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Lucas 7:36 – 8:3. 7:36 En aquel tiempo, un fariseo invitó a Jesús a comer con él. Jesús fue a la casa del fariseo y se sentó a la mesa. .
Lucas7:36 – 8:3 7:36 En aquel tiempo, un fariseo invitó a Jesús a comer con él. Jesús fue a la casa del fariseo y se sentó a la mesa. 7:37 Una mujer de mala vida en aquella ciudad, cuando supo que Jesús iba a comer ese día en casa del fariseo, tomó consigo un frasco de alabastro con perfume,
38 fue y se puso detrás de Jesús, y comenzó a llorar, y con sus lágrimas bañaba sus pies, los enjugó con su cabellera, los besó y los ungió con el perfume. 39 Viendo esto, el fariseo que lo había invitado comenzó a pensar: “Si este hombre fuera profeta, sabría qué clase de mujer es la que lo está tocando; sabría que es una pecadora”. 40 Entonces Jesús le dijo: “Simón, tengo algo que decirte”. El fariseo contestó: “Dímelo, Maestro”.
41 Él le dijo: “Dos hombres le debían dinero a un prestamista. Uno le debía quinientos denarios y el otro, cincuenta. 42 Como no tenían con qué pagarle, les perdonó la deuda a los dos. ¿Cuál de ellos lo amará más?” 43 Simón le respondió: “Supongo que aquel a quien le perdonó más”. Entonces Jesús le dijo: “Has juzgado bien”.
44 Luego, señalando a la mujer, dijo a Simón: “¿Ves a esta mujer? Entré en tu casa y tú no me ofreciste agua para los pies, mientras que ella me los ha bañado con sus lágrimas y me los ha enjugado con sus cabellos. 45 Tú no me diste el beso de saludo; ella, en cambio, desde que entró, no ha dejado de besar mis pies. 46 Tú no ungiste con aceite mi cabeza; ella, en cambio, me ha ungido los pies con perfume.
47 Por lo cual, yo te digo: sus pecados, que son muchos, le han quedado perdonados, porque ha amado mucho. En cambio, al que poco se le perdona, poco ama”. 48 Luego le dijo a la mujer: “Tus pecados te han quedado perdonados”. 49 Los invitados empezaron a preguntarse a sí mismos: “¿Quién es éste, que hasta los pecados perdona?”
7:50 Jesús le dijo a la mujer: “Tu fe te ha salvado; vete en paz”. 8:1 Después de esto, Jesús comenzó a recorrer ciudades y poblados predicando la buena nueva del Reino de Dios. Lo acompañaban los Doce 8:2 y algunas mujeres que habían sido libradas de espíritus malignos y curadas de varias enfermedades. Entre ellas iban María, llamada Magdalena, de la que habían salido siete demonios;
8:3 Juana, mujer de Cusa, el administrador de Herodes; Susana y otras muchas, que los ayudaban con sus propios bienes. Palabra del Señor
“Sus pecados, que son muchos, le an quedado perdonados”
Luke7:36 – 8:3 7:36 A Pharisee invited Jesus to dine with him, and he entered the Pharisee's house and reclined at table. 7:37 Now there was a sinful woman in the city who learned that he was at table in the house of the Pharisee. Bringing an alabaster flask of ointment,
38 she stood behind Jesus at his feet weeping and began to bathe his feet with her tears. Then she wiped them with her hair, kissed them, and anointed them with the ointment. 39 When the Pharisee who had invited him saw this he said to himself, “If this man were a prophet, he would know who and what sort of woman this is who is touching him, that she is a sinner.” 40 Jesus said to him in reply, “Simon, I have something to say to you.” “Tell me, teacher,” he said.
41 “Two people were in debt to a certain creditor; one owed five hundred days’ wages and the other owed fifty. 42 Since they were unable to repay the debt, he forgave it for both. Which of them will love him more?” 43 Simon said in reply, “The one, I suppose, whose larger debt was forgiven.” Jesus said to him, “You have judged rightly.”
44 Then he turned to the woman and said to Simon, “Do you see this woman? When I entered your house, you did not give me water for my feet, but she has bathed them with her tears and wiped them with her hair. 45 You did not give me a kiss, but she has not ceased kissing my feet since the time I entered. 46 You did not anoint my head with oil, but she anointed my feet with ointment.
47 So I tell you, her many sins have been forgiven; hence, she has shown great love. But the one to whom little is forgiven, loves little.” 48 He said to her, “Your sins are forgiven.” 49 The others at table said to themselves, “Who is this who even forgives sins?”
7:50 But he said to the woman, “Your faith has saved you; go in peace.” 8:1 Afterward he journeyed from one town and village to another, preaching and proclaiming the good news of the kingdom of God. Accompanying him were the Twelve 8:2 and some women who had been cured of evil spirits and infirmities, Mary, called Magdalene, from whom seven demons had gone out,
8:3 Joanna, the wife of Herod’s steward Chuza, Susanna, and many others who provided for them out of their resources. Gospel of the Lord
“Your sins, which are many, have been forgiven”
Reflections on Luke 7:36 – 8:3 Reflexiones en Lucas 7:36 – 8:3 by Fr. Sam Rosales, S.J. June 16, 2013 In the Middle East at the time of Jesus, the wealthy would have homes with an open courtyard where they would dine with their invited guests. They did not sit at tables. They lay on low couches, resting on the left elbow, and allowing the right arm free, with the feet stretched out. At the proper time, the invited guests were expected to share their wisdom.
En el Medio-Oriente en el tiempo de Jesucristo, los ricos tenian casas con patios abiertos donde podian comer con sus invitados. No se sentaban en mesas. Mas bien se echaban de lado sobre un lecho, descansando en su codo izquierdo, dejando libre su mano derecha, con los pies extendidos. Al tiempo apropiado, se esperaba que los invitados compartieran de su sabiduría.
Roads were simple dirt paths. People wore sandals, rather than shoes. The sandals were simple pieces of leather held together by straps. In hot weather it was the custom to leave your sandals at the door. Cool water was poured over the feet to cleanse and comfort them.
Los caminos eran sencillos como senderos de tierra. La gente usaba sandalias, en vez de zapatos. Las sandalias eran sencillos pedazos de baqueta afianzados con correas. Cuando el clima estaba caluroso, era la costumbre dejar las sandalias en la puerta. Luego se lavaban los pies con agua fresca para refrescarse.
Hospitality demanded that invited guests be greeted at the door with marks of respect. It was a given that these customs were never omitted when a distinguished Rabbi would be invited. Good manners demanded that a sweet-smelling incense be burned, and that the guests be anointed with oil.
La hospitalidad demandaba que los invitados se recibieran en la puerta con señas de respeto. Estaba entendido que estas costumbres nunca se olvidaban cuando un Maestro distinguido fuera invitado. Buenas costumbres dictaba que le quemara un incienso dulce, y que el invitado fuera ungido con aceite.
The woman who was a sinner must have heard Jesus preaching, and knew that he was a prophet, a gentle Teacher of the things of God. She walks right up to him and breaks open her expensive alabastar container of perfume. It was all she had to offer him, and she pours it on his feet, with love and affection. She weeps and anoints his feet with her tears, kisses them, and wipes them with her beautiful long hair.
La mujer pecadora ha de haber oido a Jesucristo predicar, y sabia que él era un profeta, manso y humilde de corazon, Maestro en las cosas de Dios. Ella se le presento y abrio su envase de alabastro caro. Era todo lo que tenia para ofrecerle, y lo derramo sobre sus pies con todo carino. Lloro y le ungio sus pies con sus lagrimas besándolos, limpiándolos con su cabello.
The self-righteous Pharisee, named Simon, meanwhile, is critical of Jesus, that he would allow such a woman to touch him. Jesus knows what is in his heart, and proceeds to give his beautiful teaching.
El fariseo entre tanto, llamado Simon, es critico de Jesucristo, porque el permitio que esa mala mujer lo tocara. Jesús sabe lo que esta pensando en su corazon, y le da su enseñanza.
In the story of the two debtors, Jesus points out that it is all about love. When neither of them can pay, the creditor forgives them both. Which of the two will love most? Simon answered correctly: “The one to whom he forgave more.”
En la historia de los dos deudores, Jesucristo indica que todo se trata del amor. Cuando ni uno de los dos deudores puede pagar la deuda, el prestamista perdona a los dos. Cual de los dos amara mas? Simon contesta correctamente; “Aquel a quien se le perdona mas.”
Jesus then points out to Simon how he has not shown any of the accustomed marks of respect demanded by hospitality. All he has received from Simon is contempt. He failed to kiss him when he arrived, and he failed to provide water for his feet. Whereas the woman had not ceased to kiss and anoint his feet.
Jesucristo entonces le indica a Simon como no le ha enseñado ninguna de las marcas de respeto acostumbradas. Todo lo que ha recibido de Simon es el desprecio. No lo beso cuando llego, no le dio agua para sus pies. Mientras que la mujer no ha dejado de besarle a sus pies, y no ha dejado de ungirlo.
Therefore, Jesus said: her sins, which are many, are forgiven, for she loved much. And he who is forgiven little, loves little. And he said to the woman: “Go in peace, your faith has saved you.”
Por eso, Jesucristo le dice: tus pecados, aunque son muchos, son perdonados. Y al que se le perdona poco, ama poco. Y le dijo a la mujer: “Vete en paz, tu fe te ha salvado.”
The early Fathers of the Church found many teachings here. Peter Chrysologous says that beyond a doubt, the woman is the church. She recognized that Jesus was being treated with contempt amidst sweet cups and a banquet of love (Sermon 95).
Los Padres primitivos de la Iglesia encuentran aquí muchas enseñanzas. Pedro Crisologo dice que sin duda, la mujer es la iglesia. Ella reconoce que Jesucristo era tratado con desprecio aunque estaban en un banquete de amor y de copas dulces (Sermón 95).
“With her hands of good works, she holds the feet of those who preach his kingdom. She washes them with tears of charity, kisses them with praising lips, and pours out the whole ointment of mercy, until he turn to her (FC17:150).
“Con sus manos de buenas obras, ella abraza los pies de los que predican el reino. Se los lava con lagrimas de caridad, y los besa con labios de alabanza, derramando sobre ellos el aceite de misericordia, hasta que El voltee hacia ella” (FC 17:150).
When Jesus does speak to those who treat him with contempt, we know what he says: “I came into your house. You gave me no water for my feet.” Ahora sabemos lo que Jesucristo dice a los que lo tratan con desprecio; “Vine a tu casa, y no me diste agua para mis pies.”
And we know that at the Last Judgment he will separate the righteous from the unrighteous like a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. He will say: “For I was hungry and you gave me no food, I was thirsty and you gave me no drink, a stranger and you gave me no welcome, naked and you gave me no clothing, ill and in prison, and you did not care for me” (Matthew 25:42-43).
Y tambien sabemos lo que va a decir en el Ultimo Juicio. Separara a los malvados de los buenos como un pastor separa a las ovejas de los chivos. Él dira: “Estuve con hambre, y no me diste de comer. Tenia sed, y no me diste de beber. Fui forastero, y no me recibiste” (Mateo 25:42-43).
This means that just as the woman did to the Master’s feet what his enemies refused to do to his head, so the church must do to the lowliest members of His Body. Then he will say to his church, “Your sins, many as they are, are forgiven you, because you have loved much” (Sermon 95).
Esto quiere decir que asi como la mujer ungio los pies del Maestro cuando sus enemigos se rehusaron a ungirle su cabeza, asi la iglesia tiene que tratar a los menos de su Cuerpo. Entonces le dira a su iglesia: “Tus pecados, mucho que fueron, son perdonados, porque me has amado mucho” (Sermón 95).
“Because you have Loved much” “Porque me has Amado mucho”