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Ecal Simulation Status Report Brian Heltsley Full Simulation Mtg CMS Week 14 June 2010

Ecal Simulation Status Report Brian Heltsley Full Simulation Mtg CMS Week 14 June 2010 Focus for last 3 months Improved noise models APD simulation studies Housekeeping. Measured Correlations. Numbers from Sasha Ledovskoy EB & EE have different correlations

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Ecal Simulation Status Report Brian Heltsley Full Simulation Mtg CMS Week 14 June 2010

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  1. Ecal Simulation Status Report Brian Heltsley Full Simulation Mtg CMS Week 14 June 2010 Focus for last 3 months • Improved noise models • APD simulation studies • Housekeeping B. Heltsley Simulation Mtg - 15 Jun 2010

  2. Measured Correlations • Numbers from Sasha Ledovskoy • EB & EE have different correlations • Noise frequency is higher in EE than EB • Both have high correlations in neighboring samples B. Heltsley Ecal Status@Sim Mtg - 12 Apr 2010

  3. RecHit Energy Spectrum MC/data agreement improves using measured (fixed) ’s, online ZS/SR:(EB)=1.089, ZS/SR(EB)=78.75 MeV;(EE)=2.018, ZS/SR(EE)=225 MeV From last month From David Petyt B. Heltsley Ecal Status@Sim Mtg - 12 Apr 2010

  4. Recent Noise Progress • Structural code changes allowing separate EB, EE correlation matrices completed in CMSSW_3_6_0_pre3, but values still set to identity • Tag set prepared using • measured correlations • Fixed, measured ’s (i.e. same for all channels) • online ZS/SR thresholds • Above tag set fully validated with REDIGI of MIN_BIAS MC (next slides) (lots of work by many people!!) • Was taken for CMSSW_3_7_0_pre1 & back-ported to 3_6_1 B. Heltsley Ecal Status@Sim Mtg - 12 Apr 2010

  5. Commissioning-PromptReco-v7 vs REDIGI_MinBias7TeV EE+ EB EE- Occupancy Modeling Improves B. Heltsley Ecal Status@Sim Mtg - 12 Apr 2010

  6. Commissioning-PromptReco-v7 vs REDIGI_MinBias7TeV EE- EE+ Data EB Timing Resolution Modeling Improves 354p1 354p1 B. Heltsley Ecal Status@Sim Mtg - 12 Apr 2010

  7. ES Developments • Changes & validations from CM Kuo • Up until now, several ES MC values have been set in the cfg file only • Pedestals • Gain (hi or lo) • MIPtoADC • MIPtokeV • ZS threshold • ZS algorithm not same as online • Tag set & DB payloads created which fix the above • Installed for CMSSW_3_7_0_pre1 & back-ported to 3_6_1 New MC Old MC Data B. Heltsley Ecal Status@Sim Mtg - 12 Apr 2010

  8. APD Simulation • January • Could EB spikes be from energy deposition in APDs (2 behind each crystal)? Yes • February & March • Are geometry & material details important? Yes • April • Do existing GEANT cutoffs hurt APD simulation? Yes • May • Can we tune APD digitization parameters using data with a large MIN_BIAS sample? Yes • June • Can APD simulation be an option in CMSSW? Yes B. Heltsley Simulation Mtg - 15 Jun 2010

  9. Many Contributors! • ASCTF (T. Virdee) & EcalDPG (T. Tabarelli, A. Bornheim) • Guidance, priorities • S. Banerjee • GEANT implementation & performance • I. Musienko, Q. Ingram • Specifications & materials • B. Heltsley • Geometry implementation & Digitization • A. Holzner • Analysis & MIN_BIAS production • J. Branson, M. Malberti, L. Di Matteo, D. Petyt • Analysis, comparisons with data • Probably others!! (apologies for omissions) B. Heltsley Simulation Mtg - 15 Jun 2010

  10. 5x5 mm2 APDs initially present in simulation as shown APD thickness magnified greatly for visualization purposes – actual (potentially active) thickness in original simulation is 5m. Material is Si. Inactive by default B. Heltsley Ecal Status@Sim Mtg - 16 Mar 2010

  11. Origin of APD deposition? - - + + n KL n n KL n From J. Branson B. Heltsley Simulation Mtg - 15 Jun 2010

  12. B. Heltsley Simulation Mtg - 15 Jun 2010

  13. 3_7_0_pre3 APD Layout 3G (vertical not to scale) Capsule Crystal Ceramic The Real Thing Bulk Si Lo-gain active Si 1.65 mm Hi-gain active Si Non-depeleted Si 400 m 45 m 5 m 5mm Epoxy 0.1 m 575m Silicone Glue 30 m Crystal B. Heltsley Simulation Mtg - 15 Jun 2010

  14. Why local materials are important to simulation 100 m Epoxy APD From J. Branson Z B. Heltsley Simulation Mtg - 15 Jun 2010

  15. Digitization parameters • SimCalorimetry/EcalSimProducers/python/ apdSimParameters_cff.py • apdAddToBarrel = cms.bool(False), apdSeparateDigi = cms.bool(False), apdSimToPELow = cms.double(4.41e6), apdSimToPEHigh = cms.double(157.5e6), apdTimeOffset = cms.double(-10.0), apdDoPEStats = cms.bool(True), apdDigiTag = cms.string("APD"), apdShapeTstart = cms.double( 74.5 ), apdShapeTau = cms.double( 40.5 ) • Shape: S(t) = A(t) ( 1 – exp[A(t)] ) where A(t) = (t – tS)/ B. Heltsley Simulation Mtg - 15 Jun 2010

  16. Study of APD-MC Re-Digi From M. Malberti B. Heltsley Simulation Mtg - 15 Jun 2010

  17. Number From M. Malberti B. Heltsley Simulation Mtg - 15 Jun 2010

  18. Energy APD energies probably a bit too high From M. Malberti B. Heltsley Simulation Mtg - 15 Jun 2010

  19. E4/E1 Too many spikes! From M. Malberti B. Heltsley Simulation Mtg - 15 Jun 2010

  20. GEANT Performance From S. Banerjee B. Heltsley Simulation Mtg - 15 Jun 2010

  21. Timing B. Heltsley Simulation Mtg - 15 Jun 2010

  22. GEANT Performance From S. Banerjee +17% +5% +9% B. Heltsley Simulation Mtg - 15 Jun 2010

  23. APD Simulation Conclusions • Many qualitative features of the data which were previously completely missing from simulation can now be modeled (surprisingly well) • As of CMSSW_3_8_0_pre3 • APD’s will be ACTIVE at GEANT stage of simulation • Permits later reDigi+reReco when those are understood better • Modest CPU penalty • Digitization of APD SimHits will be performed, but saved only in a dedicated, tagged collection (which is small) • Experts can study APD even in default generation • We have moved APD pulse backward by 5 ns additional • We have reduced both layer gains by 20% B. Heltsley Simulation Mtg - 15 Jun 2010

  24. Other Sim changes in progress(unchanged since last time) • Test containment factor • Sets overall MC energy normalization for EB & EE separately by looking at simulated single 50 GeV photons • Not sure if GEANT has changed since this was updated • Change from fixed, uniform single-sample ADC noise to measured channel-by-channel values? • Studies in progress by T. Tabarelli & F. de Guio • Correlation matrix for ES (which has 3 time samples) • Ming & I are examining this • Would be much more efficient than current CPU & memory-intensive so-called “fast” method which tries to account for some of the correlations (ironically, with slower code) B. Heltsley Simulation Mtg - 15 Jun 2010

  25. Simulation Housekeeping(Unchanged since last time) • In progress • Reform digitized hit response handline • Has same problem as analog version, too many new ‘s & delete’s • Add ES digi creation to EB/EE templatized version, if possible • Inefficient ES Digi object (collection of std::vector<int> ) • Should look more like EB & EE Digi objects (long optimized) • F. Ferri & P. Gras agree • Migration would have to be carefully orchestrated B. Heltsley Simulation Mtg - 15 Jun 2010

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