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Egypt By Trevor Kozak 8 th grader at Tamarac Middle School. The Sphinx and Great Pyramid. Egypt. Background. Egypt is the only member of the Middle E ast in Africa Egypt has a population of 8,835,225 people Egypt is 1,001,450 square kilometers The Capital of Egypt is Cairo.
EgyptBy Trevor Kozak8th grader at Tamarac Middle School The Sphinx and Great Pyramid
Background • Egypt is the only member of the Middle East in Africa • Egypt has a population of 8,835,225 people • Egypt is 1,001,450 square kilometers • The Capital of Egypt is Cairo.
Government • Egypt is a Republic • The president is Mohammed Morsi • He was elected in 2011 after former president Hosni Mubarak was forced out of office because of the revolution
Egypt Revolution • Egyptian Revolution occurred in 2011. • Hosni Mubarak was acting like a dictator. Citizens of Egypt were not happy with the amount of power he was getting. • Mubarak was even having someone rig the voting so he would win. • People formed riots and destroyed federal property to force Mubarak out of office.
Hosni Mubarak (Former President) Mohammed Morsi (Current President)
What is happening in Egypt? • Nile River Pollution • Rice Straw Burning • Air Pollution • Pollution Spreading to other countries • Agriculture • Urbanization
Nile River Solutions • Biological filters with chemical additives, and sand filters would fix water pollution in Egypt.
Rice straw Burning Farmers rice straw burn as a quick way to get rid of it.
Rice Straw Burning Solutions • Rice Straw could be used as mattress stuffing or animal feed instead
Smog clouds form because of pollution A permanent cloud of pollution is over Egypt Air Pollution
IDEA Project • IDEA is a Canadian-Egyptian Consortium which has built about 350 brick factories south of Cairo. • They will use natural gas instead of oil to reduce CO2 and pollutants emitted by factories.
Garbage Pollution Many cities don’t have proper garbage disposal
Garbage City • Garbage City (Zabbaleen) is the only place in Egypt where garbage is sorted and made into something else. • Zabbaleens collect garbage to bring to garbage city.
Questions? Comments? Thank You!
Bibliography • http://www.data360.org/dsg.aspx?Data_Set_Group_Id=205 • http://www.earthzine.org/2013/01/21/monitoring-urbanization-in-the-21st-century/ • http://www.colostate.edu/orgs/ESA/general.html • http://islamic-intelligence.blogspot.com/2009/04/war-on-sudan-another-war-for-israel.html • http://academic.aucegypt.edu/caravan/story/second-oil-spill-contaminates-nile-river • http://www.stanford.edu/group/ccr/blog/2009/04/water_pollution.html • • http://www.worldwidehomestay.com/Egypt.htm • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hosni_Mubarak • http://www.yourchildlearns.com/africa_map.htm • http://yourpollutionguide.com/water/solution-of-water-pollution-in-egypt.php • http://rosmarus.com/WtTampere/WtPr_1.htm • http://www.alibaba.com/product-gs/488944340/Popular_rice_straw_mattress_making_machine.html • http://www.123rf.com/photo_4657868_two-cows-are-eating-rice-straw.html • http://primetime.unprme.org/2013/03/22/sustainable-business-examples-from-around-the-world-egypt-switzerland-and-uae/ • http://www.egyptindependent.com/node/4094