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The State of the States

The State of the States. Community College Foreign Language Programs Dr. Lynne Overesch-Maister & Luz Mar ía Álvarez Johnson County Community College Overland Park, KS. We would like to thank the following individuals for their help in this project:. Dr. Dana Groves Gina Brewer

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The State of the States

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The State of the States Community College Foreign Language Programs Dr. Lynne Overesch-Maister & Luz María Álvarez Johnson County Community College Overland Park, KS

  2. We would like to thank the following individuals for their help in this project: • Dr. Dana Groves • Gina Brewer • Cynthia Dyson

  3. This survey is based on information gleaned from... League of Innovation ACTFL Community College SIG

  4. We ferreted out... 2,589 e-mail addresses 627 mailing addresses (where no e-mail)

  5. We sent out... • 2,239 e-mail surveys • 507 mailed surveys • 406 administrator surveys • 284 follow-up surveys • 536 individual institutions • 47 different states

  6. And when they were returned... we analyzed 43 pages of data containing more than 86 tables we read more than 150 pages of single-spaced commentary

  7. 39 states responded to one of the 3 surveys

  8. 37 states responded to the faculty survey

  9. 31 states responded to the administrator survey

  10. 30 states responded to the follow-up survey

  11. We organized the states according to regional conferences.

  12. How valid is our survey?

  13. Administrator Survey Staffing

  14. Percentage of Total Courses Taught by Full-time Instructors

  15. 47% Number of responses from Southern Conference Reporting that 76-100% of their foreign language courses were taught by full-time instructors.

  16. 98%of our institutions require a Master’s Degree or above for full-time faculty

  17. 43%of our institutions require the degree in the language taught

  18. 56%require professional development for full-time faculty 17%require professional development for part-time faculty

  19. Administrator Survey Course Offerings

  20. Administrator Survey Program Issues

  21. Percentage of Students who Take FL to Complete a Language Requirement at a Four-Year Institution

  22. Only19% offer different “tracks” of sequences depending on interest or requirement

  23. Number of on-campus Foreign Language Students 2007-2008

  24. Administrator Survey On-line Instruction

  25. Relative Use and Satisfaction with Course Management Systems

  26. Faculty Survey General Information

  27. 62%

  28. Faculty Survey Course Offerings

  29. Faculty Survey Program Issues

  30. 95% Rated transferability as important or very important

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