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L ogics for D ata and K nowledge R epresentation. Exercises: First Order Logics (FOL). Originally by Alessandro Agostini and Fausto Giunchiglia Modified by Fausto Giunchiglia, Rui Zhang and Vincenzo Maltese. Outline. Introduction Syntax Semantics Reasoning Services. 2.
Logics for Data and KnowledgeRepresentation Exercises: First Order Logics (FOL) Originally by Alessandro Agostini and Fausto Giunchiglia Modified by Fausto Giunchiglia, Rui Zhang and Vincenzo Maltese
Outline • Introduction • Syntax • Semantics • Reasoning Services 2
Example of what we can express in FOL INTRODUCTION :: SYNTAX :: SEMANTICS :: REASONING SERVICES constants Cita Monkey predicates relations Eats Hunts Kimba Simba Lion Near 3
Write in FOL the following NL sentences • “Fausto is a Professor” Professor(fausto) • “There is a monkey” ∃x Monkey(x) • “There exists a dog which is black” ∃x (Dog(x) Black(x)) • “All persons have a name” ∀x (Person(x) → ∃y Name(x, y))
Write in FOL the following NL sentences • “The sum of two odd numbers is even” ∀x ∀y ( Odd(x) Odd(y) → Even(Sum(x,y)) ) • “A father is a male person having at least one child” ∀x ( Father(x) → Person(x) Male(x) ∃y hasChilden(x, y) ) • “There is exactly one dog” ∃x Dog(x) ∀x ∀y ( Dog(x) Dog(y) →x = y ) • “There are at least two dogs” ∃x ∃y ( Dog(x) Dog(y) (x = y) ) 5
The use of FOL in mathematics • Express in FOL the fact that every natural number x multiplied by 1 returns x (identity): ∀x( Natural(x) (Mult(x, 1)=x) ) • Express in FOL the fact that the multiplication of two natural numbers is commutative: ∀x∀y( Natural(x) Natural(y) (Mult(x, y)=Mult(y, x)) ) 6
Express the following problem in FOL • “There are 3 blocks A, B, C in a stack. Each block can be either black or white. We know that the block A is on the bottom. A block is on the top if there are no blocks above it. It is possible to be on top if and only if the block is black”. C B A • Constants = {a, b, c} • Predicates = {Black, White, Top} • Relations = {Above} γ1 : ∃x Above(a,x) γ2 : Top(y) Black(y) ∃z Above(z,y) 7
Satisfiability of the problem of blocks • Constants = {a, b, c} • Predicates = {Black, White, Top} • Relations = {Above} γ1 : ∃x Above(a,x) γ2 : Top(y) Black(y) ∃z Above(z,y) • Is Γ = {γ1, γ2} satisfiable? Is there any structure M = <D,I> and an assignment a such that M ⊨ γ1 [a] and M ⊨ γ2 [a]? D = {A, B, C} I(a) = A I(b) = B I(c) = C I(Black) = {A, C} I(White) = {B} I(Top) = {C} I(Above) = {<B,A>, <C,B>} Ia(y) = a(y) = C NOTE: we can assign a different color to A and B. y is free. C B A 8
Entailment • Let be a set of FO- formulas, γ a FO- formula, we say that ⊨ γ (to be read entailsγ) iff for all the structures M and assignments a, if M ⊨ [a] then M ⊨ γ [a]. 9
Entailment Given: α : ∀x ∀y ∃z (p(x, y) → (p(x, z) p(z, y))) β : ∀x ∀y (p(x, y)→ ∃z (p(x, z) p(z, y))) Does α⊨ β? Yes, because in α we can put ∃z inside: ∀x ∀y (∃z p(x, y) → ∃z (p(x, z) p(z, y))) z is not in the scope of ∃z p(x, y) and therefore we obtain β 10
Entailment For all formulas of the form p(x, y): 1. Is ∃x∃y p(x, y) ⊨ ∃y∃x p(x, y)? 2. Is ∃x∀y p(x, y) ⊨ ∀y∃x p(x, y)? 3. Is ∀x∃y p(x, y) ⊨ ∃y∀x p(x, y)? If no provide a counterexample. Assume p(x, y) is x y. (1) Yes. The two formulas both says that there are at least two objects which are related via p. (2) Yes. The first formula says that there is an x such that for all y we have x y. We can take x = 0. The second formula says that for all y there exist an x such that x y. x = 0 is fine again. (3) In this case is No. The first formula says that for all x there exist a y such that x y. We can take y = Succ(x). The second formula says that there exists a y such that for all x we have x y. We should take y = +. 11
Validity Is it possible to prove that: ⊨ ∀x (Person(x) Male(x)) [a] where D = {a, b, c} We have only 3 possible assignments a(x) = a, a(x) = b, a(x) = c We can translate it as follows: P: (Person(a) Male(a)) (Person(b) Male(b)) (Person(c) Male(c)) P: (Person(a) Male(a)) (Person(b) Male(b)) (Person(c) Male(c)) P: (Person-a Male-a) (Person-b Male-b) (Person-c Male-c) We check that DPLL(P) returns false. 12