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characteristics, enrollment patterns, graduation rates and service use of college students with adhd/ld. Theresa L. Maitland, PhD The Learning Center’s ADHD/LD Services UNC Chapel Hill IRB Approved Study #07-1097 tmaitlan@email.unc.edu. Background. Brief history IRB reviewed study
characteristics, enrollment patterns, graduation rates and service use of college students with adhd/ld Theresa L. Maitland, PhD The Learning Center’s ADHD/LD Services UNC Chapel Hill IRB Approved Study #07-1097 tmaitlan@email.unc.edu
Background • Brief history • IRB reviewed study • Did not constitute human subject research • Master set of ADHD/LD students with disability data • Obtained high school and UNC records from Office of Research • Created de-identified data set • Two private funds supported Erica Richman, Ph.D to serve as research coordinator • Many thanks to our collaborators & contributors: • Research Coordinator: Erica Richman Ph.D. • Database designer: Steve Robbillard • Database consultants: Billie Shambley, Angela Coley and Geeta Menon • Leon Hamlet, Registrar’s Office • Dr. Lynn Williford, Assistant Provost; Weiguo Jiang, Data Analyst from the Office of Institutional Research: and Dr. Lawrence Rosenfeld from the IRB office were instrumental in the study’s completion.
Very little is known about the college experiences of students with ADHD/LD LD/ADHD College Students • May have increased rates of academic probation • (Heiligenstein et al., 1999) • May have lower GPAs-nearly 1.0 lower • (Blasé et al., 2009; Frazier et al., 2007) • May have higher graduation rates (and persistence rates) • (Cantor et al., 2005;Huber, 2009; Vogel & Adelman 1992) • May have lower overall retention & graduation rates: 11%-50% lower • Horn et al., 1999; Greg, 2009; Greenbaum et al., 1995; Murray et al., 2000) • May have the same graduation rates by may take longer to graduate • (Vogel & Adelman 1990, 1992; Jorgeson et al., 2003, Wessel et al., )
References • Greenbaum, B., Graham, S., & Scales, W. (1995). Adults with learning disabilities: Educational and social experiences during college. Exceptional Children, 61(5), 460-471. • Gregg, N. (2009). Adolescents and adults with learning disabilities and ADHD: Assessment and accommodation. New York, NY: Guilford • Horn, L., Berktold, J., & Bobbitt, L. (1999). Students with disabilities in postsecondary education: a profile of preparation, participation and outcomes. Postsecondary Education Descriptive Analysis Reports. U.S. Department of Education: National Center for Education Statistics. • Heiligenstein, E., Guenther, G., Levy, A., Savino, F., & Fulwiler, J. (1999). Psychological and academic functioning in college students with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Journal of American College Health, 47(4), 181-185. doi:10.1080/07448489909595644 • Huger, Marianne, (2009).The Retention of College Students with Learning Disabilities .A Dissertation Submitted to The Faculty of The Graduate School of Education and Human Development of The George Washington University n partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Education • Jorgensen, S., Fichten, C. S., Havel, A., Lamb, D., James, C., & Barile, M. (2003). Students with and without disabilities at Dawson College graduate at the same rate. Journal for Vocational Special Needs Education, 25(2-3), 44-46.
Blasé, S. L., Gilbert, A. N., Anastopoulos, A. D., Costello, E., Hoyle, R. H., Swartzwelder, H., & Rabiner, D. L. (2009). Self-Reported ADHD and adjustment in college: Cross-sectional and longitudinal findings. Journal of Attention Disorders, 13(3), 297-309. doi:10.1177/1087054709334446 • Frazier, T. W., Youngstrom, E. A., Glutting, J. J., & Watkins, M. W. (2007). ADHD and achievement: Meta-analysis of the child, adolescent, and adult literatures and a concomitant study with college students. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 40, 49-65. doi:10.1177/00222194070400010401 • Murray, C., Goldstein, D. E., Nourse, S., & Edgar, E. (2000). The postsecondary school attendance and completion rates of high school graduates with learning disabilities. Learning Disabilities Research & Practice, 15(3), 119-127 • Wessel, R., D., Jones, J. A., Markle, L., Westfall, C. (2009). Retention and graduation of students with disabilities: Facilitating student success. Journal of Postsecondary Education and Disability, 21(3), 116-124.
Our Variables Disability Related • Diagnosis (LD, ADHD, Both) • Amount of service Use Demographics • Background (Ethnicity, race and country of origin) • Gender • Member of a subpopulation (1st generation, Covenant Scholar, Athlete) • 1st time Freshmen/Transfer High School Variables • SAT Scores, GPA, Percentile UNC Variables • Sub-populations (1st generation, Covenant Scholar, Athlete) • Major at Graduation: STEM versus Humanities/Social Sciences • Cumulative GPA • Semesters Enrolled • Enrollment Patterns (# of withdrawals, ineligibilities, semesters on probation, academic underloads) • Graduated/Not Graduated
adhd/ld sample • Sample size: • n=1938 (1953-2010) • n=921 (2002-2010; for comparison analyses) • Sample sizes may also vary based on particular analysis • Undergraduates • All cleared for services • 1976-Sept. 2010 (median of 2001) • Gender: • 42% (n=808) female • 58% (n=1,118) male • (missing 12 students)
Research questions • Research Question 1: Do students in the ADHD/LD Sample have different enrollment patterns than students in the Random Sample • Research Question 2: Do the grade point averages of the students in the ADHD/LD sample differ from students in the Random Sample? • Research Question 3: Are there differences in the graduation rates between students in the ADHD/LD sample and students in the Random Sample? • Research Question 4: Within the ADHD/LD Sample does diagnosis of ADHD, LD or both ADHD/LD impact graduation rate? • Research Question 5:Do graduation rates of students with ADHD/LD differ based on the frequency of sessions with a Learning Specialist?
random sample • N=8994 • All Undergraduate Students • ADHD/LD removed • 2002-2010 Cohorts • Gender • 59% (n=5338) females • 41% (n=3656) males
Statistical Analyses • All descriptive and comparative analyses were performed using StataIC 12 (StataCorp, 2011). • Descriptive statistics, including measures of central tendency, cross-tabulations, and chi-squares were used to compare means and characterize the sample with respect to student demographics, high school, and academic success variables. • Linear regression, logistic regression, and multi-nomial logistic regression models were employed to examine the relationships among service use, student characteristics, diagnosis, and academic success
Gender Comparisons:2002-2010 n=400 n=509 n=5338 n=3656
Background comparisons: 2002-2010 ADHD/LD RS <1% 4% 7% <1% 2% 13% 72% 1% Equal Percentages ____________________________________________________________________ 2% 3% 6% <1% 7% 10% 70% 1%
Comparisons: first-time-freshmen vs. transfer students 2002-2010 704 7400 1594 155
Comparisons: High school variables • ADHD/LD students enter with significantly lower SAT scores • 60, 50, & 30 point lower SATV, SATM, SATW scores (p<.01) • The average SAT scores for ADHD/LD sample are 569 (verbal) and 648 (math) • Mean SAT scores: • SATV = 634 (RS) vs. 596 (ADHD/LD); 38 points lower • SATM = 648 (RS) vs. 618 (ADHD/LD); 30 points lower • Students in the ADHD/LD sample are 85% more likely to have lower high school GPAs than typical non-disabled students (p<.01) • Average HS GPAs are 3.66 (ADHD/LD) vs. 4.24 (RS) (p<.01) • HS Rank averages 55 percentile (ADHD/LD) compared to 72 percentile (RS) (p<.01)
Enrollment Patterns2002-2010ADHD/LD n=1193RS n=8994 Sample Comparisons
Enrollment patterns: Withdrawals (2002-2010) • ADHD/LD students are statistically more likely to have more withdrawals than the RS (p<.02). • ADHD/LD students are almost 20% more likely to withdraw than the RS (p<.01).
Withdrawals (2002-2010) Equal Percentage Line ____________________________________________________________________
Enrollment patterns: underloads • No significant differences
Course Underloads Equal Percentage Line ____________________________________________________________________
Enrollment patterns: Probation • ADHD/LD students are statistically more likely to be on probation than the RS(p<.01). • ADHD/LD students are twice as likely to be on probation(p<.01).
Probation _____________________________________________________________________ Equal Percentages
Enrollment patterns: Ineligibilities • ADHD/LD students are statistically more likely to be ineligible than the RS(p<.01). • ADHD/LD students are greater than 50% more likely than RS students to be ineligible at least one time (p<.01).
Ineligibilities Equal Percentage Line ____________________________________________________________________
Enrollment patterns: total Semesters enrolled • ADHD/LD students are 25% more likely to enroll in more semesters compared to the RS (p<.01). • On average ADHD/LD students (n=426) are enrolled 2 more semesters than the RS (n=3,854) (p<.01) • Average total semesters enrolled (2002-2006, 1st time freshmen): • ADHD/LD: 11 (n=426) • RS: 9 (n=3,854)
Adhd/ld Enrollment patterns summary 1953-2010 ADHD/LD Enrollment Patterns • 11% (n=207) had one or more withdrawals and 3% (n=57) had two or more. • 10% (n=198) had at least one underload & 9% (n=176) had 5 or less. • 17% (n=306) had at least one ineligibility and 16% (n=318) had 3 or less. • 3% (n=50) had at least one probation and 76% of those (n=38), only had one.
College Academic Variables:GPA & Graduation Rates Sample Comparisons
General Comparisons: Cumulative GPA(2002-2010) • Students with ADHD/LD have significantly lower GPA’s than the random sample (n= 9536, p<.01) • ADHD/LD: 2.76 (n=905) • RS: 3.11 (n=8,984)
Global Graduation Rates: comparing ADHD/LD students to the RS • ADHD/LD students are significantly less likely to graduate than students in the RS (p<.01) • ADHD/LD students graduate at a significantly lower rate of 76% compared to students in the random sample who graduate at 88%, x2(1, n=5,293) = 54.4, p = <.01.
Comparisons: Graduation rates 2002-2006 Cohorts 21 ASP students who graduated are neither considered FR or TR, but Special Degree Seeking and are not shown on this chart.
Diagnoses, Graduation & Sub-Populations • Diagnosis (LD/ADHD/Both) does not predict graduation x2(2, n=1490) = 0.09,p = .95 (not significant).
averages of Graduation Rates 1994-2009: first-year students(from the Office of Institutional Research Data)
Global Graduation Information • Mean years to Graduation (2002-2010, 1st time freshmen): • ADHD/LD: 4.3 years (n=325) • RS: 4.0 years (n=4,42)
Averages Graduation Rates 1994-2009: junior transfer students(from the Office of Institutional Research Data)
student graduation rates adhd/ld & Student body(2002 cohorts)(Taken From OIR 2010 Retention Study & Covenant Retention and Graduation Data)
Comparing student Graduation Rates ADHD/LD & other Minority Groups(taken from OIR 2010 Retention Study )
Adhd/ld sample: use of services • Numbers of sessions range from 1-94, (M=7, SD=10) • 76% (n=1,115/1461) of all students cleared for services return for at least one session. • Males (75%, n=613) and females (77%, n=502) return for services at about the same rate.
Adhd/ld: use of services SAT • Students who return for services (n=858) are statistically more likely to have higher SATM & SATV scores (by 20 points; p<.01) than those who do not return (n=277) (ttest).
Limitations • Findings not generalizable to other settings • Many variables were not included in our data analysis model (e.g. SES, self-determination, age of diagnosis, resiliency etc.) • Data on sessions may not be accurate • Students in the ADHD/LD group self selected voluntarily • May be others in the RS given research on low rate of disclosure in college students with disabilities • If so, the differences between groups many be even greater
Summary When compared to their non-disabled peers, college students with ADHD/LD : • Are an at-risk population and may not be retained at the same rate as their non-disabled peers. • Are at even greater risk than other at-risk populations • Are significantly more likely to experience unusual enrollment patterns than their peers without ADHD/LD • Are significantly less likely to graduate • Take longer to graduate • Have lower GPAs • Students attending more sessions showed trends (not significant) toward higher graduation rates; although these students had a higher numbers of enrollment patterns that are known to correlate with not graduating
Implications • Additional studies are needed in different settings and to determine what factors influence student success • Need to identify and implement evidenced based practices at the high school and college level • Need to disseminate “at-risk” status for transitioning teens to: • Parents and teens • College administrators setting policy and developing programming for at-risk groups on campuses
On a positive note…. • Graduation rates for ADHD/LD students are higher than other published studies. • Many students with ADHD//LD are very successful • 70% (n= 1,553) have no unusual enrollment patterns • 85% (n=1,891) of ADHD/LD students have never had a withdrawal. • 90% (n=1,976) of ADHD/LD students have never carried a course underload. • 83% (n=1,858) of ADHD/LD students have never been ineligible. • 97% (n=641) of ADHD/LD students have never been on probation. • 40% of ADHD/LD students have a 3.0 and above • 55% (n=502/921) of ADHD/LD students graduate within 4 years (first time freshmen, 1953-2006) Even those with enrollment pattern problems have been successful!
References • Blasé, S. L., Gilbert, A. N., Anastopoulos, A. D., Costello, E., Hoyle, R. H., Swartzwelder, H., & Rabiner, D. L. (2009). Self-Reported ADHD and adjustment in college: Cross-sectional and longitudinal findings. Journal of Attention Disorders, 13(3), 297-309. doi:10.1177/1087054709334446 • Frazier, T. W., Youngstrom, E. A., Glutting, J. J., & Watkins, M. W. (2007). ADHD and achievement: Meta-analysis of the child, adolescent, and adult literatures and a concomitant study with college students. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 40, 49-65. doi:10.1177/00222194070400010401 • Greenbaum, B., Graham, S., & Scales, W. (1995). Adults with learning disabilities: Educational and social experiences during college. Exceptional Children, 61(5), 460-471. • Gregg, N. (2009). Adolescents and adults with learning disabilities and ADHD: Assessment and accommodation. New York, NY: Guilford Press. • Heiligenstein, E., Guenther, G., Levy, A., Savino, F., & Fulwiler, J. (1999). Psychological and academic functioning in college students with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Journal of American College Health, 47(4), 181-185. doi:10.1080/07448489909595644 • Horn, L., Berktold, J., & Bobbitt, L. (1999). Students with disabilities in postsecondary education: a profile of preparation, participation and outcomes. Postsecondary Education Descriptive Analysis Reports. U.S. Department of Education: National Center for Education Statistics.
Huger, Marianne, (2009).The Retention of College Students with Learning Disabilities .A Dissertation Submitted to The Faculty of The Graduate School of Education and Human Development of The George Washington University n partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Education. • Jorgensen, S., Fichten, C. S., Havel, A., Lamb, D., James, C., & Barile, M. (2003). Students with and without disabilities at Dawson College graduate at the same rate. Journal for Vocational Special Needs Education, 25(2-3), 44-46. • Murray, C., Goldstein, D. E., Nourse, S., & Edgar, E. (2000). The postsecondary school attendance and completion rates of high school graduates with learning disabilities. Learning Disabilities Research & Practice, 15(3), 119-127. • Wessel, R., D., Jones, J. A., Markle, L., Westfall, C. (2009). Retention and graduation of students with disabilities: Facilitating student success. Journal of Postsecondary Education and Disability, 21(3), 116-124.