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Social-Emotional Concerns what does it look like?

The Golden Thread: Social-Emotional Angela Washington, MA LPC Director of Children Services Arc of Walker County Early Intervention/Preschool Conference November 2010. Social-Emotional Concerns what does it look like?. Poor eye contact Lack of interaction Isolates

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Social-Emotional Concerns what does it look like?

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  1. The Golden Thread:Social-EmotionalAngela Washington, MA LPCDirector of Children ServicesArc of Walker CountyEarly Intervention/Preschool ConferenceNovember 2010

  2. Social-Emotional Concernswhat does it look like? • Poor eye contact • Lack of interaction • Isolates • Overly intense emotional response • Temper tantrums for long periods of time, or unable to self-calm • Inappropriate response to events

  3. Why is Social-Emotional Important? • Kindergarten teachers say that about 20 percent of children entering kindergarten do not yet have the necessary social and emotional skills to be “ready” for school. • Social and emotional development is important because it contributes to cognitive development. • When children are young, the adults around them (parents, other adult caregivers, preschool teachers) are the most important influences on their social and emotional development. • Preschool education can support early development with long term social and emotional benefits

  4. Assessment Initial Contact Voluntary Family Assessment Eligibility Determination Individualized Family Service Plan - IFSP

  5. Balance of Services

  6. How services look now

  7. Transdisciplinary

  8. “Joshua” • Two years old (Chronological age 24 months) • Referred to EI for speech delay • Attends daycare while parents work • Family is concerned because Joshua continues to cry for long periods of time at daycare. Daycare teachers report he does not play with other kids • Mom reports increase in temper tantrums at home • Scored at 14 months on DAYC in social-emotional

  9. Family Input Routine Based Assessment reveals: 1. Mom has difficulty dropping off at daycare and is often late to work due to excessive crying 2. Home activities are stressful due to increase in temper tantrums 3. Mom has difficulty understanding what Joshua wants due to limited speech

  10. Family Priorities and Concerns • Joshua cries and screams at drop off causing me to be late to work • Joshua has temper tantrums • Joshua is not talking

  11. Family Defined Outcomes • What are our functional outcomes? • Do the outcomes meet family’s concern? • Where will service take place? Will it all be in the same place?

  12. Family Defined Outcomes • Joshua will go into daycare without crying so Mom can get to work on time. • Joshua will have fewer and shorter temper tantrums so the family can participate in activities together. • Joshua will use words and phrases to tell others when he is hungry, or thirsty.

  13. Primary Provider • Who will be the primary service provider? • Is there more than one option?

  14. “Matthew” • Matthew is a 16 month old child. • He was referred to EI due to motor concerns. • Mom reports that he does not interact with family members, he refers to everyone as “Mama” • At he church nursery he often plays in the corner by himself. Mom reports he separates easily.

  15. Family Input • Mom is a stay at home Mom • Matthew has an older brother age 3 • Mom reports behaviors began after their recent move • Matthew is still not walking

  16. Family Priorities and Concerns • Matthew is not walking • Matthew plays by himself • Matthew calls everyone “Mama”

  17. Family Defined Outcomes • What are our functional outcomes? • Do the outcomes meet family’s concern? • Where will service take place? Will it all be in the same place? • EI service vs. Non-EI Service

  18. Primary Service Provider • Who will be the primary service provider? • What will service/interventions look like?

  19. IFSP Development

  20. Golden Thread

  21. Summary • Assessment – IFSP – Interventions need to be a common link between all three • What is the family most concerned/stressed about? • Avoid ignoring social-emotional cues

  22. Questions??

  23. Thank you!Have a great day!Angela WashingtonArc of Walker Countyawashington@walkerarc.com(205)387-0564

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