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Unit 7 Seminar. Agenda. 1. Unit 7 Review. 2. Unit 8 Project. 3. Questions. Unit 7 Review. Eyes, Ears, & the Musculoskeletal System. Seminar Discussion.
Agenda 1. Unit 7 Review 2. Unit 8 Project 3. Questions
Unit 7 Review Eyes, Ears, & the Musculoskeletal System
Seminar Discussion Come to seminar prepared to discuss an ear problem, disease or condition, and be prepared to provide an explanation that would help a recently-diagnosed patient understand what the disease is.
Chapter 12: The Eyes Prefixes & Suffixes Bi-, bin two -opia vision (condition) -phobia abnormal fear of or aversion to specific things -plegia paralysis Combining Forms Blephar/o eyelid Conjunctiv/o conjunctiva Cor/o, core/0, pupill/o pupil Corne/o, kerat/o cornea Dacry/o, lacrim/o tear, tear duct Irid/o, ir/o iris Ocul/o, ophthalm/o eye Opt/o vision Retin/o retina Scler/o sclera Cry/o cold Dipl/o two, double Phot/o light Ton/o tension, pressure
Chapter 13: The Ears Prefixes & Suffixes None covered Combining Forms: Audi/o hearing Aur/I, aur/o, ot/o ear Cochle/o cochlea Labyrinth/o labyrinth Mastoid/o mastoid bone Myring/o tympanic membrane (eardrum) Staped/o stapes Tympan/o eardrum Vestibul/o vesibule
Chapter 14: Musculoskeletal Combining Forms Phalang/o phalanges Pub/o pubis Rachi/o spine, vertebral column Radi/o radius Sacr/o sacrum Scapul/o scapula Spondyl/o, vertebr/o vertebra Stern/o sternum Tars/o tarsals Tibi/o tibia Uln/o ulna Aponeur/o aponeurosis Arthr/o joint Combining Forms Carp/o carpals Clavic/o, clavicul/o clavicle Cost/o rib Crani/o cranium (skull) Femor/o femur Fibul/o fubula Humer/o humerus Ili/o ilium Ischi/o ischium Lumb/o lumbar region Mandibul/o mandible Maxill/o maxilla Patell/o patella Pelv/i pelvis, pelvic bone
Chapter 14: Musculoskeletal Combining Forms Petr/o stone Scoli/o crooked, curved Prefixes & Suffixes Inter- between Supra- above Sym-, syn- together; joined -asthenia weakness -clasia, -clasis break -desis surgical fixation -physis growth -schisis split, fissure Combining Forms Burs/o bursa Chondr/o cartilage Disk/o intervertebral disk Menisc/o meniscus Synovi/o synovia, synovial membrane Ten/o, tend/o, tendon tendin/o Ankyl/o crooked, stiff, bent Kinesi/o movement, motion Lamin/o lamina Lord/o bent forward Myel/o bone marrow My/o, myos/o muscle Oste/o bone
Abbreviations Chapter 11 AOM acute otitis media EENT eyes, ears, nose, and throat ENT ears, nose, throat OM otitis media Chapter 10 ARMD age-related macular degenerations Ast astigmatism Em emmetropia IOP intraocular pressure Ophth ophthalmology VA visual acuity
Abbreviations Chapter 14 CTS Carpal Tunnel Syndrome EMG electromyogram fx fracture MD muscular dystrophy MG myasthenia gravis OA osteoarthritis ortho orthopedics RA rheumatoid arthritis THA total hip arthroplasty
True or False 1. Retinopathy means any disease of the eye.
False Retinopathy means disease of the retina.
True or False 2. The pupil is a pigmented muscular structure at the center of the iris.
False The pupil is the opening at the center of the iris.
True or False 3. Optic nerve carries visual impulses from the retina to brain.
True Optic nerve carries visual impulses from the retina to brain.
True or False 4. Nystagmus is defined as crossed eyes.
False Nystagmus is defined as involuntary, jerky movements of the eyes.
True or False 5. Cerumen is the term for earwax.
True Cerumen is the term for earwax.
Multiple Choice The pigmented muscular structure that allows light to pass through is called the: A. Iris B. Pupil C. Sclera D. Cornea
Answer A. Iris
Multiple Choice In the medical term lacrimal, the word root means: A. conjunctiva B. tear, tear duct C. vision D. eyelid
Answer B. tear, tear duct
Multiple Choice • The medical term meaning (any) disease of the eye is: A. retinal B. retinopathy C. Ophthalmopathy D. keratoplasty
Answer C. Ophthalmopathy
Multiple Choice The word part that completes the medical termmeaning physician who studies and treats diseases of the ear, ___________/o/logist, is: A. ot B. audi C. labyrinth D. myring
Answer A. ot
Multiple Choice The meaning of the medical term tinnitus is: A. Hearing impairment in old age B. A sense that either one's own body or the environment is revolving C. Chronic disease of the inner ear D. Ringing in the ears
Answer D. Ringing in the ears
Multiple Choice The word part that completes the medical term meaning inflammation of the bone and cartilage, oste/o/_____/itis, is: A. Chondr B. synovi C. arthr D. myel
Answer A. Chondr
Unit 8: Final Project • Part I – Read the provided Medical Scenarios • Review the chart provided • Select at least 15 terms the patient would not understand • Provide a technical (card/i/o/graphy + the meaning) AND layman's (you have a problem with your heart muscle....etc.) definition for each of these terms. • Part 2 – Explain the "how's' and "why's" of identified medical procedures • Prepare > 500 word "script" for a health professional to use when explaining to the patient his condition and the proposed procedures.
HS111 Medical Terminology Project 9 Section I:
Section II: Prepare a 500 word or more "script" for a health care professional to use when explaining to the patient his condition and the proposed procedures. (Begin your script below and include any references using APA format)Use Kaplan University APA 101 document for examples. EXAMPLE: Mr. Jones, after careful review of your C-spine films and soft-tissue films and still feeling something stuck in your throat. You still seem to have trouble swallowing….