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Grammar. in a nutshell. # 3. Interrogatives http://youtu.be/ He82NBjJqf8 (3:15). These words usually come at the beginning of sentence. Who are you? Who What would you do ? What Where are we? Where When can you call me ? When
Grammar in a nutshell # 3
Interrogatives http://youtu.be/He82NBjJqf8 (3:15) These words usually come at the beginning of sentence. Who are you? Who What would you do?What Where are we? Where When can you call me? When Why would he do that? Why How is this possible? How Wie Wat Waar Wanneer Waarom Hoe MIND: There is an extra ‘w’ in English: which (welke) NOT witch! You use which when you can make a limited choice. WhichT-shirt do you want? This one or that?
Exercise 1. ________________________________do you want? I’d like a box of chocolate.2. ________________________________ old is this building? It's about 200 years.3. __________________________________ did the packet come from? It came from London. 4. _________________________________ hand do you write with? With my right hand. 5. ________________________________ ‘s bag are you carrying? It’s Judy’s.
Gotit? Brilliant! • Now do exercises 1A and 1B (p. 76/77 WB)
Personal Pronouns We have already discussed personal pronouns before. Remember this guy? (We’ll see him again!) I’m sure you all remember… Anyway, let’s check out this crazy song: http://youtu.be/Eu1ciVFbecw (3:01)
Short Exercise He It They It We They He She She you Nowyou do exercises 2A + 2B (p. 77 WB)!
Articles • Theanda/an are calledarticles. • We dividetheminto "definite" and "indefinite" likethis: Definite (de / het) Whenyou talk aboutonething in particular Indefinite (een) Whenyou talk aboutonething in general The A / An • Think of the sky at night: in the sky we see1 moonandmillions of stars. • That’swhy we say: • I sawthemoon last night, but: I sawa star last night.
Look! It’s ourfriendagain :) http://youtu.be/urq83C363uM(5.24) Careful: thisguy is American, sosometimes his accent (with ‘the’) is different! When do you choose ‘a’ and when ‘an’? Use ‘an’ when the next word starts with a vowel (klinker) sound. A melon An apple A giraffe An elephant A second An hour (you write it with an h, but you don’t hear the h!) The is sometimes pronounced with an ‘ie’-sound ‘die’. You say ‘die’ when the next word starts with a vowel (klinker) sound. The night The evening The ball The ice-skates
Sometimesitdepends on the situationtoknowwhich word touse… • We want tobuyanumbrella. • (Anyumbrella, not a particularumbrella.) • Where is theumbrella? • (We already have anumbrella. We are lookingforourumbrella.) • Do exercises 3A + 3B now (p. 78 WB)! • Work in silenceplease!
WARNING Always writeYOUnotU! Always writeI never i! ‘gonna’ and ‘wanna’ doesn’texist! If you do these thing wrong, it will cost you points!
Grammar in a nutshell # 3