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Our Presentation Points

Colorado Special Education Advisory Committee (CSEAC) 2012 Fall Special Education Directors’ Meeting October 12, 2012. Our Presentation Points. CSEAC Overview CSEAC Moving Forward Goals 2012-2013. CSEAC Vision and Mission.

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Our Presentation Points

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Colorado Special Education Advisory Committee (CSEAC)2012 Fall Special Education Directors’ Meeting October 12, 2012

  2. Our Presentation Points • CSEAC Overview • CSEAC Moving Forward • Goals 2012-2013

  3. CSEAC Vision and Mission Vision: All learners are respected and challenged with high expectations, their needs are met, and student aspirations for success are fulfilled. Mission: Our mission is to actively represent children/youth with disabilities and impact decisions made on their behalf to enhance the quality of educational services.

  4. CSEAC OverviewAccording to the By-Laws: Under IDEA, the Specific Duties of the Advisory Committee are to… (a) Advise the CDE of unmet needs within the State in the education of children with disabilities (b) Comment publicly on any rules or regulations proposed by the State regarding the education of children with disabilities (c) Advise the CDE in developing evaluations and reporting on data to the U.S. Department of Education (d) Advise the CDE in developing corrective action plans to address the findings identified in Federal monitoring reports under Part B of the IDEA, and (e) Advise the CDE in developing and implementing policies relating to the coordination of services for children with disabilities CSEAC By-Laws, 2012

  5. CSEAC OverviewWho Are the Members? CSEAC membership must be representative of the State population and be composed of individuals…concerned with the education of children with disabilities, including • Parents of children with disabilities (the majority of members) • Individuals with disabilities • Teachers • Representatives of institutions of higher education • State and local education officials, including those who carry out McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act • Administrators of programs for children with disabilities • Representatives of other State agencies involved in the financing or delivery of related services to children with disabilities • Representatives of private schools and public charter schools • Representative from transition services • Representative from the State child welfare agency responsible for foster care • Representatives from the State juvenile and adult correction agencies

  6. CSEAC OverviewStanding Subcommittees • State Performance Plan • Review State Performance Plan and Advise CDE • Communications • Increase CSEAC Networking and Visibility Among Stakeholders • Public Policy and Legislative • Disseminate Current Information Affecting the Education of Children with Disabilities • Membership/By-Laws • Monitor By-Laws and Solicit/Recommend New Members

  7. CSEAC Moving ForwardOur Continuing Themes • Students First! Advocating for Improved Outcomes

  8. CSEAC Moving ForwardOur Continuing Leadership • 2012-2013 Co-Chairs • Zoe Ann Holmes, Parent Representative • Greg Sullivan, Transition Services Representative • 2013-2014 Co-Chairs • Zoe Ann Holmes, Parent Representative • Co-Chair Elect Pat Chamberlain, Parent Representative

  9. CSEAC Moving ForwardCSEAC is Studying the Outcome Indicators for Students with Disabilities and How They Relate to the CDE Strategic Priorities • State Performance Plan Indicators *High School Graduation, Participation and Performance on TCAPS and CSAPA, Suspension and Expulsion Rates, Inclusion Rates in General Education, Parents Who Report Involvement in Improving Outcomes, Preschool Outcomes • CDE Strategic Priorities *Colorado Academic Standards & Assessment, Colorado Growth Model (ESEA Waiver & Accountability), Closing Achievement Gaps, Unified Improvement Plans, Educator Effectiveness, READ Act, and Teacher Licensure

  10. Supporting Effective Local SEACs • 28 Local SEACs Currently Operating • Local SEAC Forum Held Annually (Nov. 2, 2012) • Two Publications • Brochure: Forming a Local Special Education Advisory Committee • Guide: “The Power of Partnership”: A Guide for Local Special Education Advisory Committees (SEACs) in Colorado • Ongoing Invitations Offered to Attend and Participate in CSEAC Meetings

  11. 2012-2013Highlighted Goals • Bylaws and Procedures Subcommittee • Review, update and advise on bylaws in accordance with ECEA • Communications Subcommittee • Strengthen relationships between CSEAC, local SEACs, communities and other stakeholders • Promote “People First” philosophy statewide • Membership Nomination Subcommittee • Actively recruit and retain members and communicate membership obligations

  12. 2012-2013 Highlighted Goals • Public Policy and Legislative Subcommittee • Written response and public testimony on ECEA Disability Categories • All members knowledgeable of ongoing legislation by next meeting • Participation in CDE/State committees affecting children with disabilities (SB 191, HB 1217, SB 46, etc.) • State Performance Plan Subcommittee • Use SPP Part B Indicator 3 to identify exemplars in reading, writing and math proficiency for students with disabilities • Complete a tri-fold family friendly document explaining Part B SPP 20 Indicators for use by local SEACs (6-9) • To review proficiency rates of youth in facilities and corrections (10-11)

  13. 2012-2013Highlighted Goals • Literacy Ad Hoc Subcommittee • Update the Literacy Position Paper • Mental Health Ad Hoc Subcommittee • Update the Mental Health Position Paper. • Determine next steps for strengthening relationship with Colorado LINKS • Identify current status of the Statement of Work with Colorado LINKS • Transition Ad Hoc Subcommittee (Exploring)

  14. 2013 – 2014 VacanciesCSEAC is Looking for the Following Members • 3 parents of children with disabilities or individuals with disabilities • 1 general education teacher • 1 representative of state and local education officials including those who carry out activities under McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act • 1 representative from an approved facility school Representation needed from Congressional Districts 1, 2, 3, 4, and 7 Application information on the CSEAC website - http://www.cde.state.co.us/cdesped/CSEAC.asp

  15. CSEAC Overview Advisory Resourceshttp://www.cde.state.co.us/cdesped/CSEAC.asp • Literacy (July, 2001) (Being revised, 2012-2013) • Mental Health Issues and Students with Disabilities (July 2005) (Being revised, 2012-2013) • “The Power of Partnership”: A Guide for Local Special Education Advisory Committees (SEACs) in Colorado (2010) • Forming a Local Special Education Advisory Committee (Brochure and Insert) • Introduction to The Colorado Special Education Advisory Committee (CSEAC) – A Video • Recruiting and Retaining High Quality Special Educators (April 2006) • Individualized Transition Planning and Services for Students with Disabilities (February 2006) • Response to Intervention (December 2005)

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