1. What’s Wrong With Hexavalent Chromium?? Joshua Tarkoff
Chem. 250
2. Who Cares about Hexavalent Chromium??? Cr toxicity learned in class
Something classmates might be interested in
Erin Brockovich Movie - real problem, in many industrial processes
3. Overall Search Strategy Start broad and narrow with each step
Avoid articles/journals that are too “chemical”
4. What Worked? Narrow Search Term
Ex: “toxic effects of hexavalent chromium”
Biological/Medical Resources
Ex: PubMed
5. What Didn’t?? Broad Searches
Physical/Engineering resources
Irony of true toxicity
6. First Steps Class Textbook
Mechanism and inspiration
Periodic Table
General Databases
Expanded Academic ASAP
General Science Abstracts
7. Encyclopedias/Treatises Toxicology
Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology
Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry
Encyclopedia of Inorganic Chemistry
Chemical Nature/ Bonding
Comprehensive Inorganic Chemistry
Comprehensive Coordination Chemistry
8. Scientific Research Databases Worked with SciFinder, PubMed, and BIOSYS Previews to begin to narrow search
INSPEC and Compendex not used because they deal with physics and engineering respectively
9. Scifinder Standard search - 346 hits
Refined to English and since 1990 - 193 hits
Refined again to only get the Medline entries
10. Pubmed Good Medline articles sent me here
Standard search yielded 37 hits
Bioaccumulation studies
Comparative species studies (ex: how do bacteria handle hexavalent chromium?)
Link to ToxNet ~ jackpot
11. Biosis Previews Standard Search + Restriction to English and humans- Zero hits
Searched: “hexavalent chromium” - 123 hits
Good studies done on actual industry workers
12. Patents http://www.uspto.gov
Not expecting much, but usual search yielded 14 hits
3 very effective methods of hexavalent chromium removal from industrial waste
13. Citation Databases Web of Science
14. Chemical Properties Handbook of Inorganic Compounds
15. Finally…Search the ‘Net Google search of “toxic effects of hexavalent chromium” - 6280 hits
Good early hits (CDC and EPA websites)
Later became biased with pro-environmental or pro-industrial page authors or sponsors
16. OVERALL Goal achieved
Learned what information is “good” and “bad”
Learned where to go to find “good” information on the subjects that you want