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Mars Rovers

Mars Rovers. By Taylor Sokolovic. Korabl 4 and 5 1960. Korabl 4 is a USSR (flyby) Failure. It failed by didn’t reach earths orbit. Korabl is a USSR (flyby) Failure. It failed by didn’t reach earths orbit. Korabl 11 and 13 and Mars 1 1962. All USSR (flyby) Failures

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Mars Rovers

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  1. Mars Rovers By Taylor Sokolovic

  2. Korabl 4 and 5 1960 Korabl 4 is a USSR (flyby) Failure. It failed by didn’t reach earths orbit. Korablis a USSR (flyby) Failure. It failed by didn’t reach earths orbit.

  3. Korabl 11 and 13 and Mars 1 1962 All USSR (flyby) Failures Korabl 11: Earths orbit only; spacecraft broke apart. Korbal 13: Earths orbit only; spacecraft broke apart. Mars 1: Radio Failed

  4. Mariner 3 - 4 and Zond 2 Zond 2: USSR (flyby) Failure Failed by, Radio Failed Mariner: all US (flyby). Mariner 3 Failure, Mariner 4 success. Mariner 3 failed shroud failed to jettison. Mariner 4 success took 21 images.

  5. Mars 1969 a-b USSR Failures Reason Launch vehicle failure Mariner 6-7 US (flyby) Success Brought back Mariner 6: Returned 75 images Mariner 7: Returned 126 images Mars 1969a-b and Mariner 6-7

  6. Mariner 8 and Kosmos 419 and Mars 2-3 orbiter/ lander 1971 Mariner 8: US (flyby) Failure reason launch failure. Kosmos 419: USSR Failure Reason Achieved earth orbit only. Mars 2: USSR Failure Reason Orbit arrived, but no useful data and Lander destroyed. Mars 3 orbiter/ lander: USSR success 8 months of data obtained but only 20 seconds of data came back.

  7. 1973 mars4-7 orbit-lander/ lander Mars 4: USSR failure Flew past mars. • Mars5 USSR success returned with sixty images: only lasted 9 days. • Mars 6 orbit/lander USSR success/failure Occultation experiment produced data and land failure on descent • Mars 7 lander: USSR failure missed planet now in solar orbit.

  8. 1975 Viking 1and 2 orbit/ lander • Viking 1 orbit/ lander • US success located landed site for lander and first successful landing on mars. • Viking 2 orbit/ lander • US success returned 16,000 images and extensive atmospheric data and soil experiments.

  9. 1988 Phobos 1and 2 orbit/lander • Phobos 1 USSR failure lost en route to mars • Phobos 2 orbit/lander USSR failure lost near phobos

  10. 1992 Mars observer • Mars Observer US failure lost prior to mars arrival

  11. 1996 mars global surveyor and 96 and pathfinder • Mars Global Surveyor US success More images than all of the rovers. Mars 96 Russia Failure Launch failure • Mars pathfinder US success Technology experiment lasting 5 times longer than warranty

  12. Nozomi and Mars climate orbiter • Nozomi Japan failure no orbit insertion , flue problems. • Mars climate orbiter US Failure lost on arrival.

  13. Mars Polar Lander/ Deep space 2 probes (2) • Mars polar lander Us failure on arrival. • Deep space 2 probes (2) US failure lost on arrival (carried on Mars Polar Lander)

  14. 2001 Mars Odyssey • Mars Odyssey US Success High resolution images of Mars.

  15. 2003 Mars Express orbiter/beagle 2 lander mars exploration rover, Spirit, opportunity • Mars Express orbiter/ beagle 2 lander: ESA success/ failure orbiter imaging mars in detail and lander lost in arrival. • Spirit: US Success operating lifetime of more than 15 times original warranty. • Opportunity: returned more than 26 terabits of data ( more than any mars mission combined).

  16. 2007 Phoenix mars lander • Phoenix Mars lander: US success returned more than 25 gabits of data.

  17. 2011 Mars science Laboratory- Phonos Grunt/ Yinghuo-1 • Mars science Laboratory: US success Exploring Mars’ habitability. • Phonos Grunt/ Yinghuo-1: Russia/China Failure Stranded in earth orbit.

  18. 2013 Mangalyaan and Mars atmosphere and violtiaile evolution • Mangalyaan: India en route on way to mars. • Mars Astromosphere and volatile Evolution US enroute on way to mars

  19. bibliography http://mars.nasa.gov/programmissions/missions/log/ http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/nmc/spacecraftDisplay.do?id=1964-077A 4x3 16x9

  20. The End            

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