanings. • هو: A pronoun can’t be mentioned with affirmation except to Allah alone, because He is perfect in all His attributes and actions. • الله: We mentioned the meaning of the name (Allah) in Surat An-Nas. لم يلد ولم يولد: He begets not, nor was He begotten (He does not have a child, parent or spouse.) • ولم يكن له كفواً أحد: And there is none comparable to Him.
Time of revelation: • Some scholars said it’s Mekkeyyah (Because it gathers the basics of Al-Tawheed (Islam-Monotheism), and some of them said its Madaneyyah → More correct to say that its: Makeyyah or it has been revealed twice.
The reason behind its revelation: • The idolaters said to the Prophet () , "O Muhammad! Tell us the lineage of your Lord.'' So Allah revealed: (Say: "He is Allah, One. Allah He begets not, nor was He begotten. And there is non comparable to Him).” (At-Termidhi 3364)
The theme of Surat Al-Ikhlas: • Affirmation of the Oneness of Allah and His perfection. • To single Allah out with obedience, and to turn the faces towards Him in all our needs. • purify Him from all deficiencies, to negate the offspring and to be begotten.
The relation between its them and its verses: • In spite of its shortness, but it describes Allah in a beautiful way. It negates all the mistakes that the mankind make. It identifies our Lord (Allah).
the relation between its beginning and Surat Al-Kafiroun (which they are combined in many evidences) and all the Suras between them. • Surat Al-Kafiroun orders the Prophet Mohammad to declare his refusal to worship what the disbelievers worship. In Surat An-Nasr: Allah gives glad tiding to His Prophet that He will help him against his enemies (disbelievers). Then in Surat Al-Masad, Allah mentions the punishment of Abu-Lahab (the disbeliever) → in Surat Al-Ikhlas, Allah informs us about His Noble Self whom the Messenger is worshipping Him and the disbelievers are disobeying Him.
The relation between its verses and its theme: • Al –Aloosi said: “Allah affirms His divinity and His self sufficiency. He is the Ilah (God) of all the creatures, because He is the One non Co-equal or comparable unto Him → all the creatures in need Him.
The relation between its verses: • In spite of its briefness, its inimitable. It makes clear Allah’s Dignity, Beauty and Perfect Attributes. This Sura also frees Him from deficiency. • قل هو الله أحد: affirms His Oneness and negates being multiple. (Sufism said he is with every one) • الله الصمد: Negate the deficiency and defects, and affirm Samadyah. • لم يلد ولم يولد: Affirms His Eternity and Subsistence. Negates offspring and reproduction. • ولم يكن له كفواً أحد: Affirms His Majesty and Greatness and negates the rivals. → This Sura affirms the Majesty and Perfect Attributes and frees the Lord from all deficiencies.
The relation between its beginning and the beginning of the previous Sura: • Abu Lahab (the uncle of our Prophet Mohammad ) was a disbeliever worshipping idols and so all the disbelievers. Surat Al-Ikhlas came to declare the Islamic Monotheism, refuting those who worship idols or believe in Trinity and all those who believe in wrong doctrines.
The relation between Surat Al-Ikhlas and the two Suras after it and Surat Al-Fatiha (the beginning of Al-Quran). • Allah started His Noble Book with Surat Al-Fatiha which includes all the meanings of Al-Qur’an and concluded with two Suras which talk about seeking the refuge with Allah from all the evils, and between these Suras is Surat Al-Ikhlas: → Islam and all its beautiful meanings is completed and spread with the Purity, and after this completion it will decrease, therefore Al-Mu’awwathatain came to drive away the evil of deficiencies.
The name As-Samad: • It’s been mentioned in the Qur’an One time. • It had come also in Sunna. Abdullah bin Buraydah (), who reported from his father that he entered the Masjid with the Messenger of Allah () , and there was a man praying and supplicating saying, "O Allah! Verily, I ask you by my testifying that there is no God worthy of worship except You. You are the One, the Self-Sufficient Sustainer of all, Who does not give birth, nor were You born, and there is none comparable to You.'' The Prophet () said, By He in Whose Hand is my soul, verily he has asked Him by His greatest Name that if He is asked by it He will give, and if He is called upon by it He will answer.” • اللهم إني أسألك بأني أشهد أنك أنت الله لا إله إلا أنت الأحد الصمد الذي لم يلد ولم يولد ولم يكن له كفوا أحد
The meaning of As-Samad: The One Who all of the creation depends upon for their needs and their requests.'' IbnAbbas () said, "He is the Master Who is perfect in His sovereignty, the Most Noble Who is perfect in His nobility, the Most Magnificent Who is perfect in His magnificence, the Most Forbearing Who is perfect in His forbearance, the All-Knowing Who is perfect in His knowledge, and the Most Wise Who is perfect in His wisdom. He is the One Who is perfect in all aspects of nobility and authority. He is Allah, glory be unto Him. These attributes are not befitting anyone other than Him. He has no coequal and nothing is like Him. Glory be to Allah, the One, the Irresistible. '' Abu Wa'il said, (As-Samad.) is the Master Whose control is complete.''
He is the Master who is perfect in His Sovereignty and no one is above Him (At-Tabari). • He is the Master whom the creations depend upon for their needs and their requests. (Az-Zajjaj). • The origion of As-Samad is Intent (Al-Khattabi). • The Eternal after His creatures die because if He ends, He will not be As-Samad. (Ibn-Taimeyah).
The impact of the name As-Samad: 1) We will Love Him, which will lead to worship Him alone, and disown from Shirk. To be one to Him, because of His perfect names, attributes and actions. 2) Depend on Him alone with a trust in His ability. 3) Glorifying Him, Praising Him, fearing Him and having Hope in Him alone. 4) Invoke Him alone with humbleness. And being sure that He is able to answer us. 5) Take all the means but don’t depend on them, take them with our body but attach our heart with Him alone.
The name As-Samad came with Al-Ahad: • Because one of the meanings of the name Al-Ahad is : He who is perfect and One in His essence, names, attributes, actions, Lordship and Divinity → Therefore no one deserves to be named As-Samad except Him the One .
The name Al-Ahad: • He is the One, the Singular, Who has no peer, no assistant, no rival, no equal and none comparable to Him. This name (Al-Ahad) can not be used for anyone in affirmation except Allah the Mighty and Majestic, because He is perfect in all of His attributes and actions. • It is mentioned one time in the Qur’an (the same as in Surat Al-Ikhlas and even in Sunna in the Hadith was mentioned before). • “Ahad” is more general than واحد (number): When we say: No one is in the house → means no body is there. But no (number1) is in the house- means : there might be 2 or 3…
Ash-Shaikh As-Sa’dy(رحمه الله) said: “He is the Only One who has the all Perfections, Majesty, Beauty, Praise, Wisdom, Mercy and other attributes, there is non con-equal or comparable unto Him. • He is the One in His Life, Knowledge, Ability, Glory and His other attributes. He is the only One who sustains and protects all that exists.” • He is the One who has created the heavens and earth, sends down rain from the sky, and brings forth the plants, the real Owner who deserves alone to be worshipped.
The impact of believing in this name: 1) To believe in the Oneness of His Lordship, Divinity, Names, Attributes, and actions. If this meaning is establishedin the hearts that He is the Only One who creates, and sustains, unto Him alone belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth, He gives life and He causes death, then we have to direct all the worships to Him. Accordingly the impact of this believe will appear in our talks and actions. (not to prostrate, bow, pray, ask, invoke, seek help and refuge, fear, hope, depend, and being humble to any one except Him alone the owner of Majesty and Honor.) 2) To Be attached with Him by all our hearts, because He alone who disposes the affairs of all things. Be one to One and that will relive the hearts from distractions and will make them to repose to their Lord. (everyone is weak and has no power either to harm or benefit ). 3) To single Allah out with legislation, Allegiance, judgment, receive all His orders and prohibitions with acceptance.
Lessons from Surat Al-Ikhlas: 1) It’s one-third of Al-Qur’an: (Three explanations): • In rewarding (The one who recites it will have the same reward as if one recites the one third of Al- Qur’an.) “In Majmoo Al-Fatawa: To gain this reward it must be recited with full submission, fear from His punishment (Hell) and believe in His promise (Paradise). But if it was been recited heedlessness, one will not gain the same reward.” b) It has been considered as one third just to those who can’t recite all the Qur’an well. c) The meanings of the Qur’an is divided into three meanings: 1) Rules 2) News 3) Monotheism
2) Some scholars said: In this Sura we know Allah’s right(At-Tawhid). In Surat Al-Kawthar we know about Allah’s Messenger’s right. In Surat Al-Ikhlas the disbelievers ascribe the begotten Son to Allah. (this is a defect in Allah’s right). In Surat Al-Kawthar: the disbelievers described our Prophet Mohammad as a “cut off” (who doesn’t have a son), and this is a defect in the human right. →Allah ordered His Messenger to defend His Lord (by ordering him to say قل), as Allah defend His prophet in Surat Al-Kawthar.
3) In Surat Al-Ikhlas an affirmation and a negation are mentioned in the same time equally.((نص السورة إثبات ونصفها نفي 4) It affirms that Allah is One in His essence, names, attributes and actions. Purifies Him from all deficiencies. 5) Negates of being numerous. (الله أحد) 6) Every affirmation indicates Islamic Monotheism, and every negation is a refute for the holders of the false doctrines.
7) It is a refute to all the holders of the false doctrines like: a) People who said that there are two gods in this world (the light and the darkness): الله أحد b) People who said that there is another creator to this world: الله الصمد: Depending on Him in all our needs because He is the Creator who holds all the treasures of the heavens and earth. c) Jews who said that: Uzair is the begotten son of Allah. d) Christians who said that : Al-Maseeh is begotten son of Allah. e) The disbelievers who said that: the angels are begotten daughters of Allah (لم يلد ولم يولد) f) The disbelievers who consider idols as comparable unto Allah. (ولم يكن له كفوا أحد)(names, attributes)
8) Allah will forgive people who commit sins then they repent to Him. But those who join others with Allah and die on it, Allah will never forgive them because it’s the greatest sin and its the worst. • In Sahih Al-Bukhari, it is recorded that the Prophet () said: “ There is no one more patient with something harmful that he hears than Allah. They attribute a son to Him, while it is He Who gives them sustenance and cures them.” Al-Bukhari also recorded from Abu Hurayrah that the Prophet () said: “Allah the Mighty and Majestic says: "The Son of Adam denies Me and he has no right to do so, and he abuses Me and he has no right to do so. In reference to his denial of Me, it is his saying: ‘He (Allah) will never re-create me like He created me before.’ But the re-creation of him is easier than his original creation. As for his abusing Me, it is his saying: ‘Allah has taken a son. ’But I am the One, the Self-Sufficient Master. I do not give birth, nor was I born, and there is none comparable to Me.''
9) There is a strong relation between Surat Al-Ikhlas and Surat Al-Kafiroun (we used to recite them together) - Two rak’ahs before Al-Fajr and after Al-Maghrib. - Two Rak’ahs after Al-Tawafsunna prayer. - Al-Witr - Before sleeping 10) In Sruat Al-Ikhlas: To single Allah out in His Lordship and in His names and attributes. In Surat Al-Kafiroun: To single Allah out in worship and dissociation from Shirk (infidelity). → In Combining both Suras → we are combining between the three types of Oneness التوحيد → To purify our heart from shirk and to affirm the oneness of Allah.
11) أحد: came without defining أل) ) • To give us a general meaning: That He is one in His: (1) Lordship (no one creates, possesses and giving sustenance except Him). (2)Divinity (no one deserves to be worshipped except Allah alone). (3) Names, attributes and actions (The Only One who has the perfect names, attributes and actions). • أحد came without (defining ال) but (الصمد) came with((ال Allah is talking to disbelievers whom don’t believe in Allah’s Oneness (so He said: there is someone His name is Allah). But As-Samad: Because the disbelievers know that when they are in need, they return to Allah.
12) (قل هو الله أحد، الله الصمد): The two verses came separated, to let the meaning be established and glorified in the hearts. 13) (ولم يكن له كفواً أحد): Allah does not have a comparable, therefore don’t turn to so and so for your needs, He is only One who can answer you and grant you every thing by His will. 14) Linguistically, The word (أحد) is older than (واحد): To show us that Allah is the first and nothing is before Him.