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Harcourt Lesson One. Day 2. Character’s Traits and Motivations. Remember yesterday we talked about characters in stories. A reader can tell what kind of person a character is by thinking about his or her traits.
HarcourtLesson One Day 2
Character’s Traits and Motivations • Remember yesterday we talked about characters in stories. • A reader can tell what kind of person a character is by thinking about his or her traits. • A character’s motivations are the reasons the character acts as he or she does. • Sometimes authors state a character’s motivations; other times readers must use what the character says, does, and thinks to figure out the character’s motivations; Free powerpoint template: www.brainybetty.com
As we read our story today, think about the characters in the story and what we can learn about them by the things that they say and do. • Also, before we read, let’s review our 6 vocabulary words on our chart. Free powerpoint template: www.brainybetty.com
The Hot and Cold Summer • Turn to page 26 in your reader. • Read the genre information on the left side of the page to yourself. • What are the characteristics of realistic fiction? • Look at the pictures on pages 26 and 27. • What are the details that seem realistic? Free powerpoint template: www.brainybetty.com
As we read we will use story structure to help us understand how the characters, setting, and plot events are connected. • Good readers make predictions, or guesses, about what a text will be about. • T & T to your partner about what you think will happen. • Let’s read the introduction on page 27. • The introduction is about friendship. In real life, friendships can change. One purpose for reading is to find out if Rory, Derek, and Bolivia’s friendship will change when Derek returns from camp. Free powerpoint template: www.brainybetty.com
Now, turn to page 28 and let’s read this page. You must be listening because I will leave out some important words and I would like for you to fill in the blanks. I’ll call this our “special” reading. • Why is Rory worried? • Let’s continue on Page 29. • Based on what you know so far, how has Bolivia affected Derek and Rory’s friendship? Free powerpoint template: www.brainybetty.com
Story Structure Character Setting • Remember that a story’s setting is where and when it takes place. A story’s setting is important to the plot. Plot Events Free powerpoint template: www.brainybetty.com
Turn to page 30 • Let’s read the first 2 paragraphs together. • Was Rory right to worry so much about Derek? Why or why not? • Let’s finish the page together. • What kind of person is Derek? How can you tell? T & T to your partner. Begin your sentence like this: I believe Derek is _______________. I know this because ____________________. Free powerpoint template: www.brainybetty.com
Let’s try our special reading on page 31. • Do you think that all three characters will remain friends? What details from the story support your answer? • We will read pages 32 – 40 with a partner. Before we read let’s create a chart for partner reading. • What do we need to remember to help our partners and ourselves understand the passage? Free powerpoint template: www.brainybetty.com
Small Group Activities Free powerpoint template: www.brainybetty.com
GrammarDaily Proofreading • Remember that a complete sentence expresses a complete thought. Look at the following sentences and correct them in your BEAR book. Cesar walked. To see a fillm. He bought gumm. At the store. Free powerpoint template: www.brainybetty.com
Transparency LA 3-work together. Free powerpoint template: www.brainybetty.com