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2006/8/2 KEK 研究会. S=-2 hypernuclei predicted by ESC04 model. 『 核力と核構造 』 の意識的適用. Y. Yamamoto. ESC with Rijken Ξnuclei with Lanskoy. Our Approach to Hypernuclear Physics. Nijmegen models. Free-space YN · YY interaction. G-matrix. Effective YN · YY interaction in nuclei.
2006/8/2 KEK研究会 S=-2 hypernucleipredicted by ESC04 model 『核力と核構造』の意識的適用 Y. Yamamoto ESC with Rijken Ξnuclei with Lanskoy
Our Approach to Hypernuclear Physics Nijmegen models Free-space YN·YY interaction G-matrix Effective YN·YY interaction in nuclei Structure Models Hypernuclear Phenomena Complementary studies of YN·YY interactions and hypernuclei
ひとこと G-matrix theoryは核力と核構造をリンク させる確立された処方(適用限界も含め) ハイパー核研究では「核力から核構造」の 実体論的方針が貫徹された 以下の話はその実践例である S=0核の研究では・・・???
Development of Nijmegen models Model D (ND) 1977 Model F (NF) 1979 ΛN G-matrix calculations in nuclear matter Bando & Nagata 1982 Predictive power ! prediction of ΣHe4 by Harada-Akaishi(1987) NSC89 NSC97 ESC99 ESC00 ESC02 ESC03 ESC04 Rijken Yamamoto 夢ふたたび?
Extended Soft-Core Model ESC04 Phys. Rev. C73, 044008 (2006) ●Two-meson exchange processes are treated explicitly no effective bosons are used ●Meson-Baryon coupling constants are consistent with Quark-model predictions ● No ad hoc parameter only for fitting experimental data Parameter fitting G-matrix Hypernuclear data not only YN scattering data
PS, S, V, AV nonets not taken (ππ),(πρ),(πω),(πη),(σσ) lead to TBF PS-PS exchange 3体力が自動的に決まる
by 玉垣さん 2000/7 Before NAGARA 2π-exchange via Δ-excitation Fujita-Miyazawa TBF σ-meson の実体 ΛΛ引力は弱い 核力における 引力の主要項
“Duality” picture Ri nucleon resonanse Hj intermediating heavy boson ESCでは『σ-meson』の実体が Pair term
ΛNーΛN O O O O total OBE TME Pair
ESC model では、各チャネルでの potentialの特徴が、OBEと(PAIR+TME) の種々の組み合わせで表現されている Pair termは、OBEPにおける”σ-meson”の 役割を担うが、機能的に同じではない OBEPとの違いがS=-2状態で顕著に現れる
Nuclear saturation problem Universal three-body repulsion Three-body force due to triple-meson correlation taken into account as reduction of meson mass in medium MV(ρ)=MV exp(-αρ)
Saturation Curves for ESC04(NN) TNR3 αV=.18 TNR2 αV=.07 QTQ results with TNA+MIR Medium-Induced Repulsion ~ TBR
Similar to TBRu MIR appear universally in all YN & YY channels
Effects of Medium-Induced Repulsions Extra repulsion +6.9 +9.4 (ESC04d) Fss -20.1 -21.2 -46.0 6.1 -20.2 -8.8 48.2 +19.8 fss2 -14.8 -28.4 -48.2 6.7 -23.9 -9.2 41.2 +7.5
For S=-1 hypernuclear properties, ESC04 models (including MIR) are the most reasonable among various Nijmegen models For S=-2 states ?
coupling diagonal Total OBE Pair Total (斥力) Pair ESC04における強いΛΛ-ΞN結合はPair termから来ている
ΛΛ phase shifts Old data Pair Nagara 強いΛΛ-ΞN couplingによってΛΛ引力が実現されている!
ΔBΛΛ(ΛΛHe6) with G-matrix interaction (α+Λ+Λ)*(α+Ξ+N)three-body model Λ Λ Ξ N α α COSM (ΛΛ-ΛΛ) & (ΛΛ-ΞN)G-matrix interactions (ΛΛ-ΞN-ΣΣ)coupling is renormalized V-type coordinate no double counting of short-range correlation COSM(V)にはG、変分(V+T)にはV
Stronger ΛΛ-ΞN coupling Exp ~ 1.0 ESC04 models are consistent with NAGARA data
BNL-E885 U0~ -14 MeV
attractive UΞを与えるinteraction models Nijmeden D Ehime かなり 作為的 σmesons 「素直なOBEP」では無理(??) モデルを提案すること、その性質を調べることが重要! ESC04dは一つの可能性である
Pair OBE Total OBEとPairの役割がΛN-ΛNやΣN-ΣNと逆!!!
ΛN case Scalarとvectorがキャンセル V V S S
OBE contributions in ΞN 13S1 state PS V VとAがcancel Sの引力が残る S A
ESC04 model が特徴あるS=-2 interactions を与える理由 Pair diagrams Axial-Vector mesons
A folding model Two-range Gauss ΞN int Ξ-nucleus folding potential
Lane term ~ (N-Z+1)/4 N=Z cores N>Z cores (K-,K0) Ξ hypernuclei produced by (K-,K+) reactions on available targets
G-matrix interaction からOptical potential を導く標準的処方箋
calculated by Lanskoy (K-,K0) reactions are indispensable !!!
Conclusion (ESC04 and Ξhypernuclei) A ”solution” ofESC04 modeling leads to attractive Ξ-well U0≒-14 MeV(if true) is realized by strong 13S1 attraction in ESC04 model There exist some s-shell Ξ-bound states dominated by 13S1 components Conversion width ΓΞ is large due to strong ΞN-ΛΛ coupling in 11S0 state
Double-Λ hypernuclei rather strong ΛΛ attraction rather weak ΛΛ attraction
Hiyama’s calculations for double-Λ hypernuclei Threshold energies of all sub-systems are fitted
Ξハイパー核? Twin は今・・・?
Ξ-nucleus interactionが斥力とはとても考えられない
s-shell Ξ hypernuclei no Ξbound state in light systems
Total OBE Pair