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Total Participation Techniques. By Persida Himmele and William Himmele. Characteristics of Successful and Unsuccessful Students Number 3 is the scribe. A: 90-100% B 80-90% C: 70-80% D: Below 70%. Chapter 1: DEFINITION OF TPT.
Total Participation Techniques By PersidaHimmele and William Himmele
Characteristics of Successful and Unsuccessful Students Number 3 is the scribe A: 90-100% B 80-90% C: 70-80% D: Below 70%
Chapter 1: DEFINITION OF TPT • Total Participation Techniques are teaching techniques that allow for all students to demonstrate, at the same time, active participation and cognitive engagement in the topic being studied. (pg. 7)
Chapter 1:The Purpose for using TPT • Beach Ball scenario • Bouncing around • Not all students are engaged • Not being “listening objects” • Lack of engagement leads to other problems • Low academics • Behavior issues • High dropout rates (which leads to crime) • boredom
Chapter 1: Easy To Use • Same amount of planning time • Not dependent on experience • Becomes easier the more you use it • Start off intentionally • Becomes a habit • Follows the Common Core • Higher level thinking • “digging deeper” • Math Practice Standards
Chapter 2: Higher Order Thinking Higher-Order Thinking 4 High Cognition/High Participation All students are participating in higher order thinking 3 High Cognition/Low Participation High order thinking for SOME High Participation Low Participation 1 Low Cognition/Low Participation Teaching is occurring, but learning is not 2 Low Cognition/High Participation Learning if forgotten because it is not linked to anything Lower-Order Thinking
Chapter 3: Tools and Supplies Having supplies ready, makes the use of TPT’s easier to manage. See pages 28-29 for a complete list of suggestions. • Laminated paper for a quick whiteboard • Flannel square for eraser • Dry-erase pen • Appointment clock • Processing card Suggestions: • Make a supply box with tools • Scissors • Glue • Pencils ~supply box for the whole class • TPT folder having materials suggested • Multiple choice cards • Hundred charts • A-Z letter strip
Chapter 4 • TPS- Quick easy way for all to share their thoughts and reasoning for an answer. video • Quick-Writes: usually a quick 3 minute reflection (students can use word banks) • Quick-Draws: Select a “big idea” and ask students to reflect by drawing • Chalkboard Splash: Where all students get to put their quick write or draw on the board at the same time. • Thumbs up/down-video • Processing Card: Paper folded in half- one side says “Ready to Share” the other side says “Still Thinking” • Similes: Needs to be modeled and scaffold a lot before implementing. Good to start with fill in the blank sentences in beginning. • Ranking: Having students rank events in order. Helps with synthesizing and analyzing. • Numbered Heads • Thumb Up/Down Voting
Chapter 5: Hold-ups • Interaction based activities • Essential component is student interaction • Students reflect on prompt, hold up answer, reflect on learning • Uses questions without easy answers to get higher level thinking • Feels like a game • Improve participation • Improve on-task behavior • Teacher provides more feedback • Able to use wrong answers as teachable moments • Student come to their own conclusions by hearing opposing views and explaining their thinking.
Chapter 5: Examples of Hold-ups Selected Response Fact / Opinion Yes/No Picture cards Choices are prepared before hand Example video
Chapter 5: Examples of Hold-ups Whiteboard Hold-ups Students hold up white board for analysis by peers and teacher. Video example
Chapter 5: Examples of Hold-ups Number card Hold-ups *Variety of ways to use in math *Decks of number cards are used to answer questions True/Not True Hold-ups *Makes kids think because very few things are black and white Multiple Choice Hold-ups *Great for impromptu selected response hold-ups *Could be done with clickers as well *Use A,B,C, D cards Hold-ups are only meaningful if the students interact, analyze, debate, and defend their choices.
Chapter 6TPTs Involving Movement • “The mind can only absorb what the seat can endure.” –Bill Himmele’s (the author) father • There should be some form of movement in every lesson we teach. • The need for movement is even more important for boys than girls. • Line-ups; Inside Outside Circles • Three 3’s in a Row • Networking Sessions • Categorizing and Sorting • Appointment Agendas • Bounce Cards • Mouth it, Air-Write it, or Show me • Acting it Out, Roles Playing, and Concept Charades • Simulations • Cut and Pastes • TPTs During Read Alouds
Line-Ups and Inside-Outside Circles • A Line-Up is a fun activity that allows students to move around the room sharing answers with different students. • Students stand in 2 parallel lines (or concentric circles) and face each other. Students respond to a prompt given by the teacher. Students talk over prompt and answer. • Ring bell and students will thank their partner and move to the next person. • Use questions and prompts that require discussion and connection-making.
Three 3’s in a Row • This is an activity like Bingo; students answer questions in boxes, then ask their classmates for feedback. • It can be used as a quick assessment of what students have learned. • It leads to great conversations. • Make sure your questions ensure higher-order thinking. • 1. Prepare nine questions • 2. Students walk around asking peers to explain one answer • 3. Students summarize peers response in the box • 4. Students find another peer and repeat • 5. Go over as a class • Caution- Only the owner of the paper writes on the paper.
TPT’s during a Read-Aloud • Use movement to describe and understand new vocabulary in a read-aloud. • Students act out their prediction. • Students act out what happened in the story.
Chapter 7: Note-Taking and Concept Analysis • Note-Taking = Effective • Students struggle (summarization skills/writing verbatim/too much/too little) • Non-stop stand and deliver = bad • We want to transition our students from “listening objects” to students that understand and analyze content
Confer, Compare, and Clarify • Confer = 1 sentence summary (TPS) • Compare = Students read each other’s notes • Clarify = students record questions • Partners become groups • Continue un-clarified questions in a Chalkboard Splash or index cards for later • Address questions before moving on
Graphic Organizers and Prepared Packets • In other words…Guided Notes • Unit Packets with premade organizers for specific tasks as well as blank organizers to be used willy-nilly • Good way to get everyone engaged very quickly • Road map for lessons/units
Anticipatory Guides • In other words…Advanced Organizers • True/False statements • Pre-instruction set; students make predictions; based on prior knowledge • Pair-Share responses and rationales • Debrief with Thumb Up/Down Votes • Post-instruction set; students answer based on instruction • Compare to pre-instruction set and see if/how their knowledge changed
Other Note-Taking Ideas • 3-Sentence Wrap-Up • Lecture T Chart • A-Z Sentence Summaries • Pause, Star, Rank (think and reflect on notes) • Key-Word Dance • Debate Team Carousel • Technology-Based TPTs • Blogging • Clickers
Chapter 8 • TPTs make great formative assessments. • Formative assessments are informed judgments that teachers gather to help the student progress • affect learning because they help evaluate students’ knowledge then teachers adjust their teaching. • Formatives effect teaching, but they result in the formation of new learning. • Formatives cause new learning to take shape. • This types of assessment can have powerful positive results on student learning because teacher behavior becomes informed and instruction becomes targeted.
More facts about Formatives • Engages students in taking ownership of their own learning • Teachers are essential because we decide what are the needs of the student • What does formatives have to do with TPTs? • TPTs can be formatives because they affect learning by giving teachers data.
TPTs and Expectations • Change the way you teach and what you expect because you will know what your student are able to accomplish • Teachers can have higher academic expectations • Students will rise to the challenge
Application of TPTs as Formatives • Chalkboard Splash: All students write their answers to a prompt then analyze similarities and differences of everyone’s responses • This technique can be a formative because the teacher can determine from each student’s response if the class can move on or they need more time with the concept • The teacher can also see any misunderstandings of the class any point in the lesson
Application of TPTs as Formatives • Hold ups: Number card, True/False/Multiple Choice • We learned that hold-ups are only meaningful if the students interact, analyze, debate, and defend their choices • Unlike the Chalkboard Splash, the teacher can see which student did not understand the concept • We could get the same information from the independent practice. This is a way to get evaluative information through student participation
Last Two TPTs and Formatives • Quick writes/Quick Draws lets the teacher know the level of each student (literal/concrete, inferential, abstract) • One Liner wall is a wall of one sentence each student has written. This is a good formative just like the quick write/quick draws because the level of each student is apparent in the one sentence. • Can guide students to more higher order thinking because the students are learning from peers who are at that level • A teacher can also show a student’s progression through the year through one liners.
CHAPTER 9 BUILDING A TPT CONDUCIVE CLASSROOM • You have to plan TPT in your everyday lessons • Get comfortable with the idea that students will be taking over some over the communication (teachers talk less= students talking more • Build a classroom environment that establishes trust & acceptance • Honor student differences & promote peer acceptance • Best thing about TPT: no longer guessing game for who is learning; you observe growth as it is happening • Celebrate learning along side your students as it is happening
Appreciating Student Differences * To get the very best from students they need to know they are free to think & try!!! * Using TPT we get to see the differences in our students • The quite ones • Great ideas/ deep thinkers Fostering Student Collaboration • GROUPS • Choose own group • Heterogeneous • Strategically Nothing is more valuable than students talking to each other!!! • Trust them to make their own groups; more willing to share & collaborate • Activity determines grouping
Peer Rejection & Peer Acceptance • Students need to feel safe to participate & share • They all have unique talents • Using the ripple effect to build a safe environment RIPPLE EFFECT • Quick draw; Quick write; etc • First ripple: when you ask them to share with peer • Outer ripple: ask pairs to join; bounce ideas off each other • Shared & had success with peers they feel safe to share with whole class & teachers • Good for: Socially awkward group; Special Needs; ELL
Building Confidence/ Building Trust * Teacher is Key • Use body language and words that show them you care • Trust is earned: Slow down and analyze what they need • Post these: • I trust You! • I trust that you want to learn • I trust that you have amazing things to share, and I’m going to shape opportunities so you can share them • I trust that you can learn from each other • I trust that our collective differences make us all a bit smarter • I trust that if you trust yourself, the best in you will come out
Walking around & Follow through • TPT emphasizes that you get evidence of active participation • Walk around • Engage students • Respond to key words: content based conservations • Redirect off task students by asking on topic questions • Ask them to “Tell you more” • Explain themselves • Understand where went wrong • Follow reasoning • Scaffold backward: see error in thinking