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Empirically Supported Academic Interventions. Gary L. Cates, Ph.D. Illinois State University . What are Scientifically Based Interventions?. Employs systematic, empirical methods Ensures that studies and methods are presented in sufficient detail and clarity
Empirically Supported Academic Interventions Gary L. Cates, Ph.D. Illinois State University
What are Scientifically Based Interventions? • Employs systematic, empirical methods • Ensures that studies and methods are presented in sufficient detail and clarity • Obtains acceptance by a peer-reviewed journal or approval by a panel of independent experts through scientific review • Uses research designs and methods appropriate to the research question
Evidence-Based Interventions • School-based professionals have a responsibility for both promoting and implementing interventions that are evidence-based • AND objectively evaluating the effectiveness of those interventions through the data-based decision-making process. (NCLB & IDEA 2004)
Research-Based or Evidence-Based Interventions • Are based on efficacy studies • Are scientifically rigorous meaning- • -random assignment to all treatment groups • -carefully selected and well defined participant populations • -very highly trained implementers who have supervision.
…Scientifically Rigorous • -Clearly defined independent variable(s); i.e., intervention(s) • -Clearly defined dependent variable-data • -A set of procedures to clearly implement the independent variable • Procedures for accurately measuring the dependent variable
Be Good Consumers • Does the intervention meet the standards for Research-Based Interventions (internal validity)? • Has the published research been peer-reviewed? • Have the results been replicated? • Does this apply to my population (External Validity)?
Selecting Research-Based Strategies • Maalox Approach -attempt high-probability strategies that have demonstrated research support and are likely to show quick and effective results before conducting lengthy evaluations that may not lead to beneficial interventions.
Standard Treatment Protocol • This models utilizes a set of standard research-based interventions implemented in tiers • They occur in a natural progression and are similar for students experiencing similar learning difficulties • The STP model can save time and energy • School/districts can inventory resources, programming, strategies, personnel etc. and sequence or prioritize their use
USEFUL WEBSITES • www.fsds.org (Flexible Services Delivery System) • www.aimsweb.com (Aimsweb) • www.fcrr.org (Florida Center for Reading Research) • http://reading.uoregon.edu/ (Big Ideas in Reading) • http://pals.virginia.edu/Virginia/Activities/ (Un. of Virginia – PALS page – instructional strategies:) • http://www.interventioncentral.org/ (Intervention Central) • http://www.whatworks.ed.gov/ (What Works Clearinghouse) • www.centeroninstruction.org (Center on Instruction)
Useful Websites • More detailed descriptions of interventions in areas of handwriting, math, phonemic awareness, phonics interventions, reading vocab, reading comprehension, reading fluency, spelling interventions, and writing interventions posted on:http://dev.lilt.ilstu.edu/csss2006/solutions/index.html. Developed by Peggy Swerdlik fro Peoria (CSSS Project). • www.specialconnections.ku.edu • http://iris.peabody.vanderbilt.edu • www.campbellcollaboration.org
Center on Instructionwww.centeroninstruction.org • “Your gateway to a cutting-edge collection of scientifically based research and information on K-12 instruction in reading, math, science, special education, and English Language Learning. Explore links to topic-based materials, syntheses of recent research, and exemplars of best practices.”
Center on Instructionwww.centeroninstruction.org • Reading-34 • Reading Block (90) • A Principal’s Guide • Reading Research and Classroom Implementation • Data Driven Centers • Selecting Reading Programs, FCRR
Center on Instructionwww.centeroninstruction.org • Differentiated Reading Instruction • Planning, Scheduling, and Supporting Intensive Interventions for Struggling Readers • Put Reading First (NRP) • Reading Fluency Intervention • Reading Comprehension Strategies • Vocabulary Development
What Works Clearinghousewww.w-w-c.org • What Works Clearinghouse (WWC) collects, screens, and identifies studies of effectiveness of educational interventions, programs, products, practices and policies. • Intervention rating-strength of evidence • Improvement Index-effect size • Beginning Reading
What Works Clearinghousewww.w-w-c.org • Elementary Math • Middle School Math • English Language Learners • Dropout Prevention • Character Education
The Campbell Collaborationwww.campbellcollaboration.org • Systematic reviews of research evidence prepared and maintained by contributors to the Campbell Collaboration’s Review Groups are designed to meet the needs of those with a strong interest in high quality evidence on “what works” for educators and their students.
The Campbell Collaborationwww.campbellcollaboration.org • After School Programs • Class size and academic achievement • Volunteer tutoring programs • Parental Involvement • Peer Assisted Learning • Student Assistance Programs
Intervention Centralwww.interventioncentral.org • Intervention Central offers free tools and resources to help school staff and parents to promote positive classroom behaviors and foster effective learning for all children and youth. The site was created by Jim Wright, a school psychologist and school administrator from Central New York
Intervention Centralwww.interventioncentral.org • Intervention Ideas CBM and RtI Resources • Tools for Educators Chart Wizard • CBM Warehouse • RtI-Wire • Downloads • Movies • On-Line Tools • Worksheet Generator • Behavior Reports • List Builders • Survey Generators
Special Connectionswww.specialconnections.ku.edu • Connects teachers to strategies that help students successfully access the general education curriculum • Instruction • Assessment • Behavior Plans • Collaboration • Direct Instruction
Special Connectionswww.specialconnections.ku.edu • Cognitive Strategies • Classroom Peer Tutoring • Reading Acquisition • Reading Comprehension • Writing • FBA • PBIS
The Iris Centerhttp://iris.peabody.vanderbilt.edu • All Iris materials are feely available for use via the website and may be reprinted without permission • Star Legacy Modules • Case Studies • Activities • Information Briefs • Differentiated Instruction
The Iris Centerhttp://iris.peabody.vanderbilt.edu • Behavior • Accommodations • Collaboration • Disabilities • Diversity • IDEA • Transition
Research Supported Behavioral Interventions Across a Three Tier Model of Support
Things to keep in mind about interventions… • Intensive and focused – it should give struggling readers a chance to practice a limited set of skills with immediate corrective feedback. • Intervention is in addition to core reading program! • Intervention starts at the lowest skill that is deficient then moves up the continuum as children reach automaticity and mastery • Example: Focus on student’s proficiency with recognizing and expressing initial sounds before teaching segmentation of all sounds in words
UNIVERSAL TIER 1: Benchmark/Core Programs (Elem): 1. Rigby Literacy (Harcourt Rigby Education, 2000) 2. Trophies (Harcourt School Publishers, 2003)* 3. The Nation’s Choice (Houghton Mifflin, 2003) 4. Macmillan/McGraw-Hill Reading (2003) 5. Open Court (SRA/McGraw-Hill, 2002)* 6. Reading Mastery Plus (SRA/ McGraw-Hill, 2002) 7. Scott Foresman Reading (2004) 8. Success For All (1998-2003) Wright Group Literacy (2002) Read Well* Reviewed by: Oregon Reading First and FCRR Comprehensive: Addressed all 5 areas and included at least grades K-3 ~5% ~15% ~80% of Students
Peer-Assisted Learning Strategies (PALS): A Multiple Strategy Intervention <http://kc.vanderbilt.edu/pals/>
PALS Research • Based on Juniper Gardens ClassWide Peer Tutoring Model • Has over 10 years of experimental research • Used in Title 1 and Non-Title 1 Schools • Implemented in urban and suburban schools • Includes high, average and low achievers as well as students with disabilities • Available in reading and math
Critical Features of PALS • Supplemental reading practice several times per week (30-45 minutes each session, depending on grade level and activities) • Structured activities • Reciprocal roles (Coaches and Readers) • Individualized support-corrective feedback • More time on task with active engagement • Inclusion of all students with built-in opportunities for success • Facilitation of positive peer interactions • Opportunities to monitor student progress • Practical and Effective Strategies
General Procedures for PALS • PALS is conducted three times each week (about 30-45 min. per session) but four times is recommended in Title 1 schools or very low achieving schools • Students are rank ordered , split in half, and strong readers in top half are paired with weaker readers in bottom half • Each pair is assigned to one of two teams • Teams and pairs remain together for 3-4 week, and partners work to earn points for their time each week • Within pairs, the stronger reader read first to provide a model, but coach and reader roles are switched during each activity • Partners read text at the level of the weaker reader. • Teachers monitor students, provide help, and award bonus points for good tutoring behaviors.
PALS Activities for Kindergarten and First-Grade Students-Includes Teacher-Led Practice and Partner Activities Conducted in Pairs • Phonological Awareness (e.g., saying first and last sounds, rhyming, counting sounds, segmenting, and blending) • Letter-Sound Correspondences (e.g., letters and letter combinations) • Decoding (e.g., words and sentences) • Fluency (e.g., sight words, stories, and book reading)
PALS in Grades 2-6 • Partner Reading (11-12 minutes) -Stronger reader reads for 5 minutes -Weaker reader rereads the same text for 5 minutes -Weaker reader retells selection for 1 min. grades 2-3 and for 2 min. in grades 4-6 • Paragraph Shrinking (10 minutes) -Stronger reader reads new text, stopping to summarize after each paragraph; states the most important who or what, tells what mainly happened, and gives main idea statement in 10 words or less (5 min) -Weaker reader continues with new text using same procedure (5 min)
PALS in Grades 2-6 (Continued) • Prediction Relay (10 minutes) -Stronger reader makes prediction for next half page, reads half-page, stops to verify prediction for 5 minutes -Weaker reader continues with new text using the same strategy for 5 minutes
Error Correction in PALS • Reading aloud -Stop, You missed this word. Can you figure it out? Read the sentence again. -Reader waits longer than 4 seconds.) The word is ____. What word? Good! Read the sentence again. • Paragraph Shrinking -That’s not quite right. Skim the paragraph and try again. (Decide-correct, give points. Incorrect, tell the answer • Practice -Stories-Goldilocks and Little Red Riding Hood -Prompt card
UNIVERSAL TIER 1 ( Middle and High School) Building Continuously Improving General Education Instruction Use of Teaching Routines and Learning Strategies(Kansas) Well Designed Curriculum with “Big Idea” Focus Effective Secondary Classroom Management Study and Organizational Skills Curriculum Modification ~5% ~15% ~80% of Students
TIER 2 TARGETED: Strategic/Supplemental (Elementary): 1. Early (Soar to) Success (Houghton Mifflin) 2. Reading Mastery (SRA) 3. 6 Minute Solutions-F 4. Great Leaps (Diamuid, Inc.)*PA,P, F, 5. REWARDS (Sopris West)*P, F 6 Ladders to Literacy (Brookes) 7. Read Naturally *-F 8. Peer Assisted Learning Strategies: KPALS (PA, P) and PALS*-, F Earobics* (Tier III too)-PA Project READ* (Tier III too) ~5% ~15% ~80% of Students
TIER 2 TARGETED: Strategic/Supplemental (Middle School): 1. Early (Soar to) Success (Houghton Mifflin) 2. Reading Mastery (SRA) Early Reading Intervention (Scott Foresman) Great Leaps (Diamuid, Inc.)*-P 5. REWARDS (Sopris West)*-P 6 Ladders to Literacy (Brookes) 7. Read Naturally *-F 8. Peer Assisted Learning Strategies (PALS)*-F ~5% ~15% ~80% of Students
TIER 2 TARGETED: Strategic/Supplemental (High School): Consultation Support ~5% ~15% ~80% of Students
TIER 3: INTENSIVE Intervention (Elementary) 1. Corrective Reading (SRA)* 2. Language! (Sopris West) 3. Wilson Reading System* (Tier 2 also) 4. Reading Mastery 5. Earobics (phonics/phonemic awareness; Cognitive Concepts) 6. Great Leaps/ Read Naturally (Fluency) (Tier II also) 7. REWARDS (Fluency, Comp. and Vocab. in Plus Program) Soar to Success (comp.) Wilson Reading Program* Lindamood Phonemic Sequencing Reading Curriculum* ~5% ~15% ~80% of Students
TIER 3: INTENSIVE Intervention (Middle School and High School) Corrective Reading (SRA)* Failure Free Reading* Language! (Sopris West) Wilson Reading System* Reading Mastery 5. Earobics (phonics/phonemic awareness; Cognitive Concepts) Great Leaps/ Read Naturally (Fluency) REWARDS (Fluency, Comp. and Vocab. in Plus Program) Soar to Success (comp.) Lindamood-Bell Programs* (Phonics) Spell-Read P.A.T* ~5% ~15% ~80% of Students
Early Literacy Interventions • Letter or sound bingo • I say you say (Blend/Segment) • Deletion • Substitution
Letter Name Acquisition-Discrete Trial Learning • Give the student an unknown letter-name probe. • Two Known letter cards and 1 unknown letter cards are placed in front of the student • Tell the student to point to the unknown card. • A) If the correct letter is named, the cards are mixed and placed in front of the student who is asked to point to the unknown letter again. When the student is able to correctly point to the unknown letter five times the letter becomes known.
Letter Name Acquisition-Discrete Trial Learning • Then, one of the original known cards is removed leaving the new known card and the old known card . Finally a new unknown card is added to the grouping. B) If an incorrect letter is named, the student is told the correct name and asked to repeat the correct letter name. Then the cards are mixed and placed in the front of the student again. The examiner asks the student to point to the unknown letter. • Steps 2 & 3 are repeated until all of the unknown cards are considered known
Letter Naming-Listening Passage Preview • Place the Letter naming probe in front of the student. • Explain that the examiner will read the probe to them before the student is allowed to read it to them. May need to point to each letter as they read the probe in order to keep the student’s attention • Read the probe correctly • Allow the student to read the probe and note any errors. • Repeat with different probes as often as desired.
Phonics • Systematic and Explicit Phonics • Instruction significantly improves young children’s decoding, spelling, and reading comprehension and older students’ word reading and oral text reading skills. -Systematic: logical sequence and careful selection of letter-sounds for instruction -Explicit: precise directions for teachers or careful wording to emphasize accurate models for students and to make letter-sound relationships and conspicuous
Why is Phonics Instruction So Challenging for Many Teachers? • Many teacher preparation programs do not provide training in phonics instruction • The English alphabet contains 26 letters but we use roughly 44 phonemes. These sounds are represented by as many as 250 different spellings (e.g., /f/ as in ph, f, gh, ff) • Many core beginning reading programs have not emphasized systematic and explicit phonics instruction
Phonics Instruction • Use a functional sequence of letter-sounds , one that leads to rapid success in reading words. • Provide opportunities for practicing decoding skills both in word lists and in connected text.
Systematic and Explicit Phonics Instruction • Introduce most common sound for a new letter /k/ for “C” • Separate instruction of potentially confusing letters due to visual or auditory similarity h/n, b/d) • May introduce lower case letters first (more functional) • Start with high-utility letters (s,t, m, and vowels, not z, x)
Systematic and Explicit Phonics Instruction(Cont.) • Select words that start with continuous sounds rather than stop sounds when beginning to sound out words-or for blending to sound and segmenting practice (use “mat” before “bat”) • Potential sequence for introducing letters <a,m, t, s, S, i, f, d, r, o, O, g, l, h, u, U, c, C, b,n, k, K, v, V, e, w,W, j, p, P, y, Y, T, L, M, F, D, I, N, A, R, E, H, G, B, x,X, q, z, Z, J, Q>
Fluency • Repeated and monitored oral reading significantly improves reading fluency and overall reading achievement • Caution: Silent, independent reading with little guidance or feedback may not be enough to improve fluency and overall reading achievement