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Speaker Marketing from the Marketing Speaker

Speaker Marketing from the Marketing Speaker. Al Lautenslager al@allautenslager.com. NSA - Wisconsin. Guerrilla Marketing Social Media Integration Target, Message, Vehicle, Frequency Leverage Other Speaker Marketing Your Plan / Your Questions /Group Input.

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Speaker Marketing from the Marketing Speaker

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Speaker Marketing from the Marketing Speaker Al Lautenslager al@allautenslager.com

  2. NSA - Wisconsin • Guerrilla Marketing • Social Media Integration • Target, Message, Vehicle, Frequency • Leverage • Other Speaker Marketing • Your Plan / Your Questions /Group Input

  3. Do you have all the speaking engagements you want? Do you have a blank check book to spend on marketing? Does everyone that couldhire you to speak, know about you?

  4. Theory of Guerrilla Marketing The primary investments of a Guerrilla Marketer should be Time, Energy and Imagination. Since Guerrilla’s do not have big bucks to invest, the marketing arsenal must work harder and smarter!

  5. Guerrilla Marketing Mindset

  6. The Question to Focus On: • “How am I building awareness with my prospects and clients through all of our marketing?”

  7. What is your Marketing Habit? • 3-5 things a day • Put Marketing on your to-do list

  8. Goals/Purpose of Marketing

  9. What specific activity do you want customers and prospects to take?

  10. Specific Customer Activity • Send in for information • Call your toll free 800 number • Visit your website; Google You • Enter a contest • Visit with you • View a video clip

  11. Target Market

  12. The Ultimate Targeting Exercise • If you could magically define the “ideal client,” what would they look like?

  13. Your Best Prospect ….is a current customer Second best is a past customer

  14. Positioning

  15. David Ogilvy: “Marketing results depend less on how advertising is written than on how the product or service is positioned.”

  16. Positioning Examples • Southwest Airlines • 7-Up • United Airlines • Fed-Ex • Crest Toothpaste

  17. Simple Positioning… • We are now known as…

  18. A Revenue Exploding Guerrilla Marketing Positioning Example • An appliance business that can provide the most affordable kitchen appliances to cost conscious buyers.

  19. You Are an Expert!

  20. Day 8 – Competitive Advantages/Benefits

  21. Prospects Don’t Care About YouThey want to know, “What’s in it for me? How will you benefit me?”

  22. Features vs. Benefits

  23. What are you really selling?

  24. What will your audiences receive

  25. Your competitive advantage is the benefit you offer that your competition does not

  26. Dig Deep for Benefits

  27. Marketing Hooks

  28. More Good hook examples • Special Report: • 7 Mistakes People Make When Choosing A _______________Supplier • Before You Purchase __________________ You Should Read this Report • This is what our competition won’t tell you about ____________________ • 12 ways to Get Twice as Much Value at Half the Cost

  29. What about Free Consultations • GM 3rd • Savvy consumers

  30. Placement of Marketing Hooks • On or offline • Brochures or other marketing communication material • Videos • Packaging materials • Bounce back offers

  31. PR

  32. PR “All publicity is good publicity except in an obituary” -Brendan Behan

  33. Wear two pair of shoes • Editor’s • Reader’s

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