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Outcome Accountability for Family Support Programs. The FRIENDS National Resource Center Model Chapel Hill Training and Outreach Program Chapel Hill, North Carolina. Workshop Agenda. Write at least two short-term outcomes Understand logic models
Outcome Accountability for Family Support Programs FRIENDS National Resource Center for CBFRS Programs Chapel Hill Training and Outreach Program Chapel Hill, North Carolina The FRIENDS National Resource Center Model Chapel Hill Training and Outreach Program Chapel Hill, North Carolina
Workshop Agenda • Write at least two short-term outcomes • Understand logic models • Understand selection of measurement tools for short-term outcomes • Understand outcome accountability process and components FRIENDS National Resource Center for CBFRS Programs Chapel Hill Training and Outreach Program Chapel Hill, North Carolina
FRIENDS Outcome Model • Designing participant-focused services • Stating desired participant changes • Choosing/ designing information-collecting tools • Measuring extent of changes • Analyzing/reporting results, successes AND challenges • Improving program using results FRIENDS National Resource Center for CBFRS Programs Chapel Hill Training and Outreach Program Chapel Hill, North Carolina
Outcome Accountability is NOT: • Control group or experimental research • A replacement for tracking your program’s resources, activities and demographics FRIENDS National Resource Center for CBFRS Programs Chapel Hill Training and Outreach Program Chapel Hill, North Carolina
Why Outcome Accountability? • Provides an easier, in-house, entry-level means of measuring results • What gets measured gets done • If you don’t measure results, you can’t tell success from failure • If you can’t see success, you can’t learn from it or reward it • If you can demonstrate results, you can win support FRIENDS National Resource Center for CBFRS Programs Chapel Hill Training and Outreach Program Chapel Hill, North Carolina
Measuring Change Challenges in measuring change. It is difficult to: • Claim responsibility for preventing negative outcomes or things that didn’t happen • Demonstrate tangible results from things that are hard to measure • Show long-term growth within a short and rigid time-frame FRIENDS National Resource Center for CBFRS Programs Chapel Hill Training and Outreach Program Chapel Hill, North Carolina
Developing a Logic Model • Target audience • Outcomes (short to long term) • Services • Resources needed • Indicators (of progress towards outcomes) • Measurement tools FRIENDS National Resource Center for CBFRS Programs Chapel Hill Training and Outreach Program Chapel Hill, North Carolina
Target Group Inputs Activities Outputs Outcomes Participants Resources Service Strategies Indicators Outcomes “Translations” United Way vs. FRIENDS Terminology FRIENDS National Resource Center for CBFRS Programs Chapel Hill Training and Outreach Program Chapel Hill, North Carolina
What is an outcome? • Movement towards or attainment of a CHANGE in attitude, belief, behavior • Participant, not program-focused • “What has changed for the people you serve as a direct result of the services you offered?” FRIENDS National Resource Center for CBFRS Programs Chapel Hill Training and Outreach Program Chapel Hill, North Carolina
Good outcome statements are directly related to: • Needs of the target population • Program’s mission, purpose and activities • Funders’ goals and priorities • Goals and priorities of your community FRIENDS National Resource Center for CBFRS Programs Chapel Hill Training and Outreach Program Chapel Hill, North Carolina
Engagement and Short-Term Outcomes Engagement: • If you build it, will they come? • First steps; can be attained in a short time (3-6 months) Short term: • Learning outcomes • Changes in knowledge, attitudes, beliefs FRIENDS National Resource Center for CBFRS Programs Chapel Hill Training and Outreach Program Chapel Hill, North Carolina
Intermediate and Long-Term Outcomes Intermediate: • Moving from learning to action • Practicing and refining new skills • Adopting or changing behaviors • Consistently practicing new skills, behaviors Long-term: • Impact on social, economic or environmental conditions FRIENDS National Resource Center for CBFRS Programs Chapel Hill Training and Outreach Program Chapel Hill, North Carolina
Envisioning CHANGE • If you conduct your program’s activities, and succeed with participants, what do they believe, know, have or do as a result? • What one or two changes do you believe will occur in the lives of your program’s participants as a result of your services in the next few months? FRIENDS National Resource Center for CBFRS Programs Chapel Hill Training and Outreach Program Chapel Hill, North Carolina
Writing Outcome Statements • Describe changes in participants’ knowledge, attitudes, skills or aspirations • Written by determining: --Who --Will Do --What FRIENDS National Resource Center for CBFRS Programs Chapel Hill Training and Outreach Program Chapel Hill, North Carolina
What will change for THEM? FRIENDS National Resource Center for CBFRS Programs Chapel Hill Training and Outreach Program Chapel Hill, North Carolina
Target Group- Participants • Who are they: characteristics and demographics? • What do they want or need to change? • How do you know? • How are they involved in reaching decisions, determining directions, other programmatic processes? FRIENDS National Resource Center for CBFRS Programs Chapel Hill Training and Outreach Program Chapel Hill, North Carolina
Services and Resources • How are your service strategies tailored to meet the needs of your target population? • Do you have the resources you need to effectively carry out your services? FRIENDS National Resource Center for CBFRS Programs Chapel Hill Training and Outreach Program Chapel Hill, North Carolina
Program Vision: Safe, Nurturing Families Target group/Participants: Families with children under 3-years-old referred by the state because of parenting difficulties and unsafe home environments. Long-term outcome: Parents provide a safe home environment for their children. FRIENDS National Resource Center for CBFRS Programs Chapel Hill Training and Outreach Program Chapel Hill, North Carolina
Long-term outcome: Parents provide a safe home environment for their children. Intermediate outcome: Parents utilize the strategies learned to child-proof their homes. Short-term outcomes: Parents recognize the benefits of child proofing their homes and identify strategies to child-proof their own homes. Engagement Outcomes: Parents attend parent education groups and feel comfortable with parent educator. Services: Parent education groups and home visiting services. Resources: trainer, home visitor, transportation, child care, materials, space. FRIENDS National Resource Center for CBFRS Programs Chapel Hill Training and Outreach Program Chapel Hill, North Carolina
Indicators • Indicators are specific signs needed to track progress • Indicators are a link between your outcomes and the tools designed to measure them • Indicators spell out what will be measured and can set a level of achievement to attain in #’s or %’s FRIENDS National Resource Center for CBFRS Programs Chapel Hill Training and Outreach Program Chapel Hill, North Carolina
Parents attend education groups, home visitsParents recognize benefits of child-proofing homes and identify safety strategies Indicators: • # education groups offered and # or % of parents enrolled who attended each. • # home visits offered and # or % of parents who participated each. • # or % of parents who report increased knowledge of benefits and can identify strategies. FRIENDS National Resource Center for CBFRS Programs Chapel Hill Training and Outreach Program Chapel Hill, North Carolina
Outcome Indicator Measurement Tool FRIENDS National Resource Center for CBFRS Programs Chapel Hill Training and Outreach Program Chapel Hill, North Carolina
Engagement Outcome Outcome: Parents attend parent education groups and home visits. Indicator: % Attendance Measurement: Class roster and home visitor notes FRIENDS National Resource Center for CBFRS Programs Chapel Hill Training and Outreach Program Chapel Hill, North Carolina
Short Term Outcome Outcome: Parents identify strategies to child proof their homes. Indicator: # or % of parents identifying child- proofing strategies Measurement tool: Paper/pencil test FRIENDS National Resource Center for CBFRS Programs Chapel Hill Training and Outreach Program Chapel Hill, North Carolina
Intermediate Outcome Outcome:Parents utilize learned strategies to child- proof their homes. Indicator: # or % of parents reporting child- proofing their homes Measurement: Home Visitor or Parent Self Report Check List FRIENDS National Resource Center for CBFRS Programs Chapel Hill Training and Outreach Program Chapel Hill, North Carolina
Measurement Tools • Checklists/charts • Surveys/questionnaires • Observational assessments • Tests of knowledge, skills • Interviews/focus groups FRIENDS National Resource Center for CBFRS Programs Chapel Hill Training and Outreach Program Chapel Hill, North Carolina
Selecting Tools Consider: • Time and Money • Standardized instruments: do they really reflect the outcomes you’re trying to measure? • Developing a program-specific instrument: are you involving participants; can you field test tool’s effectiveness? FRIENDS National Resource Center for CBFRS Programs Chapel Hill Training and Outreach Program Chapel Hill, North Carolina
Designing Tools • Involve parent participants, staff, boards and funders • Field test with small pilot group • Revise and retest if possible • Administer FRIENDS National Resource Center for CBFRS Programs Chapel Hill Training and Outreach Program Chapel Hill, North Carolina
Not at all Stressed Somewhat Stressed Moderately Stressed Very Stressed Extremely Stressed 2 1 3 4 5 Constructing a Rating Scale Likert scale: Usually a 1 to 9 point scale with anchors at each point Example: How stressed are you as a result of child care demands? FRIENDS National Resource Center for CBFRS Programs Chapel Hill Training and Outreach Program Chapel Hill, North Carolina
Rating Scales • Directly related to outcome and indicator • Worded so that most will understand in the same way • Worded sensitively, so most are not offended or threatened • Clear, brief, consistent anchors FRIENDS National Resource Center for CBFRS Programs Chapel Hill Training and Outreach Program Chapel Hill, North Carolina
Retrospective Pre-Tests • Ask respondents to “look back” and rate themselves before they began service • Can sometimes provide more accurate assessment of pre-service skills and/or knowledge after receiving service • Enable immediate pre-post comparison data FRIENDS National Resource Center for CBFRS Programs Chapel Hill Training and Outreach Program Chapel Hill, North Carolina
Informed Consent • How information will be used • How privacy will be protected • How data will be stored • Benefits • Any risks and how you will reduce them FRIENDS National Resource Center for CBFRS Programs Chapel Hill Training and Outreach Program Chapel Hill, North Carolina
Outcome Accountability for Family Support Programs FRIENDS National Resource Center for CBFRS Programs Carolyn Beaver cbeaver@cableone.net 208-571-5235 FRIENDS National Resource Center for CBFRS Programs Chapel Hill Training and Outreach Program Chapel Hill, North Carolina