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Pray for World Peace. Please read my prefacing thoughts about the actual video on page 5 of this presentation. I hope you appreciate the video as I do. “Response to War” Professor Pueppke Presentation prepared by Teresa Ustanik for Engl 2329 Assignment 6 – 26 February 2010.
Pray for World Peace. Please read my prefacing thoughtsabout the actual video on page 5of this presentation. I hopeyou appreciate thevideo as I do. “Response to War” Professor PueppkePresentation prepared byTeresa Ustanik for Engl 2329Assignment 6 – 26 February 2010 This image is within the video on page 5. The area in Santa Barbara, California, by the harbor, is host to volunteerseach Sunday all year long who place a cross on the beach forEACH fallen soldier. The volunteers place the crosses in the morning at sunrise and take them down at sunset. I have seen incredible works of art on the beach, such as sand sculptures that look like actual fallen soldiers with theirhelmets. The memorial is worth seeing if you are ever in the area. Image provided Anthony Ustanik.
This video is about war at different timesthroughout history. War is present among somany hearts and souls for reasons rangingfrom religion, political, and sexual preferences (and lack of the freedom thereof) to someonenot caring for the clothes or hairstyle another person is wearing. Race has also been an issuefor years, when in reality and scientifically,there is no such thing.
The video is a bit long, but covers war from the eyes of many who live in war or have lived through the brutality of war. It reflects so many obstacles and scenarios faced in war. Guns N Roses’ lyrics and video highlight the physical and emotional torment that weighs upon various societies. Iapplaud the cohesion within the audio andvisual execution to deliver such animportant message about war.
WE WANT PEACE appearing within the first frame, and the clips throughout the video which reveal older to current wartimes, shows theirwork was embraced with gracious thought. The photo to the right shows the sculpture mentioned on the first page that was built in Santa Barbara on the area of the beach whichis next to the harbor. It was created out of sandone Sunday as crosses were placed to honorthe fallen soldiers. Image provided Anthony Ustanik
You are allowed to experience war fromseveral points of view with the lyrics woveninto the theme. The verses contain apatterned or repetitious flow as follows, “Look at your young men fighting.Look at your women crying.Look at your young men dying theway they’ve always done before.Look at the lives we’ve swallowed. I don’t need your Civil War!” Source: http://www.vidoemo.com/yvideo.php?i=TldhcXRHcWuRpOWVSZ0E&guns-n-roses-civil-war
Guns N Roses “Civil War” Please click button at bottom left to play.Click once again when opened (2nd button). Source: http://www.vidoemo.com/yvideo.php?i=TldhcXRHcWuRpOWVSZ0E&guns-n-roses-civil-war