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Life Club

Life Club. By Monique Milone. The key to life is balancing it out. To Have a balanced life you have to have a positive attitude and a healthy body and mind. . I ntroduction. Balanced Life. Childhood. TEENAGERS. STAGES OF LIFE. ADULT. DONE. FOOD. SLEEP. EXERCISE. EDUCATION.

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Life Club

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Life Club By Monique Milone

  2. The key to life is balancing it out. To Have a balanced life you have to have a positive attitude and a healthy body and mind. Introduction Balanced Life



  5. Do you feel like you have no time to make a plan of what to eat that is healthy everyday? Or when it is too hard to resist junk food and we often find ourselves snacking several times a day with junk. Instead of eating chips and just stuffing candy up your teeth , try and put healthier foods in your lunch box. FOOD NEXT

  6. Well first of all if you’re a child that loves chocolate, ice-cream, lollies, chips, KFC, McDonalds etc. the best thing to do everyday is to have a variety of new food you haven't tried before. If you eat different foods you're more likely to get the nutrients your body needs to be healthy. Two fruits and three vegetablesa day should be enough to keep your self healthy. FOOD HOME

  7. Kids think to have a healthy body you have to exercise at the gym or exercise at home. Well you might not notice but kids exercise everyday! Kids exercise when they have sports classes at school, during recess, at dancing, soccer practice, while riding your bike or when playing tag. EXERCISE

  8. When kids exercise……………………………………… •have stronger muscles and bones •have a leaner body because exercise helps control body fat •be less likely to become overweight •possibly lower blood pressure and blood cholesterol levels •have a better outlook on life You might not notice but these things are exercise 1.run away from the kid who's "it" (endurance) 2.cross the monkey bars (strength) 3.bend down to tie your shoes (flexibility) EXERCISE

  9. Well everyone needs sleep if you do remember when you didn’t get enough sleep. And you got that heavy stomach pain? By the end of the day, your body needs a break. Sleep allows your body to rest for the next day. SLEEP

  10. Sleep is very important for your brain though no one knows what are brain does when we are asleep. Some scientists suggest that the brain sorts through and stores information, replaces chemicals, and solves problems while you are asleep. SLEEP

  11. This websites says how much sleep a child needs http://sleepfoundation.org/how-sleep-works/how-much-sleep-do-we-really-need

  12. Kids need a good education for there future. Some kids instead of going to school they stay home and play all day, with no education. You will be able to succeed in life with education. EDUCATION

  13. Food Education EXERCISE SLEEP Teenager

  14. Teenagers need to sleep. Students who don’t get enough sleep have a difficult time trying to stay awake or focus in class. According to this website http://sleepfoundation.org/how-sleep-works/how-much-sleep-do-we-really-need Teens need 8.5 or 9.5 hours of sleep. Which is enough sleep to keep teenagers threw the day. Sleep

  15. Teenagers need to eat healthy food. When you eat healthy you be more active and you will be in a better mood by eating healthy and staying fit. Just like eating healthy as a child eating a variety of healthy foods as a teenager keeps there bodies working well and helps prevent diseases. FOOD

  16. Eating healthy is often hard for teenagers There are many ways for teenagers to eat healthy. Teenagers usually get take-away food which is pretty bad. Eating unhealthy for teens might give them these disease heart disease, diabetes and some cancers. Which is very unlikely but these disease have happened to some teenagers. FOOD

  17. Education for teenagers are very important. For there future out of school to university. You can get a good job from you education and have a nice home. Education is needed for everything in life. Without education you wont get a good job you wont get paid enough to pay your bills for your house. And also education makes you choose good choices in life. EDUCATION

  18. Exercise is good for teenagers. You’ve probably know that exercise is good for you. But did you know that exercise can change your mood to make you feel better. Teenagers need the exercise for them to be active and help teens not be lazy. Scientist say that 30 minutes of exercise a day will help you stay healthier. EXERCISE

  19. If you have no time to exercise everyday because you have to do homework, out of school sports etc. well instead of taking the bus or the train to school walk to your school than walk back from school to home. EXERCISE

  20. Fitness Parent\Adult Exercise\Diet Work

  21. Exercise is very easy to do. Once you start to loose weight you get more into the exercise process. Well today I am going to be telling you a couple of tips on how to loose weight. Take a walk, jog or a run around your block everyday Go to the gym once or twice a week Lift weights 3 times a day for your muscles Do sit ups, push ups at home everyday Join a sports class to do Exercise\Diet

  22. Exercise is certainly a word that no adult wants to even think or hear about. Parents and Adults just want this magic pill that melts their fat away. Unfortunately, there is no such thing of that pill , except one that make your heart stop and cause strokeswhich no one wants that. These steps are much easier for you to do and much Safer and you will loose weight in a couple of weeks. Exercise\ Diet

  23. Parents and Adults should all work. Adults need to work, adults and parents have to work everyday to provide the money for there families and paying bills for the house. With your education you can get a wealthy paid job that pays you enough to pay house bills. And for the parents they can get the wealthy paid for there families and the bills for there houses and there children school fees. Work

  24. Staying fit is hard for all ages. To stay fit you got to get out-side more often. It is like exercising. To stay fit you have to eat healthy food and drink lots of water. If you are at work and your going to take your break maybe go outside and have short walk. Taking yoga classes can help you improve your strength and take away some fat. Staying fit can make you stay fit and healthy and change your mood to freedom and happy. And if you have kids show an example on how to be fit and healthy. Fitness

  25. Thanks for watching, I hope that these tips help you for now and to your future ( If you remember) But anyway all of these tips about how to stay healthy, how to stay fit, how to eat healthy etc. All of thosetips will help you have a balanced life. Thanks for watching hope you enjoyed.

  26. Monique T H E Milone E N D

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