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Lexicography and computer science: a harmless drudgery?. Judith Knapp (jknapp@eurac.edu) Andrea Abel (aabel@eurac.edu) European Academy Bozen - Bolzano. Content. Learner‘s Difficulties and Needs Pedagogical Lexicography Today – A Short Overview
Lexicography and computer science: a harmless drudgery? Judith Knapp (jknapp@eurac.edu) Andrea Abel (aabel@eurac.edu) European Academy Bozen - Bolzano
Content • Learner‘s Difficulties and Needs • Pedagogical Lexicography Today – A Short Overview • ELDIT – Linguistic-lexicographic Background & Live Demo • Datamodel • Implementation • Content Authoring • ELDIT and Word Manager • ELDIT and the TreeTagger • Literature • Conclusion
Problems with foreign language use Problems Decoding Encoding Paradigmatic level Semantic level Syntagmatic level Learners‘difficulties and needs
PROBLEMS WITH SYNONYMS AND SIMILAR WORDS convegno riunione incontro assemblea (meeting) Assemblea condominiale (condominium meeting) assemblea d‘affari (business meeting)
DIFFICULTIES WITH WORD COMBINATIONS Collocations fixed combinations of words (arbitrary, unpredictable): Grammatical Constructions formed according to the rules of grammar, partly arbitrary: • Ex: • to brush one‘s teeth • lavarsi i denti • sich die Zähne putzen • Ex: • to ask sb sth • chiedere qlco a qlcu • jemanden etwas fragen
Problems with dictionary use Problems with dictionary use Problems with dictionary use Metalanguage Abbreviations Technical terms Other „codes“ Descriptive language Learners‘difficulties and needs Problems with foreign language use Problems Decoding Encoding Syntagmatic level Semantic level Paradigmatic level
ABBREVIATIONS Italian agg. art. tr. determ. pron. femm. ant. volg. region. mus. sociol. German Adj. Art. tr. best. Pron. w./Fem. veralt. vulg. landsch. Mus. Soziol.. (adjective) (article) (transitive verb) (definite article) (pronoun) (feminine) (archaic) (vulgar) (regional) (music) (sociology)
TECHNICAL TERMS aggettivo articolo ausiliare transitivo determinativo pronome femminile antico volgare dialetto musica sociologia Adjektiv Artikel Hilfsverb transitiv bestimmt Pronomen weiblich veraltet vulgär landschaftlich Musik Soziologie grammar language variation
OTHER „CODES“ International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) or other transcription systems focus shake chiesa [chiè-sa] . Syntactic information (valency) provided in coded or abbreviated form Ex.: (a) geben; [...] Vt j-m etw. g (Langenscheidt) (b) give 2 Vnn (Cobuild) Vn (c) dare 17. N-V-N1 (N2/a N3) (Blumenthal/ Rovere)
UNDERSTANDING THE DEFINITION... „Ich muß im Lexikon nachschlagen, um herauszufinden, was eine Jungfrau ist. [...] Im Lexikon steht, Jungfrau, Frau (gewöhnlich jung), welche sich in einem Zustand unangetasteter Keuschheit befindet und in diesem verbleibt. Jetzt muß ich unangetastet und Keuschheit nachschlagen, und alles, was ich hier finde, ist, daß unangetastet das Gegenteil von angetastet bedeutet, und Keuschheit bedeutet keusch, und das bedeutet frei von gesetzeswidrigem geschlechtlichen Interkursus. Jetzt muß ich Interkursus nachschlagen [...] und ich weiß nicht, was das bedeutet, und ich bin es einfach leid, in dem schweren Lexikon von einem Wort zum anderen geschickt zu werden wie ein Vollidiot, und das alles nur, weil die Leute, die das Lexikon geschrieben haben, nicht wollen, daß unsereins etwas erfährt. Ich will doch nur wissen, wo ich hergekommen bin, aber wenn man jemanden fragt, sagen sie einem, man soll jemand anderen fragen, oder sie schicken einen von Wort zu Wort.“ (McCourt 1998: 412 – 413, dt. Übersetzung)
Formal Problems Search Presentation Learners‘difficulties and needs Problems with foreign language use Problems with dictionary use Problems with dictionary use Problems with dictionary use Problems Decoding Encoding Metalanguage Syntagmatic level Abbreviations Semantic level Paradigmatic level Technical terms Other „codes“ Descriptive language
Problems with searching • Time consuming • - 2000 pages • - Small characters • - Difficult metalanguage • Complex expressions • - Collocations (“Zähne putzen”) • - Idiomatic expressions • …
Problems with presentation • Limited space • Linear presentation order • Organisation of the dictionary • Organisation of the entries
Solutions Learners‘difficulties and needs Problems with foreign language use Problems with dictionary use Problems with dictionary use Problems with dictionary use Problems Decoding Encoding Formal Problems Metalanguage Syntagmatic level Search Presentation Abbreviations Semantic level Paradigmatic level Technical terms Other „codes“ Descriptive language
Pedagogical Dictionaries • Target Group: language learners • Functions: encoding & decoding • General characteristics: • (usually) monolingual • selective regarding macrostructure (limited number of entries ) • exhaustive regarding microstructure (detailled information for each entry)
Elektronisches Lern(er)wörterbuch Deutsch-Italienisch ELDIT Dizionario elettronico per apprendenti Italiano-Tedesco http://www.eurac.edu/eldit
Three main characteristics: 1. typologically innovative: • a monolingual dictionary (German or Italian): definitions, collocations, idiomatic expressions, examples … in the target language & • a bilingual dictionary (German and Italian): translation equivalents, explanations in L1 • „cross-lingual“ dictionary German-Italian
2. well defined target group: • beginners – intermediate students (Waystage level A1 up to Threshold level B1):basic vocabulary: ~ 3.000 entry words for each language • addressed to the linguistic layman:limited use of meta-language, abbrevations and symbols
3. designed solely for computer use: • not a transformation of a paper dictionary into a electronic dictionary • exploits the possibilities of the electronic medium (multimedia & hypertext) • modular structure: contains detailled informations which you usually find in different types of dictionaries
1) Avoiding 2) Explaining Electronic search possibilities 1) Avoiding 2) Explaining Hypertext and hyperlinks 1) Sound-files 2) Verb patterns 1) Definitions 2) Examples 3) ... 1) Simple 2) Use of L1 3) Multimedia Learners‘difficulties and needs Problems with foreign language use Problems with dictionary use Problems with dictionary use Problems with dictionary use Problems Formal Problems Decoding Encoding Metalanguage Syntagmatic level Search Presentation Abbrevations Semantic level Paradigmatic level Technical terms Other „codes“ Solutions Descriptive language
SOLUTIONS ... Descriptive language 1. Simple 2. Multiple descriptions 3. Hypertext
1. Simple= a) Limited defining vocabulary b) Easy syntax d) Avoid circularity
2. Multiple descriptions= a) Definitions b) Lexicographic examples c) Word fields d) L1 (semantic equivalents) [e) images]
Hypernyms Coordinates Kinds of ... das Gebäude Semantic information: 1. Definitions 2. Examples 3. Word fields 4. Equivalents das Haus, die Villa, das Schloss, die Wohnung ... das Hochhaus, das Bauernhaus ... 1.a) Ein Haus ist ein Gebäude, in dem Menschen wohnen. casa Sie wohnt mit ihrer Familie in einem zweistöckigen Haus am Stadtrand. b) Ein Haus ist das Gebäude, in dem man ständig lebt und in das man regelmäßig zurückkehrt. Es ist der Ort, wo man daheim ist. Sie verlässt das Haus jeden Morgen um sieben Uhr, um zur Arbeit zu fahren. 2. Das Haus sind die Bewohner eines Hauses (1a). casa .... Semantic Level:
3. Hypertext= a) Click on unknown words inside the definition b) Click on the semantic equivalents c) Click on any information you‘re interested in
1) Collocations 2) Examples 3) ... Learners‘difficulties and needs Problems with foreign language use Problems with dictionary use Problems with dictionary use Problems with dictionary use Problems Formal Problems Decoding Encoding Metalanguage Syntagmatic level Search Presentation Abbrevations Semantic level Paradigmatic level Technical terms 1) Avoiding 2) Explaining Electronic search possibilities Other „codes“ Solutions 1) Avoiding 2) Explaining Descriptive language Hypertext and hyperlinks 1) Sound-files 2) Verb patterns 1) Definitions 2) Examples 3) ... 1) Simple 2) Use of L1 3) Multimedia
Syntagmatic level: 1. Collocations 2. Idiomatic Expressions 3. Verb Valency
Verb Valency • Definition: “Valency refers to the capacity of a verb to take a specific number and type of arguments”(Bianco) • Theoric origin: dependency grammar (Lucien Tesnière)
Verb Valency: a problem for learners and researchers • verb constructions are largely arbitrary and unpredictable • number of obligatory and facultative elements • distinction between transitivity and intransitivity • …
The description of verb valency in different dictionary types • General monolingual dictionaries
The description of verb valency in different dictionary types 2. Special mono- and bilingual verb valency dictionaries
The description of verb valency in different dictionary types 3. (Monolingual) learners‘ dictionaries
N-V-N1-(N2) v.tr. (2 argom.) Vt/i (etw.) (über j-n/etw.) r. Description of Verb Valency in ELDIT I. Learner friendly description: Explicit way of describing verb valency
Description of Verb Valency in ELDIT II. Multimedia: Visualization of information to support comprehension (colors and animations instead of meta-language)
Description of Verb Valency in ELDIT • III. Semiotic didactics: • Functions of the different colors: • they indicate the parts of the sentence • they show which parts of the verbs belong together • correspondence between patterns and examples
Description of Verb Valency in ELDIT • IV. Additional explanations for the learner: • Visible notes to describe semantic restrictions • Variations for realizing single parts of the sentence
Lexical fields Three dimensional graphics Learners‘difficulties and needs Problems with foreign language use Problems with dictionary use Problems with dictionary use Problems with dictionary use Problems Decoding Encoding Formal Problems Metalanguage Syntagmatic level Search Presentation Abbreviations Semantic level Paradigmatic level Technical terms 1) Avoiding 2) Explaining Other „codes“ Electronic search possibilities Solutions 1) Avoiding 2) Explaining Descriptive language 1) Collocations 2) Examples 3) ... Hypertext and hyperlinks 1) Sound-files 2) Verb patterns 1) Definitions 2) Examples 3) ... 1) Simple 2) Use of L1 3) Multimedia
PARADIGMATIC RELATIONS • Word field theory: „Ein Wortfeld ist eine Gruppe von Wörtern, die inhaltlich einander eng benachbart sind und die sich vermöge Interdependenz ihre Leistungen gegenseitig zuweisen.“ (Trier 1968/1973: 189, späte Def.) • Existing Projects - WordNet (GermaNet, Italian WordNet) - Alexia - Kirrkirr
Paradigmatic relations in ELDIT • Ca. 150 words per language • interactive graphic representation • spacial arrangement and colors for the representation of paradigmatic lexical relations • explicit description of the semantic relations between the lexical units and the lemma (no metalanguage) • definitions and examples for describing similarities/differences of meaning, register, authentic context
Lexical fields in ELDIT Type of meaning relations: • hierachical relations (hyperonymy/hyponymy; holonymy/meronymy) • non-hierarchical relations (similarity: synonyms, quasi-synonyms … - contrast: gradable and nongradable antonyms; converse terms)
Learners‘difficulties and needs Problems with foreign language use Problems with dictionary use Problems with dictionary use Problems with dictionary use Problems Decoding Encoding Formal Problems Metalanguage Syntagmatic level Search Presentation Abbreviations Semantic level Paradigmatic level Technical terms 1) Avoiding 2) Explaining Other „codes“ Electronic search possibilities Solutions 1) Avoiding 2) Explaining Descriptive language 1) Collocations 2) Examples 3) ... Hypertext and hyperlinks 1) Sound-files 2) Verb patterns 1) Definitions 2) Examples 3) ... Three dimensional graphics 1) Simple 2) Use of L1 3) Multimedia
Other modules • Flexion • Word family • N.B.