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2013 SAFE BOATING AWARENESS SURVEY Consumer Research Results Preliminary Report Prepared for: Canadian Safe Boating Council Prepared by: McCullough Associates Date: June 27 , 2013. Table of Contents. Slide #. Introduction 3 Research Objectives & Methodology 4 Summary 6
2013 SAFE BOATING AWARENESS SURVEY Consumer Research Results Preliminary Report Prepared for: Canadian Safe Boating Council Prepared by: McCullough Associates Date: June 27, 2013
Table of Contents Slide # • Introduction3 • Research Objectives & Methodology 4 • Summary6 • Detailed Findings 12 • Boating Participation 13 • Awareness of Safe Boating Messages 16 • Sources of Awareness of Safe Boating Messages 25 • Safe Boating Posters Awareness 29 • Safe Boating Attitudes & Behaviours 32 • Wearing PFDs 34 • Appendix 41
Research Objectives • Measure & track awareness of safe boating messages communicated by the North American Safe Boating Awareness Week annual communication campaign • Identify how well specific campaign messages are being communicated, in the areas of “Wearing PFDs”, “drinking & boating”, “preparedness”, “cold water” and “boating training/education” • Identify who the campaign is reaching and opportunities to improve its reach & impact • Measure & track boating safety attitudes and behaviours among Canadian boaters, and how they have been affected by awareness of the NASBAW campaign messages.
Research Methodology • National online survey as part of Ipsos Reid’s eNation weekly omnibus survey • Fieldwork conducted May 29 – June 3, 2013 • n = 1,221 Canadian adults, nationally representative of the Canadian population • Most Safe Boating Awareness Survey questions asked of n=454 subgroup of the Canadian population who participate in recreational boating activities at least occasionally • Including pleasure powerboating/cruising/waterskiing/wakeboarding, fishing from a boat, riding a personal watercraft, canoeing, kayaking, sailing, sailboarding/windsurfing &/or boating in other unpowered craft. • See separate Appendix for the survey questionnaire • On a sample size of 1,221, results are accurate 19 times out of 20 to within +/-3% • On a sample size of 454, results are accurate 19 times out of 20 to within +/-5% • Circles and squares are used throughout this report to indicate differences that are significant at the 95% confidence level. Differences that are “approaching significance” (80% confidence level) are indicated with dotted circles and squares • Solid arrows are used to indicate changes in 2013 vs prior wave 2012 results that are significant at the 95% level. Dotted arrows indicated changes that are “approaching significance.”
Summary of Key Findings • Boating Participation: • In 2013, 37% of Canadian adults participate in recreational boating activities. • Fishing, pleasure powerboating and canoeing are the most popular boating activities. • Boating participation lower in 2013 compared to prior years. • Decrease traces to slightly less participation in 2013 for both Powerboating and Non-powerboating activities. • Within Paddling, both canoeing and kayaking participation is down slightly in 2013. • This is the first decline in Boating participation since the post-recession dip in 2009.
Summary of Key Findings • Awareness of Safe Boating Messages: • 2013 aided awareness of NASBAW boating safety campaign messages is in-line with previous years – still reaching over half of boaters (53%); unchanged from 2012, although not as high as 2010 peak. • Overall message awareness in 2013 unchanged from 2012 in most boating activity subgroups; down slightly amongst fishermen. • Higher message awareness in 2013 than 2012 in Atlantic Canada, and lower in Prairies region. • Awareness of specific boating safety messages in 2013 is in-line with previous years. • Highest awareness for “don’t drink and boat”, “wear your lifejacket” “get your PCOC” and “watch the weather”. • Riders of personal watercraft have highest awareness of “don’t drink & boat” message in 2013. Boat Drivers have highest awareness of “get your PCOC” message. • Awareness of “wear your lifejacket” message higher in 2013 vs 2012 amongst boaters 35-54 years of age. • No significant changes in subgroups’ awareness of “don’t drink & boat” message in 2013 vs 2012, except lower in Prairies region. • By age, higher awareness of “”don’t’ drink & boat” message among older boaters 55+ years of age than amongst younger boaters. • No significant changes in subgroups’ awareness of “get your PCOC” message in 2013 vs 2012, except lower in Prairies region. • Higher awareness of “get your PCOC” message in 2013 among older boaters 55+ years of age than amongst younger boaters; and lower amongst women than men
Summary of Key Findings • Sources of Awareness of Safe Boating Messages: • Advertising, news coverage offline and posters are the top sources of safe boating messages that boaters recall. • TV and radio are highest sources of advertising awareness • TV ads higher among 35-54 years (38%) and 55+ years (48%) than 18-34 years (15%) • Radio ads higher among 35-54 years (21%) and 55+ years (28%) than 18-34 years (10%) • Newspaper (18%) and magazine (15%) ads higher among 55+ years than younger boaters. • Awareness of news coverage and posters skews to older boaters 55+ years. • Higher awareness of safe boating messages among boaters 55+ years sourced from news coverage (35%) , magazine articles (15%) and posters at marinas (24%), moresothan for younger boaters. • News coverage is higher source of awareness in Quebec (31%), Ontario (32%) and BC (34%) than in Atlantic Canada (9%) and Prairies (15%).
Summary of Key Findings • Safe Boating Posters Awareness: • Low awareness of Fire Alarm poster; slightly higher for Canadian Tire poster. • No significant awareness differences for Fire Alarm poster, by region, gender or age • For Canadian Tire poster, higher awareness among men than women; no significant differences by region or age • No significant awareness differences for either poster by boating activity subgroups. • Stronger safe boating attitudes among boaters aware of Canadian Tire poster. • Desired Safe Boating Attitudes/Behaviours : • Stronger PFD, preparedness and boating education attitudes / behavioursin 2013. • Relatively strong interest in wearing inflatable PFDs.
Summary of Key Findings • Wearing PFDs: • No significant changes from wave to wave, although slightly fewer boaters in 2013+2012 saying they “Always” wear a PFD, compared to 2008+2009+2010. • Top reasons boaters are not always wearing their PFD are beliefs that “I can put PFD on if I need to”, “I’m a good swimmer”, “I can put it on if I need to, as long as its in the boat”, and not wanting to wear PFDs because they are too hot or uncomfortable. • Rough water, and being out in a canoe or kayak, are the conditions that most motivate boaters to wear their PFDs; followed by cold water and being out in a small sailboat.
In 2013, 37% of Canadian adults participate in recreational boating activities 2013 - % of Canadian adults participating in boating activities at least occasionally (n=1221) • Fishing, pleasure powerboating and canoeing are the most popular boating activities. Total Boaters (net) Powerboating (net) • Fishing (from boat, canoe, craft) • Pleasure powerboating • Drive powerboat Passenger only (all types of craft) Ride PWC Non-powerboating (net) • Paddling (net) • Canoeing • Kayaking • Sailing • In other non-power craft 37 31 23 18 11 27 2 21 16 13 7 3 8 2. Which of the following activities do you participate in, at least occasionally?
Boating participation lower in 2013 compared to prior years • Decrease traces to slightly less participation in 2013 for both Powerboating and Non-powerboating activities. • Within Paddling, both canoeing and kayaking participation is down slightly in 2013. • This is the first decline in Boating participation since the post-recession dip in 2009. % of Canadian adults participating in boating activities 2. Which of the following activities do you participate in, at least occasionally?
2013 aided awareness of NASBAW boating safety campaign messages is in-line with previous years – still reaching over half of boaters (53%); unchanged from 2012, although not as high as 2010 peak % of boating activity participants who are Aware of boating safety messages Total Boating (net) (n=436) 14 53 2013 2012 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 16 54 14 62 13 60 11 52 11 51 13 56 Powerboating (net) (n=351) 2013 2012 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 57 16 58 18 16 65 62 15 53 12 53 12 59 15 Non-powerboating (net) (n=237) Highly Aware - % saw or heard 5+ messages (of 9) 2013 2012 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 50 13 14 48 Total Aware - % saw or heard 1+ messages (of 9) 62 12 12 60 10 56 51 13 13 56 1. Which of the following boating safety messages have you seen or heard during the last few weeks? (eg. on TV, radio, in newspapers, magazines, on-line, etc.)
Message awareness in 2013 unchanged from 2012 in most boating activity subgroups; down slightly amongst fishermen % of boating activity participants who areAware of boating safety messages (1+) 201069 66 75 57 55 62 68 200966 59 76 52 78 58 64 2008 56 51 65 45 51 53 71 2012 63 52 66 56 71 50 46 2013 Fishing (n=289) Pleasure powerboating(n=215) Drivers of powerboats (n=152) Passengers (only) (n=325) Ride PWC (n=24) Canoeing & Kayaking (n=186) Sailing (n=30) 16 57 55 17 59 22 15 55 Highly Aware - % saw or heard 5+ messages Total Aware - % saw or heard 1+ messages 17 68 49 12 46 11 1. Which of the following boating safety messages have you seen or heard during the last few weeks? (eg. on TV, radio, in newspapers, magazines, on-line, etc.)
Higher message awareness in 2013 than 2012 in Atlantic Canada, and lower in Prairies region • No significant changes in 2013 by age or gender. % of boating activity participants who areAware of boating safety messages 201254 51 63 58 49 27 61 54 5459 201059 63 65 66 57 55 65 70 5059 200960 61 60 60 60 67 63 67 4356 2013 Age: 18-34 35-54 55+ Gender: Male Female Region: Atlantic Quebec Ontario Prairies B.C. 8 46 10 55 25 59 16 53 12 54 Highly Aware - % saw or heard 5+ messages Total Aware - % saw or heard 1+ messages 17 42 10 60 59 21 7 36 10 54 1. Which of the following boating safety messages have you seen or heard during the last few weeks? (eg. on TV, radio, in newspapers, magazines, on-line, etc.)
Awareness of specific boating safety messages in 2013 is in-line with previous years • Highest awareness for “don’t drink and boat”, “wear your lifejacket” “get your PCOC” and “watch the weather”. % of total boaters who are Aware of boating safety messages (n = 454) 201040 32 37 19 14 17 17 12 13 200945 27 25 20 14 16 16 16 11 2008 39 25 18 17 10 11 11 12 9 201241 27 27 22 15 19 14 16 11 2013 Don’t drink alcoholic beverages while boating… it’s that simple. If you drink, don’t drive. Make the smart choice. Don’t just carry your lifejacket aboard your boat. Wear it. Everyone operating a motorized boat or water craft should get their Pleasure Craft Operator Card. Watch the weather while out boating…keep a weather eye out. • Have the right safety equipment on board your boat… have a flare for rescue. • Review your checklist before you go out on the water. Be prepared. • Be prepared for the possibility of falling into cold water by wearing your lifejacket. • If you wear your lifejacket before falling into cold water you’ll float and have a chance to survive. • The more knowledge you have, the more enjoyable boating becomes. 40 27 24 22 17 16 14 13 12 1. Which of the following boating safety messages have you seen or heard during the last few weeks? (eg. on TV, radio, in newspapers, magazines, on-line, etc.)
Riders of personal watercraft have highest awareness of “don’t drink & boat” message in 2013 % of 2013 boating activity participants Aware of each boating safety message • Boat Drivers have highest awareness of “get your PCOC” message. Total Boaters(454) Don’t drink alcoholic beverages while boating… it’s that simple. If you drink, don’t drive. • Make the smart choice. Don’t just carry your lifejacket aboard your boat. Wear it. Everyone operating a motorized boat or water craft should get their Pleasure Craft Operator Card. Watch the weather while out boating…keep a weather eye out. • Have the right safety equipment on board your boat… have a flare for rescue. • Review your checklist before you go out on the water. Be prepared. • Be prepared for the possibility of falling into cold water by wearing your lifejacket. • If you wear your lifejacket before falling into cold water you’ll float and have a chance to survive. The more knowledge you have, the more enjoyable boating becomes. 40 27 24 22 17 16 14 13 12 1. Which of the following boating safety messages have you seen or heard during the last few weeks? (eg. on TV, radio, in newspapers, magazines, on-line, etc.)
Awareness of “wear your lifejacket” message higher in 2013 vs2012 amongst boaters 35-54 years of age % of boaters aware of “make the smart choice… wear your lifejacket” message 2012 23 22 38 31 22 13 28 24 3137 2009 17 31 36 29 25 44 34 27 1423 2010 30 29 38 37 26 33 3230 31 38 Age: 18-34 35-54 55+ Gender: Male Female Region: Atlantic Quebec Ontario Prairies B.C. 2013 15 31 36 27 28 28 30 30 20 26 1. Which of the following boating safety messages have you seen or heard during the last few weeks? (eg. on TV, radio, in newspapers, magazines, on-line, etc.)
No significant changes in subgroups’ awareness of “don’t drink & boat” message in 2013 vs 2012, except lower in Prairies region • By age, higher awareness of “”don’t’ drink & boat” message among older boaters 55+ years of age than amongst younger boaters. % of boaters aware of “don’t drink & boat” message 2009 42 44 52 45 46 59 39 56 3236 2010 36 38 48 43 37 37 3346 36 45 2012 36 39 52 46 36 23 3345 46 49 Age: 18-34 35-54 55+ Gender: Male Female Region: Atlantic Quebec Ontario Prairies B.C. 2013 30 39 52 41 39 34 37 47 28 42 1. Which of the following boating safety messages have you seen or heard during the last few weeks? (eg. on TV, radio, in newspapers, magazines, on-line, etc.)
No significant changes in subgroups’ awareness of “get your PCOC” message in 2013 vs 2012, except lower in Prairies region • Higher awareness of “get your PCOC” message in 2013 among older boaters 55+ years of age than amongst younger boaters; and lower amongst women than men. % of boaters aware of “get your PCOC” message 2009 19 26 32 24 28 21 37 26 1325 2010 23 41 48 39 34 21 4139 31 39 2012 19 26 37 33 19 20 3221 25 43 Age: 18-34 35-54 55+ Gender: Male Female Region: Atlantic Quebec Ontario Prairies B.C. 2013 13 23 36 29 19 20 28 27 13 23 1. Which of the following boating safety messages have you seen or heard during the last few weeks? (eg. on TV, radio, in newspapers, magazines, on-line, etc.)
Sources of Awareness of Safe Boating Messages
Advertising, news coverage offline and posters are the top sources of safe boating messages that boaters recall Sources of Awareness for Safe Boating Messages % of total boaters (n = 454) 52 All Sources (Net) Advertising / PSAs (Net) News Coverage offline (Net) Posters (Net) At an event (eg. boat shows, marina events, on-the-water demos, “Ready, Set, Wear It” events, etc.) Brochures or pamphlets re boating/ water safety In a TV program/documentary, eg. “Cold Water Boot Camp”, etc. Online Websites & Social Media (Net) Training Sessions re boating/water safety (Net) 44 28 19 14 14 13 13 9 9. Which of the following are ways you have seen or heard about safe boating messages recently?
TV and radio are highest sources of advertising awareness • TV ads higher among 35-54 years (38%) and 55+ years (48%) than 18-34 years (15%). • Radio ads higher among 35-54 years (21%) and 55+ years (28%) than 18-34 years (10%). • Newspaper (18%) and magazine (15%) ads higher among 55+ years than younger boaters. • No significant differences for advertising sources by boating activity subgroups. Sources of Awareness for Safe Boating Messages % of boaters (454) Advertising / PSAs (Net) • TV ads/PSAs • Radio ads/PSAs • Newspaper ads • Mall & transit ads • Magazine ads • Ads on internet/websites 44 34 18 11 9 9 8 9. Which of the following are ways you have seen or heard about safe boating messages recently?
Awareness of news coverage and posters skews to older boaters 55+ years • Higher awareness of safe boating messages among boaters 55+ years sourced from news coverage (35%) , magazine articles (15%) and posters at marinas (24%), moreso than for younger boaters. • News coverage is higher source of awareness in Quebec (31%), Ontario (32%) and BC (34%) than in Atlantic Canada (9%) and Prairies (15%). Sources of Awareness for Safe Boating Messages % of boaters (454) News Coverage offline (Net) • News coverage including TV, radio or newspaper • Written about in magazine articles Posters (Net) • Posters at marinas • Posters at retail stores 28 24 11 19 15 10 9. Which of the following are ways you have seen or heard about safe boating messages recently?
Safe Boating Posters Awareness
Low awareness of Fire Alarm posters; slightly higher for Canadian Tire poster • No significant awareness differences for Fire Alarm poster, by region, gender or age. • For Canadian Tire poster, higher awareness among men than women; no significant differences by region or age. • No significant awareness differences for either poster by boating activity subgroups. Awareness of Safe Boating Posters - % of boaters aware Total(454) Fire Alarmmall poster/ad Canadian Tireretail store poster 7 12 10 & 11. Have you seen this ad/poster before today?
Stronger safe boating attitudes among boaters aware of Canadian Tire poster Canadian Tire Poster - % of Total Boaters aided aware of poster Note: Subgroup aware of “Fire Alarm” poster too small to analyze Aware and Not Aware boaters • 10 & 11. Have you seen this ad/poster before today? 3. Please indicate how much you agree or disagree that each of these statements applies to you, (1 to 10 on 10 pt. scale)
Stronger PFD, preparedness and boating education attitudes and behaviour in 2013; relatively strong interest in wearing inflatable PFDs Desired Safe Boating Attitudes/Behaviours - % strongly agree they are doing or intend to do this year(top-2-box 9-10 rating on 10 pt scale) (n=436) 2012 61 55 54 n/a 50 29 25 43 24 34 25 12 13 12 2013 2010 66 62 59 n/a 55 34 25 53 36 30 25 20 19 20 2009 70 66 64 n/a 56 33 22 50 32 30 17 21 15 17 2008 65 • 68 66 n/a n/a 40 n/a 59 n/a n/a 21 22 16 14 Drinking & boating:I am not going to drink any alcoholic beverages while out on the water in a boat this season • Wearing your PFD:I am going to strongly encourage everyone else who is out in a boat with me this season to wear their PFD or lifejacket, no matter what their age or swimming ability may be • I will wear my PFD or lifejacket all the time when I’m out on the water in a boat this season I’m going to wear an inflatable PFD or lifejacket when I’m out on the water in a boat this season Preparedness:I will always check my boat over every time before I go out on the water this season; including making sure I have enough PFDs/lifejackets on board I’m going to review my pre-departure checklist, every time I go out on the water this season I have a pre-departure checklist written down that identifies the things to check every time before I head out on the water Cold water:I’m going to make a point of being better prepared for the possibility of falling into cold water this season, by wearing my lifejacket • I feel that I am well prepared for the possibility of cold water immersion/ falling into cold water while out in a boat I don’t worry about the temperature of the water, as I don’t boat during what I consider to be the cold water season Boating education: • I already have my Pleasure Craft Operator Card I’m going to make a point of getting more information, or taking a course to learn more about how to boat safely • I have already taken boating safety education training beyond the PCOC level I don’t have my Pleasure Craft Operator Card yet, but I’m going to get it this year 65 63 56 55 61 36 26 46 36 28 29 17 17 16 3. Please indicate how much you agree or disagree that each of these statements applies to you, ie. describes things you are doing or intend to do this year (on a scale from 1[Strongly disagree] to 10[Strongly agree])
No significant changes from wave to wave, although slightly fewer boaters in 2013+2012 saying they “Always” wear a PFD, compared to 2008+2009+2010 How often boaters say they wear a PFD/lifejacket% of total boaters (n=454) 13 10 3 50 24 15 10 3 47 25 12 7 2 52 27 56 24 6 11 3 1 55 26 11 6 Note: Arrows indicate significant changes in 2010 vs 2008 4. How often do you personally wear a PFD (“Personal Flotation Device”) or lifejacket when out in a boat?
No significant changes in subgroups’ “Always” wearing PFDs in 2013 % of boaters in each sub-group who say they Always wear a PFD/lifejacket when out in a boat 2009 56 54 58 56 53 59 59 67 47 58 60 2010 52 46 53 56 48 56 59 56 48 55 45 2012 47 41 61 50 46 49 65 44 45 49 47 2008 55 52 58 54 53 57 38 64 51 51 65 2013 Total boaters Age: 18-34 35-54 55+ Gender: Male Female Region: Atlantic Quebec Ontario Prairies B.C. 50 47 53 48 48 51 55 58 41 54 51 4. How often do you personally wear a PFD (“Personal Flotation Device”) or lifejacket when out in a boat?
No significant changes by boating activities, in “Always” wearing PFDs in 2013 % of boating activity participants who saythey Always wear a PFD/lifejacket 2012 47 49 43 44 47 50 46 46 2009 56 53 50 48 57 53 55 48 2008 55 53 48 49 55 41 52 47 2010 52 51 49 49 51 38 51 40 2013 Total boaters (454) Fishing (n=289) Pleasure powerboating(n=215) Drivers of powerboats (n=152) Passengers (only) (n=325) Ride PWC (n=24) Canoeing & Kayaking (n=186) Sailing (n=30) 50 48 39 42 47 49 53 38 4. How often do you personally wear a PFD (“Personal Flotation Device”) or lifejacket when out in a boat?
Top reasons boaters are not always wearing their PFD are beliefs that “I can put PFD on if I need to”, “I’m a good swimmer”, “I can put it on if I need to, as long as its in the boat”, and not wanting to wear PFDs because they are too hot or uncomfortable Reasons for not Always wearing a PFD/lifejacket when out in a boat - % of boaters who do not always wear a PFD 2013 36 33 33 29 28 23 21 21 20 19 15 14 14 8 8 5. Which if any of the following reasons describe why you do not always wear a PFD or lifejacket when boating?
Top barriers to boaters not always wearing their PFD are the same as in previous years Reasons for not Always wearing a PFD/lifejacket when out in a boat - % of boaters who do not always wear a PFD 5. Which if any of the following reasons describe why you do not always wear a PFD or lifejacket when boating?
Rough water, and being out in a canoe or kayak, are the conditions that most motivate boaters to wear their PFDs; followed by cold water and being out in a small sailboat % of boaters who say they would Always wear a PFD/lifejacket out in a boat under the following conditions Overall % of boaters who would always wear a PFD (before any conditions are mentioned) Water is…Rough (ie. can see white caps)CalmCold In an area…I am not familiar withI know very well Boat is…More than 50 feet from shoreClose to shore (within 50 feet)Under wayAnchored or drifting Out in a…KayakCanoeSmall sailboatSmall, open powerboat > 6 metres Boat, fishing 2009 56 72 52 63 63 54 57 50 57 46 70 65 64 61 na 2010 52 75 51 63 66 54 60 49 58 42 71 65 66 61 na 2012 47 70 48 60 60 51 55 45 56 43 69 64 63 58 na 2013(n=437) 50 72 46 61 59 50 54 45 57 44 67 67 62 57 51 7. How often do you personally wear a PFD or lifejacket when out in a boat, under each of the following specific conditions?
Demographic Profile & = significantly different from June 2012 results at 95% confidence level
Demographic Profile (cont’d) & = significantly different from June 2012 results at 95% confidence level
No significant changes in subgroups awareness of “be prepared for possibility of falling into cold water by wearing your lifejacket” message in 2013 vs 2012 % of boaters aware of “be prepared for the possibility of falling into coldwater by wearing your lifejacket” message 2009 13 14 24 15 17 27 18 16 1115 2010 15 15 20 20 13 8 1718 18 15 2012 14 11 20 17 12 10 10 15 1323 Age: 18-34 35-54 55+ Gender: Male Female Region: Atlantic Quebec Ontario Prairies B.C. 2013 8 11 24 16 12 15 10 20 6 14 1. Which of the following boating safety messages have you seen or heard during the last few weeks? (eg. on TV, radio, in newspapers, magazines, on-line, etc.)
No significant changes in subgroups’ awareness of “if you wear your lifejacket before falling into cold water you’ll float and have a chance to survive” message in 2013 vs 2012, except lower in Prairies region and 18-34 yrs % of boaters aware of “if you wear your lifejacket before falling into cold water you’ll float and have a chance to survive” message 2009 12 14 25 17 15 25 27 17 510 2010 9 10 18 15 10 8 179 13 13 2012 14 12 27 21 10 12 18 13 1923 Age: 18-34 35-54 55+ Gender: Male Female Region: Atlantic Quebec Ontario Prairies B.C. 2013 7 12 21 15 12 13 16 15 6 14 1. Which of the following boating safety messages have you seen or heard during the last few weeks? (eg. on TV, radio, in newspapers, magazines, on-line, etc.)