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CRISIS PREVENTION AND INTERVENTION. Dennis Wiechmann Supervisor of Child Welfare and Attendance Sanger Unified School District dennis_wiechmann@Sanger.k12.ca.us. Creating Safety via Success. School Climate/Culture.

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  1. CRISIS PREVENTION AND INTERVENTION Dennis Wiechmann Supervisor of Child Welfare and Attendance Sanger Unified School District dennis_wiechmann@Sanger.k12.ca.us

  2. Creating Safety via Success

  3. School Climate/Culture • Resiliency: If a child can establish a meaningful relationship with and adult their chances of success increase dramatically. • Placement: Use all of the Education Code Placement Options. A mix of students provides for different peer interaction. Expelled, Probation, SARB, other referrals. Who ever does placement must be aware of the school climate and work to make it successful.

  4. School Climate/Culture • Purpose: The students must have a purpose and believe that it is obtainable. The purpose can vary depending upon the program. • Uniforms: If all of the students look the same the students begin to realize that they have more similarities than differences.

  5. School Climate/Culture • Open Climate: The students must feel like they are important and that everyone on the staff cares. Take the time to listen. If they did not have problems they would not be with you. • Cameras: A video system is an external monitoring device that causes students to think twice about how they act. This is like establishing a habit. If they get use to thinking before they act, over time it will become second nature.

  6. School Climate/Culture • Staffing, Staffing, and Staffing: If you are forced to take “transfers” to your school from other schools and they do not want to be with you - good luck. All the staff must have a heart, patience, and willing to give 100%. How the staff treats the students will dictate how your students act.

  7. Curriculum and InstructionInstructional Leader/Support • 360 minute instructional day: This should be considered a positive. On average the CDS student will spend over 32,000 more instructional minutes in an academic setting per year than other alternative education program. Their chances of successful academic reintegration increase greatly. • Staffing: The teacher needs to be able to deliver the instruction using several different modalities. They need to have a base understanding of all curriculum areas. They also need to be able to structure and monitor various self directed study periods.

  8. Curriculum and InstructionInstructional Leader/Support • Curriculum, Curriculum, Curriculum: CDS students are entitled to the same material and programs that the comprehensive schools use. • Technology: The CDS students are also entitled to technology. Many of these students actually do better using computers and computer based programs. The staff should build this into their instructional day.

  9. Curriculum and InstructionInstructional Leader/Support • Incompatible Behaviors: This is a fancy term to demonstrate that if a student is actively engaged in learning, it is impossible for them to not learn. Additionally, if they are engaged in learning the discipline problems in the classroom will decrease. It is a simple solution to a big problem. • Support Staff: Access to counseling and psychological services is extremely important. In most of the cases I have processed, there are multiple barriers to the students success. A good counselor or psychologist can be an important component to success. Build it into the day.

  10. Psychological/Behavioral Strategies • High Expectations: The expectations for these students should be higher than those for students at a comprehensive campus. Set the bar, they will limbo. Post them and make sure everyone knows what they are. • Response Cost System:The students love this. Identify the problem (profanity). Each student gets 5 tickets per day. If they use profanity they lose a ticket. At the end of the day the students put their tickets in a jar. At the end of the week draw for a prize.

  11. Psychological/Behavioral Strategies • Meaningful Consequences: If you are going to use consequences, they need to be meaningful. This will depend upon the student. A student on probation does not want to go back to boot-camp. A high school student may not want to be referred to the County Program. • Classroom Management: This is the first line of defense. The students need to understand the rules and the teacher needs to have the tools to control the classroom. If they do not, the students will.

  12. Psychological/Behavioral Strategies • Video Monitoring: If the airports use it, why not you? This is an effective behavioral management tool. For many of our students it buys them an extra 3 seconds. This can be the difference between the right choice and expulsion. • Training: Train your staff. Crisis Prevention and Intervention (CPI) is an outstanding program. Prevent the problem before it occurs.

  13. Community • Involve Others: • Police Activities League • Rotary • Parks and Recreation • Police Department - The more friendly visits, the better. • City and County • Workforce Investment Agency.

  14. Community • You should not do it alone. These are the “Community” children. If a successful program is not developed these are the students who will drop out, stay in the area, and repeat the cycle with their children. So invest to make the community a better place now and in 10 years.

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