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Particle ID Update

Particle ID Update. Bob Wilson Department of Physics Colorado State University. ALCPG, Cornell University July 14 th., 2003. LCRD proposal for PID software infrastructure funded New grad. Student: Sky Rolnick New undergrad./prof. programmer: John Cairns

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Particle ID Update

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Particle ID Update Bob Wilson Department of Physics Colorado State University ALCPG, Cornell University July 14 th., 2003

  2. LCRD proposal for PID software infrastructure funded • New grad. Student: Sky Rolnick • New undergrad./prof. programmer: John Cairns • Currently, reviewing how to embed PID in the overall LCD/JAS s/w infrastructure • Discussion in Simulation Session, tuesday 4:15-6:15, Sage B09 • Fast Simulation/Reconstruction • Emphasis on dE/dx tools • Checking existing code for correctness • Add Muon system fast simulation/reconstruction? • Cross subsystem PID • Methods for combining sub-system information e.g. muon+hCal. • Physics • Revive pursuit of physics justification for hadron ID. R.J.Wilson, Colorado State University 14th. July 2003

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