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Safety & Injury Prevention. Firs t Aid is th e immediat e car e given to someone who become s inured o r ill until regula r medica l car e can b e given. Lesson Objectives. Demonstrat e the ability to respond appropriately to situations tha t do not require emergency services.
Safety&Injury Prevention FirstAid istheimmediatecaregiventosomeone who becomesinured or ill until regularmedical carecan be given
LessonObjectives Demonstrate the abilitytorespond appropriatelytosituationsthatdonot requireemergencyservices. Practicebasic first aid procedures. Define harassment and identifyfactorsthat constituteabuse. Classifyabusive behaviors asphysical, emotional/verbal orsexual.
Agenda EmergencyActionSteps (EAP) Basic First Aid Harassmentand ClassifyingAbusive Behaviors Summative Unit Exam
Activator • List the Emergency ActionSteps (EAS). • What kindsof choices are you faced witheveryday? List all thechoices you make eachday. • Howdoconsequences changewhen you reach the age ofmajority, 18? • Define sexual harassment. • List 3 commentsthatcouldbe considered sexual harassment.
Responsible Choices All choices have consequences,someareimmediateand others are delayed. Riskbehaviors are actions or behaviors thatmight cause injury;i.e. smokingor asedentary lifestyle(long‐term) versus notwearinga seatbelt orbicyclehelmet (short‐ term). Somerisks are positiveandsomearenegative; i.e. sports (+)anddrinkinganddriving (‐).
Responsible Choices(2) The consequences ofyourchoicescan be short‐termaswellaslong‐term. Forexample,eating junk food before dinnercanpreventyou from essentialnutrientsneededfor propergrowth. Cumulative risksarerelatedrisksthatincrease in effect with eachadded risk. For example, smokingandusingmarijuanacanpotentially leadto otherdangerousaddictionsandmental dependencies.
EmergencyActionSteps (EAS) Check–checkthe scenefordangeror possibledanger Call–call 911 Care– provideFirst Aid or Emergency Servicestothe victim
Harassment–any persistent behavior thatthreatens or torments another Ifthe behaviorincludesanyof the following factorsit is consideredtobe harassment Unwelcomeattention Uncomfortableattention One‐sided Embarrassing Demeaning– toreduce a person’sstatus Repetitious –torepeat
Classifying Abusive Behaviors Abuse isa patternof mistreatment of another person Physical – involves the use ofphysical force Emotional/Verbal– at times angry, repetitiveand demeaningcomments Sexual –anymistreatment of achild oradult involvingsexual activityand includes touching,beingforced totouch or‘displaying’