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National Laboratory of Materials and Structural Models (LanammeUCR )

National Laboratory of Materials and Structural Models (LanammeUCR ) Transportation Infrastructure Program PITRA-LanammeUCR. Ing. Luis Guillermo Loria-Salazar, MSc , PhD General Director. Areas of expertise. Seismic engineering and risk management .

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National Laboratory of Materials and Structural Models (LanammeUCR )

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  1. National Laboratory of Materials and Structural Models (LanammeUCR) Transportation Infrastructure Program PITRA-LanammeUCR Ing. Luis Guillermo Loria-Salazar, MSc, PhD General Director

  2. Areas of expertise • Seismicengineering and riskmanagement. • Soils and rocksengineering (soilscience). • Structuralengineering. • Constructionmaterialsengineering. • Road engineering (PITRA Program – Law 8114 and 8603).

  3. LEGAL FRAMEWORKLaw 7099 In 1996, Law 7099 givesto LanammeUCR, category of referenceNationalLaboratory in civil and roadinfrastructurefield in Costa Rica

  4. LEGAL FRAMEWORKLaw 8114 Item 6º— Auditfindingstoguaranteethequality of thenationalroadnetwork. In orderto use efficientlythepublicinvestment, theUniversity of Costa Rica willbeabletoholdagreementwiththeNationalRoadway Council (CONAVI) in orderto do bymeans of theNationalLaboratory of Materials and StructuralModelsthefollowingtasks: Acreditation and training programsforlaboratorytechnicalassistant. Technicalaudits of projects in execution. Twoyearlyevaluation of allthelongnationalroadnetwork. Yearlyevaluation of theroads and bridges underfranchisse. Constantlyupdated of technicalspecifications manual and publications of a new edition (reviewed and updated) each ten years. Technicalauditstothelaboratoriesinsidetheroad sector. Technical Support tothe director of the MOPT Road Direction, as totheminister and viceministerfromthe sector. Execution and supportwithupdatingprograms and transfer activities of technologyaddressedtoengineers and inspectors. Researchprogramsaboutpavementsinfrastructureproblemsfromthe country.

  5. LEGAL FRAMEWORKLaw8603 Octuber 11st, 2007 ChangetotheLaw 8114. • Item 5: Sourcesshouldbetransferred in directway. • Item6: “j – Withthepurposetoguaranteethequality of thecantonal roadnetworkand forreasonableapplicablethings, themunicipality and the UCR, bymeans of the LanammeUCR, couldcelebrateagreementsto do equivalentstaskstothepointsbefore.

  6. Costa RicanReseach • Law 7099-1996 • Establish a National Laboratoryconstructionmaterials LanammeUCR • All the construction technologies must be tested and evaluated by LANAMME. • Agreement Interamerican Development Bank (BID) and UCR USD 1 million to build the laboratory and acquire initial equipment.

  7. History LANAMME’spavementlab: 1997 1 Marshall hammer. 2 viscometers. 1 penetrometer.

  8. History • The condition of the highway system of Costa Rica in 1997 • Lack of government control (DOT). • Empiricism in the making-decision process. • Most of the projects failed nearly after construction.

  9. History Congresscreated: LAW 8114: 2002

  10. Law8114 • FUEL TAX: 30% of the market price of fuels will be used to do rehabilitation of the Costa Rican’ roads and highways. • The congress assigned the 1% of the tax to LanammeUCR for accomplishing various objectives.

  11. Law 8114 Objectives • Auditing the rehabilitation projects constructed with the DOT funding. • Applied research of the problems of the national road network. • Technology transfer and acreditation of engineers and technicians. USD 1,5 billion 2012-1016 PUBLIC INVESTMENT

  12. Law 8114 Objectives: • Evaluation of the national road system every two years with high-tech equipments: FWD, RSP, Geo3D, laser macrotexture and Griptester. • Advising the municipalities and local governments in QA/QC, pavement design, material design and analysis, PMS,etc. • Advising specific needs of the Minister of Transportation. • Evaluation of the national bridges system. • Developing of the Standard Specs. Manual.

  13. Universidad de Costa Rica (UCR) Simbología Unidad Actual ------- Unidad proyectada 1 Gerente de Calidad 2 Gerente Técnico Alcance de la Acreditación Director LANAMME Coordinador Unidad de Gestión de Calidad (UGC)1 Consejo Asesor Jefatura Administrativa Asistente del Coordinador de la UGC Secretaría Dirección Recursos Humanos Cómputo Recepción Mensajería Proveeduría Coordinador General de Laboratorios2 PITRA Coordinador Ingeniería Sísmica Coordinador Coordinador de Laboratorios Infraestructura Vial Coordinador de Laboratorios Infraestructura Civil Estructuras Coordinador Geotecnia Coordinador Jefe Lab.Ensayos Dinámicos Pavimentos Jefe Laboratorio de Fuerza Jefe Laboratorio Mezclas Bituminosas Jefe Laboratorio de Estructuras Jefe Laboratorio Ligantes Asfálticos Laboratorio de Campo Fuerza Técnicos Técnicos de Laboratorio Técnicos de Laboratorio Estructuras Técnicos Técnicos de Laboratorio Técnicos de Laboratorio Profesionales LanammeUCR Organization Chart • More than 80 testsaccreditedby ISO 17025. • Firstlaboratory of theareawiththataward. Jefe Laboratorio de Concreto y Agregados Jefe Laboratorio Geotecnia y CBR Geotecnia y CBR Técnicos Concreto y Agregados Técnicos Secretaria Coordinador General de Laboratorios Encargado de Recepción de Muestras Encargado de Mantenimiento Encargado de Bodega Mecánico de Precisión

  14. CURRENT INSTALLED CAPACITY • 150 workers • Civil engineers • Chemical engineers • Chemists • Mechanical engineers • Administrators • 3 Lawyers • Technical of laboratory • 50 assistant students

  15. CURRENT INSTALLED CAPACITY • It is one of the most equipped laboratory around the world in materials and structures engineering. • In roads, it is classified as one of the 5 most equipped laboratories in the world.

  16. BUILDINGS AREA • Two buildings of laboratories and technology transference center: 8,000 m2 • Liberia Campus: 1200 m2 of buildings in a total area of 10,000 m2

  17. DEVELOPMENT MODEL • Even though having sources, LanammeUCR had generated plans and projects. • LanammeUCR created a development platform from 1995 to 2001 • The definition of the Law 8114 was done when a development platform existed

  18. TransportationInfraestrutureProgram (PITRA)

  19. PITRA Objetive We are lookingfortheimprovement in the QUALITY OF LIFE of thecostaricanpeople and our COMPETITIVE as country

  20. PITRA TransportationInfraestrutureProgramfrom LanammeUCR Alsoouracademicwork, since 2002 itcoordinatesdirectlyworksassignedbytheLaw 8114 to LanammeUCR

  21. PITRA • Entities of lawtogiveresults of thework of auditfindings: • LegislativeAssembly, • AdministrationMinistery, • MOPT, • GovernmentAccountability Office and • PublicBodyResponsibleforDefendingPublicRights.

  22. HistoricalMoments • There are threephases: • 2002-2007: Phase of so muchdisagreementwith MOPT-CONAVI-Industry. • 2007-2009: Betterrelationship. • 2009-2013: Time of so muchinterchagewithevery sector, firsttherelationwiththeindustryimproves, thenwith COSEVI, MOPT and CONAVI.

  23. HistoricalMoments • 2009-2013 • More than 50 mettingswithbuilders, consultants, privatedlaboratories, and others. • 2011: ItwascreatedtheACCORD FOR THE RESCUE OF THE NATIONAL ROAD NETWORK: CCC, CFIA, ACCCR, A. of Consultants, UCCAEP.

  24. Atypicalresponsabilities of theacademy • Directrelationshipwith CGR. • Meetings in assembly, court, etc. • Participation in conflictivesituations: Bridge overtheRiver Virilla, publiccontracts, etc.

  25. Crisis Management

  26. Developmentbasedonplanstomediumterm • Preparation of workeswithpostgradestudies • Five-year plan • Anual budget of fundsfromlaw 8114 • Examples: • New building • Liberia Campus • HVS purchase • Acquisitionvibratingtable

  27. WORK PIVOT: TechnologicalTransference Technicalsupport Audit of theNational Network Road AppliedResearch

  28. PITRA Units

  29. Transportation Infrastructure Program PITRA

  30. Academicmodel of development 90 workers 8 Ph D 12 M Sc Graduatedfrom:

  31. Academicmodel of development • 40 studentassitants in 2013

  32. ScientificPotential • Nano-Scaleevaluations • AFM, Raman, Infrared, DSC, • DMA • Materialsevaluation • Rheology • Dynamiccharacterization of the material • Fatigue, E*, RLT, Creep, APA, Hamburg Wheel • Behaviorevaluation • Natural ScaleTrackInstrumentation • HVS NANO MICRO MACRO NATURAL SCALE

  33. Current Installed Capacity NANO MICRO MACRO NATURAL SCALE

  34. Material Analysis Raman & AFM

  35. Budgetinvested: equipment and facilities Maintenance: USD 1 millon/year

  36. WorkMethology

  37. AGREEMENTS AND ACTUAL CONTRACTS (OPERATING) PROMEVIAL Significant change in the quality life of citizens Improving in thequality of thestructure



  40. ResearchTopics

  41. Paperpublished 28

  42. Scientific and Technical Magazines • Road Infrastructure • Semestral, 1999 • Technicalnewsletter PITRA • Biweekly, 2010 • Specialpublications • 2011

  43. RamanSpectrum DSC TGA Recycledmaterials FT-IR Gas

  44. Applicationforsmartphone Maps

  45. Development of databases

  46. Project forimprovingthebehavior of roads PaveLAB HVS

  47. Timeline

  48. Timeline

  49. Timeline

  50. PaveLab’s HVS

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