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Building A Successful Volunteer

Building A Successful Volunteer. Presented by DHS Division of Volunteerism Created by Sherry Middleton, CVA, CEL. Sharing the VISION. What are the needs to meet? Who should be involved? Where do you start? What tools (resources) do you need?. Why do people volunteer ?

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Building A Successful Volunteer

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Building A Successful Volunteer Presented by DHS Division of Volunteerism Created by Sherry Middleton, CVA, CEL

  2. Sharing the VISION • What are the needs to meet? • Who should be involved? • Where do you start? • What tools (resources) do you need? Sherry Middleton, CVA, CEL - DHS Division of Volunteerism

  3. Why do people volunteer? • Why do people continue to volunteer? Sherry Middleton, CVA, CEL - DHS Division of Volunteerism

  4. McClelland & Atkinson’sMotivational Theory AFFILIATION • Needs to be well liked, well thought of; • Desires friendly relationship & interaction; • Dislikes being alone in work or play; • Likes to help people directly. Sherry Middleton, CVA, CEL - DHS Division of Volunteerism

  5. McClelland & Atkinson’sMotivational Theory ACHIEVEMENT • Desire for excellence, doing a good job; • Sense of important accomplishment; • Possible advance in career; • Needs feedback on job. Sherry Middleton, CVA, CEL - DHS Division of Volunteerism

  6. McClelland & Atkinson’sMotivational Theory POWER • Likes to lead, give advice; • Wants prestige & job status; • Enjoys influencing people & activities; • Likes his/her ideas to be valued. Sherry Middleton, CVA, CEL - DHS Division of Volunteerism

  7. Your BLUEPRINTProgram Design • Where you are going & how you will get there. • A structure for carrying out your plan. • Getting the right people. • Working the plan. Sherry Middleton, CVA, CEL - DHS Division of Volunteerism

  8. FOUNDATION 4 Cornerstones • Commitment • Motivation • Recognition • Feedback Sherry Middleton, CVA, CEL - DHS Division of Volunteerism

  9. FRAMEWORKMutual goals with objectives that pass theS M A R T test. • S- specific • M- measurable • A- achievable • R- relevant • T- timeline Sherry Middleton, CVA, CEL - DHS Division of Volunteerism

  10. VOLUNTEER Clearly defined roles and responsibilities Distinct but complementary roles Recognize various motivation WALLSDefine space Sherry Middleton, CVA, CEL - DHS Division of Volunteerism

  11. WINDOWS & DOORS Input & Recruitment • Setting in windows and doors provide access to your program. Sherry Middleton, CVA, CEL - DHS Division of Volunteerism

  12. ROOF “Anticipated Accomplishments” • Over all covering for the program. What can volunteers expect to accomplish? Sherry Middleton, CVA, CEL - DHS Division of Volunteerism

  13. PLUMBING - EXTERIOR WORK Anticipated Impact • What difference does our service make? • How do we measure and prove it? • Does it look like the blueprint? Sherry Middleton, CVA, CEL - DHS Division of Volunteerism

  14. INSULATION Provide Consistency • Maintain motivation & momentum • Pay attention to details Sherry Middleton, CVA, CEL - DHS Division of Volunteerism

  15. INTERIOR WORK • Cabinets & fixtures • Tap into connections • Colors & shapes Sherry Middleton, CVA, CEL - DHS Division of Volunteerism

  16. DRIVEWAY Stay Connected Maintain communication • Meetings • Formal feedback • Informal feedback Sherry Middleton, CVA, CEL - DHS Division of Volunteerism

  17. DOOWTRSW Sherry Middleton, CVA, CEL - DHS Division of Volunteerism

  18. Two Words Sherry Middleton, CVA, CEL - DHS Division of Volunteerism

  19. LANDSCAPE • Continuous Improvement • Shared Leadership Sherry Middleton, CVA, CEL - DHS Division of Volunteerism

  20. Well Defined Job Descriptions A Public Affairs Action Plan A Recruitment Plan A Training Plan Good Record Keeping A Recognition Plan KEYS TO A SUCCESSFUL VOLUNTEER PROGRAM Sherry Middleton, CVA, CEL - DHS Division of Volunteerism

  21. HOUSEWARMING CELEBRATE SUCCESS Sherry Middleton, CVA, CEL - DHS Division of Volunteerism

  22. DREAM HOUSE Sherry Middleton, CVA, CEL - DHS Division of Volunteerism

  23. Sherry Middleton, CVA, CEL - DHS Division of Volunteerism

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