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Entice: Verb: To lead on by arousing hope or desire. Despite the tremendous increase in salary, I could not be enticed to leave my job. Entreat: Verb: To ask or petition earnestly. I entreated my parents to allow me to go to the party. .
Despite the tremendousincrease in salary, I could not be enticed to leave my job.
Envisage:Verb: To have a mental image of something, especially when the thing does not yet exist; to conceive of.
I find it hard to envisage a society in which violence does not exist.
Epithet:Noun: A word or phrase used to describe someone or something. A term of abuse or contempt.
The irate motorist shouted a few choice epithets at the driver of the car that had cut him off.
Erudite:Adjective: Deeply learned, especially in a specialized area.
The Professor presented a erudite, yet interesting, lecture on the Holocaust.
Esoteric:Adjective: Understood by or intended for only a select few. Difficult to understand.
The language the book was written in was awfully esoteric. I wasn’t even sure it was English.
Ethical:Adjective: In accordance with accepted principles of right and wrong.
Using child-labor in third world countries is not considered ethical.
Ethnic:Adjective: Relating to a small but distinct social group within the population.
There are many different ethnic groups within Rancocas Valley High School.
Euphemism:Noun: The substitution of a relatively inoffensive term for one that is considered too harsh, unpleasant, or blunt.
Why don’t you say that he is a liar instead of using the euphemism such as “stretching the truth”?
Exacerbate:Verb: To increase the bitterness or severity of; to irritate.
If you don’t follow your lawyer’s orders you may exacerbate your problems.
Exalt:Verb: To elevate in power, position, character, or the like.
Exemplary:Adjective: Worthy of imitation, serving as a model, illustration, or warning.
Exigency:Noun: a state of urgency or a situation demanding immediate attention; the pressing needs caused by such a crisis.
The exigencies of the flu situation at R.V. demand that we take precautions such as hand-washing and hand-sanitizer.