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Grammar. The 8 Parts of Speech. The 8 Parts of Speech. English, like almost every other language, can be broken down into easier and more comprehensible sections. These subsections are more commonly known as “The 8 Parts of Speech” and they are; Noun Verb Adjective Adverb Preposition

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  1. Grammar The 8 Parts of Speech

  2. The 8 Parts of Speech • English, like almost every other language, can be broken down into easier and more comprehensible sections. These subsections are more commonly known as “The 8 Parts of Speech” and they are; • Noun • Verb • Adjective • Adverb • Preposition • Pronoun • Conjunction • Interjection

  3. Noun • A Noun is a person, place or thing • There are two types of nouns • There are concrete nouns and there abstract nouns • A concrete noun is a physical thing • A building or car • An abstract noun is something that isn’t tangible • Love or confusion

  4. Verb • A verb expresses action or a state of being • Walk, run, I am, he is • EVERY sentence needs a verb

  5. Adjective • An adjective is a word that describes a noun • It can come either before or after a noun • Examples include; Funny, angry or happy • There are two types of adjectives; superlative and comparative • A comparative adjective compares one item to another • That’s a tallerbuilding • That’s a widercar • A superlative adjective ranks the item in relation to everything else being talked about • He has the worstwriting • I scored the bestgoal

  6. Adverb • Adverbs are words that describe verbs, adjectives and other adverbs • They sometimes give information of time and place • Examples • To run quickly • To silentlywalk • The plant grows fast • The incrediblypretty girl • I closed the door verysilently

  7. Preposition • Prepositions give direction and orientation in reference to a noun • To or from

  8. Pronoun • Pronouns replace nouns that have been mentioned in the sentence or are about to be mentioned • Me, I, you, he, she, they, it

  9. Conjunction • Conjunctions connect phrases and clauses • And, but, so, then

  10. Interjection • An Interjection is an expletive • WOAH!, Jesus!, Oh my God!

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