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THE ANNUAL GOVERNORS REPORT TO PARENTS 2006-2007. RISCA PRIMARY SCHOOL. The Governors will present their report at The Annual Governors / Parents meeting on Monday 25 th June 2007 at 5.30pm in the school hall. The Governing Body
THE ANNUAL GOVERNORS REPORT TO PARENTS 2006-2007 RISCA PRIMARY SCHOOL The Governors will present their report at The Annual Governors / Parents meeting on Monday 25th June 2007 at 5.30pm in the school hall. The Governing Body All Governors with the exception of the Headteacher, serve a four year fixed term. A Message from The Chair of Governors It is time for another annual Report to parents, how time flies! The school has enjoyed another successful year and I believe you as parents, we as governors and our children; can feel proud of our school in Risca. I would like to thank the PTA for all their efforts on behalf of our school; they have done a wonderful job in raising funds. Please support them so that they can continue to help Risca Primary School. On your behalf, can I congratulate the head teacher and all the staff for their hard work and dedication throughout this past year? I must also thank the governing body who so willingly give of their time to support the school, thank you all. Irene James A.M. Attendance There are currently 375 pupils in school (inc Nursery). The attendance figures from Summer Term 2006 to Spring Term 2007 are:
National Curriculum Assessments 2005 End of Key Stage 1: Year 2006 Percentage of Pupils at Level 2 or above in Maths English and Science (known as core indicator):- In School = 100% In Caerphilly CBC = 79% In Wales = 81% End of Key Stage 2: Year 2006 Percentage of Pupils at Level 4 or above in Maths English and Science (known as core indicator):- In School = 78% In Caerphilly CBC = 71% In Wales = 74% Financial Statement (£) 2007 Term Dates 2007 / 2008 **May Day Holiday – Monday 5th May 2008** School Target Setting:
Special Educational Needs Many children have special educational needs at some time during their school lives. Some have special needs because they find learning difficult, some because of specific difficulties, impairments or disabilities and others have special needs because they have high ability. The school meets the needs of these children through careful planning, by provision of additional support and especially by using strategies for differentiation. In the case of children who have registered special needs, the provision is mainly through individual educational plans that specify learning objectives together with practical activities which help children to make progress in small achievable steps. The needs of the more able children are also met through carefully differentiated learning activities, but ones that extend and suitably challenge the learner. A small proportion of pupils have special educational needs because of hearing or visual impairment, or because they have specific speech and language disorders. Outside agencies provide good support for these pupils in addition to the provision they receive in school. The SEN teacher co-ordinates the teaching for these pupils, which is made in mainstream classes to ensure they are fully integrated with their peers for much of their work. Six full time equivalent NNEB’s, working under the direction of the SEN teacher, are deployed to support this in class teaching and learning. School Development Plan One of the most important documents considered by the Governors is the annual School Development Plan (SDP). This document sets out the way in which all aspects of the school environment will develop during the forthcoming year. Building on the success of the previous year’s plans, the 2005 / 2006 plan takes major strides towards an educational environment where continuous improvement is the “norm”. This is confirmed by the yearly LEA performance reviews. •The Plan as an Ongoing Document The school builds into its plan times within the year when it will review the plan. Once the school has set it’s development plan and priorities, this will then act as a framework to control the work of the school. As the development plan will have been decided and agreed by all staff this should ensure that it will be translated into practice with commitment by all to its success and the success of the school. The School Development Plan is central to the life and work of any school. The school through it’s development planning identifies relevant priorities and targets, takes the necessary action and monitors and evaluates progress towards them. The current School Development Plan has targets involving Self-Evaluation, Governor Issues, Aspects of Learning, Healthy Schools Scheme, Foundation Stage Development and Key Skills, Oracy, Science, ICT, Technology, Sustainable Development, Child Protection and attendance. •The Governors and Staff aim to: Provide a Happy, secure environment in which children will thrive and develop intellectually, emotionally, physically, spiritually and socially. •The School will: 1: Develop each child to their full potential; 2: Provide high quality teaching and learning experiences to enable all children to achieve the highest standards of which they are capable, in all areas of the curriculum; 3: Ensure that all children have equal opportunities; 4: Provide an atmosphere which enables all children to be happy and self confident and to develop in them, through the experience we provide, a thinking, questioning attitude; 5: Foster in our children a caring, thoughtful nature, leading them to become reliable, responsible members of society; 6: Equip all children to be able to take pride in and look after their surroundings;
7: Help all children to develop an understanding of their own and other religions and to demonstrate respect for and tolerance of, other peoples’ faiths and cultures; 8: Ensure pupils, parents, staff and Governors work together harmoniously for the benefit of the whole school. Parents and The Community Parent / Teacher / Child reviews were held during the year when parents, together with their children, had the opportunity to meet and discuss with the teachers their progress, successes and concerns. The opportunity for teachers to meet on a one to one basis was much appreciated and the excellent parental attendance to each class teacher was most gratifying. We recognise the importance of parents in the partnership between home and school and are pleased to note the success of the above ventures. We will continue to actively encourage parents to come into the school at every opportunity, to support their children. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all the parents that have come into school to assist in classroom activities during the year and also to all those who have escorted the children on visits. During the year there have been numerous visits to the school by people from the local community. These visitors have each brought their own particular experiences, talents and knowledge to the school allowing the children to enrich their learning by experiencing a much wider spectrum of life than they may otherwise have done. • Visitors to the School have included: • Kathy Treharne – Education Psychologist • Ty Isaf Infants Staff • Robert Chapman – Ground Maintenance • Road Safety Officer • Sports Development – Caerphilly LEA • Janet Williams – Welsh Support • Mrs Tufty – Infants Road Safety • PC Jones – Community Police Officer • Members of Dan-y-Graig Church • Arty Fact Theatre Group* • Risca Library and School Library Staff* • Stephen Tiley – Finance Support • Members of the Governing Body • I.T Support Staff • Mr B Howells – Caerphilly LEA • Mrs Keri Cole – Caerphilly LEA • Lesley Meadows – School Nurse* • Lectures from UWIC and UWCN • Mrs J Kingston and staff – Risca Community Comprehensive* • Susan Davies – Road Safety / Walking Bus • Caerphilly Music Service* • Mel Williams and Brian George - ESIS • Risca Fire Brigade* • Warburton's Healthy Sandwiches* • First Campus Students* • Members of Rogerstone Church • Walter Humphries – Literacy Project* • Ty Sign Primary Staff • Caerphilly Eco-Schools Staff* • Funky Junk (KS1)* • Health and Safety Staff • Greta Bond – SEN Advisory Teacher • Dr D Evans and Inspection Team • * Visitors who enhance the school curriculum. Risca Primary School Parents, staff and Governing Body “In Partnership for Your Childs Education”