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Philosophy & Religion in China

Philosophy & Religion in China. Early Ideology Confucianism. Early Chinese Ideology. Believed in spirits Held reverence for ancestors Priests performed blessing rituals: Purifying space Exorcised evil spirits (“hungry ghosts”) Used Astrology & Divination. Early Chinese Ideology.

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Philosophy & Religion in China

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Philosophy & Religion in China Early Ideology Confucianism

  2. Early Chinese Ideology • Believed in spirits • Held reverence for ancestors • Priests performed blessing rituals: • Purifying space • Exorcised evil spirits (“hungry ghosts”) • Used Astrology & Divination

  3. Early Chinese Ideology Chinese Creation Myths • Multiple versions of a similar story • The universe was a black egg • Pangu broke the egg and the world was created • Hairy giant • Dog

  4. Early Chinese Ideology Yin and Yang • Yin: female, dark, weak, wet, passive • Yang: male, bright, strong, dry, active • Balance of opposites

  5. Confucianism A political and social philosophy seeking social harmony on all levels: Within the self …the family …the community ...the state …the nation …the world …the cosmos

  6. Confucianism - Origins Kung-Fu-tzu (Confucius) “Master Kung” • 551 - 479 BCE • Embraced the values of the past • Political aspirations failed • The “greatest teacher who ever lived” • Rejected in his own day, but the model for Chinese culture for over 2000 years

  7. Confucianism - Texts • The “Four Books” (Confucian) • Analects (Lun Yu) • Doctrine of the Mean • The Great Learning • The Book of Mencius (Meng-Tzu)

  8. Beliefs and Practices To develop one’s Jen: Human Heartedness - the innate goodness of humanity Thus becoming a Chun Tzu: the “Great Man” or “Gentle Man” Jen is developed through intentional living by Confucian virtues…

  9. Belief & Practices Filial Piety (Hsiao) - respect for the five constant relationships: • Parent & child • Husband & wife • Older & younger sibling • Older & younger friend • Ruler & subject

  10. Belief & Practices • Reciprocity (shu) – the Golden Rule: • “Do not do to others what you would not want others to do to you” • Li (rites, ritual) – the inherent “pattern” in things • For Confucius, Li is the social context of human behavior

  11. Belief & Practices Education • “In teaching, there should be no distinction of classes.” (Analects XV, 39) • Education leads to moral virtue • Rule by natural law, not force Roles • “There is government, when the prince is prince, and the minister is minister; when the father is father, and the son is son.” (Analects XII, 11)

  12. Appeal • To hold a position in government, one had to demonstrate knowledge • Civil Service Exam • Provided rules on conduct and morality which were necessary in densely populated China

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