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JAMAICA TOURIST BOARD. CORPORATE PLAN & MARKET STRATEGY 2003/04 – 2004/05. TOURISM PERFORMANCE IN 2003 OVERVIEW. PERFORMANCE 2003. Since September 11 of 2001, activities in the tourism industry have been more related to strategies for generating recovery in arrivals and earnings.

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  3. PERFORMANCE 2003 • Since September 11 of 2001, activities in the tourism industry have been more related to strategies for generating recovery in arrivals and earnings • Following a path of steady recovery throughout the year 2002, the process was further retarded by the build up to USA/Iraqi-led war, and the actual war itself that took place earlier in 2003.

  4. PERFORMANCE 2003 • The industry performed relatively well during 2003. The main contributing factors to this performance are: • Increased airlift from the main market areas • The sustained level of advertising and promotional activities • The perception of the Caribbean as a “safe” area.




  8. PERFORMANCE 2003 • Cont’d • The average hotel room occupancy rate should be about 60% • Total capacity in the accommodation stands at 24,239 rooms, of which • 16,723 are in hotels and • 7,516 in villas, guesthouses and apartments.

  9. MISSION STATEMENT • To develop and market the tourism industry so that JAMAICA remains the premier Caribbean tourism destination.

  10. VISION STATEMENT • To be the most efficient and respected public sector agency, dedicated to the marketing of the destination and to enabling the tourism industry to achieve sustainable growth and development.

  11. CORPORATE OBJECTIVES2003/04 TO 2005/06 • Over the next three years, the JTB will seek to achieve the following objectives: • Increase stopover arrivals by 7.0% per annum. • Increase cruise passenger arrivals by 10.3% per annum. • Increase gross foreign exchange earnings by 8.0% per annum.


  13. CORPORATE OBJECTIVES2003/04 TO 2005/06 • Over the next three years, the JTB will seek to achieve the following objectives: • Increase stopover arrivals by 7.0% per annum. • Increase cruise passenger arrivals by 10.3% per annum. • Increase gross foreign exchange earnings by 8.0% per annum. • Achieve an overall annual average hotel room occupancy rate of 63 percent by 2005/06.

  14. CORPORATE OBJECTIVES2003/04 TO 2005/06 • Work with other agencies in the public and private sectors to: • Reduce the level of visitor harassment. • Increase the level of visitor satisfaction. • Increase the contribution of tourism to the national economy.

  15. VISITOR ARRIVAL TARGETS • The targets for 2004 are as follow: • Fiscal Year 2004/05 • Stopovers………………………….1,479,364 (+ 6.6%) • Cruise Passengers……………….1,328,055 (+16.0%) • Gross Visitor Expenditure……US$1,504M (+10.3%) • Calendar Year 2004 • Stopovers………………………….1,456,045 (+ 7.3%) • Cruise Passengers……………….1,296,998 (+17.5%) • Gross Visitor Expenditure……US$1,465M (+11.0%)

  16. STOPOVER ARRIVALS TARGETS Primary Mkts - Includes UK, Germany, Italy, Holland & Spain Secondary Mkts - Includes France, Austria, Belgium, Switzerland Tertiary Mkts - Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden, Spain



  19. ASSUMPTIONS • The targeted growth in visitor arrivals is based on certain assumptions: • Promotional budget will be adequate and available on a timely basis to keep Jamaica prominent in the marketplace. • Rooms scheduled to come on stream will largely generate additional business. • The obstacles that tend to constrain growth: crime, visitor harassment, and poor infrastructure, can be minimized or eliminated. • An adequate number of airseats will be available from each targetted region.

  20. STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES • Over the next three years, the JTB will employ a range of strategies in its programme of operation. • The strategies may be categorized according to functional areas: • Marketing Strategies • Citizen Service Strategies • Human Resources Strategies • Financial Strategies • Sustainable Development Strategies • Information Technology Strategies

  21. Marketing Strategies • Target those market segments that hold good potential for business to Jamaica. • Promote Jamaica as a distinctive and preferred destination through public relations programmes and through advertising in the electronic and print media.

  22. Marketing Strategies • Establish and maintain close links with trade partners, travel agents, tour operators and airline personnel. • Collaborate with the private sector: hoteliers, attractions and transportation operators etc., to effectively market Jamaica and to ensure that the product is in tandem with recognized consumer needs.

  23. Marketing Strategies • Promote special events that can attract visitors throughout the year and enhance the image of the destination overseas. • Achieve greater integration with JamVac and JRS so that the combined efforts of these agencies will have full impact in the marketplace.

  24. Marketing Strategies • Secure adequate scheduled and chartered airseats to Jamaica from targeted airlines and tour operators in the international markets. • Exploit the advantages of Internet technology to market Jamaica.

  25. Citizen Service Strategies • Promote a greater awareness, locally, of the importance of tourism in the Jamaican economy through the local communication programmes. • Market Jamaica to Jamaicans.

  26. Human Resources Strategies • Complete restructuring of the JTB to create a lean and cost-effective organization. • Undertake staff development and training to ensure that the JTB maintains a cadre of qualified and motivated staff who will carry out the functions of the organization in the most effective way.

  27. Financial Strategies • Manage the finances and assets of the JTB so that accountability and transparency are observed, and that maximum benefit accrues to the country from the budgetary allocation. • Achieve maximum impact for the promotional dollar spent in the marketplace.

  28. Sustainable Development Strategies • Play a key role in encouraging greater care of the environment and the maintenance of a desirable ecological balance in resort areas. • Work in conjunction with other agencies to develop and market cultural/heritage tourism in a manner compatible with the recognition of, and the respect for our rich national heritage and history.

  29. Information Technology Strategies • Track industry performance and gather market intelligence so that new and emerging consumer trends are determined and strategies are modified accordingly. • Maintain a comprehensive tourism database to aid decision-making and policy formulation at both government and private sector levels. • Enhance the organization’s capabilities to exploit the Internet and related technologies as a marketing channel .

  30. Information Technology Strategies • Act as facilitator for industry operators, especially those of small enterprises, to understand and effectively market their products through electronic commerce. • Continue the development of a Management Information System that will enhance the effectiveness of the organization. • Build a database of a sample of visitors with email addresses.

  31. S.W.O.T(Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) Analysis • The fundamental strategy is to accentuate the positives, reduce the negatives as far as possible, exploit the opportunities, and at the same time, recognize the threats.

  32. S.W.O.T • STRENGTHS • Diversity of natural attractions, topography, flora, fauna, and accommodation. • Warmth/hospitality of people • Climate • Proximity to the USA/Canada • English-speaking • Easily trained staff • Cultural/historical heritage i.e. exotic cuisine, music, art, etc. • Airlift, including the National Airline – Air Jamaica • JTB’s Website

  33. S.W.O.T • WEAKNESSES • Image in the marketplace C unsafe destination, all-inclusive/ couples destination . • Insufficient scheduled air service from some markets e.g. Europe • Lack of man-made attractions/ development of natural attractions • Lack of enough large facilities to adequately host large meetings and conventions over 300 people.

  34. S.W.O.T • OPPORTUNITIES • Growing number of two-income families – more income • Earlier retirement - more healthy/active retirees travelling • >Yuppie Market=/more spending power • Reduced air travel time (more direct flights, charters) • Improved standards of living in main markets

  35. S.W.O.T • OPPORTUNITIES • Growing special interest, cruise, conference and incentive markets • VFR market • Domestic tourism • Cruise passengers as potential stopovers. • Europe • New infrastructure development/privatization

  36. S.W.O.T • THREATS • High Crime Rate • Growth of competition • Pollution of Environment • Visitor Harassment • Cuba

  37. THE MARKETS • The marketing and sales programmes and activities are developed and planned so as to focus on: • The Geographic regions: • The Americas – USA, Canada, Latin America and the Caribbean • Europe – primary & secondary markets

  38. Selected Market Segments: THE MARKETS • Honeymoon • Nature Tourism • African American • Groups/Convention • The Family Market • Sports (golf, cricket, football) • Overseas Jamaicans

  39. MAJOR PROGRAMMES/ACTIVITIES Priority areas: • Completion of the reorganization of the JTB • Review and appointment of global advertising agency • Implementation of marketing programmes

  40. MARKETING • The marketing progammes and activities are informed by research and are designed to support the strategies that were mentioned earlier. • There are three main components: • Sales • Advertising • Public Relations

  41. Sales Activities • The objective is to generate and maintain interest in Jamaica by the travel distribution network, including: • tour operators, • retail travel agents, • airline representatives and others who sell Jamaica.

  42. Sales Activities • Activities, which have in the past delivered good return on investment, will be pursued and increased. These include: • Blitzes • Seminars • Fly-ins and familiarization tours • Trade and consumer shows

  43. Advertising • The advertising programme is designed to create attention, interest, desire and action among core constituencies, resulting in increased visitor arrivals to Jamaica.

  44. Advertising • An appropriate mix of media channels will be used to communicate messages to the various targeted audiences. These include… • Electronic media (network and cable TV, radio, cinema screens) • Print (magazines and newspapers) • The website • Television advertising frequencies will be strategically structured so as to give the impression that Jamaica enjoys an extended presence on TV.

  45. Public Relations • The JTB has just appointed two public relations agencies: • Ruder and Finn – for the Americas • Financial Dynamics – Europe

  46. Public Relations • Programme for the Americas – • “The Genius of Jamaica” The framework from which we will generate positive media coverage through uniquely Jamaican themes that have substance, news and entertainment value

  47. “The Genius of Jamaica” • This programme… • Identifies key niches • Includes each of Jamaica’s six distinctive resort area products • Helps manage Jamaica’s reputation, shaping and re-shaping opinions every day • Sets Jamaica apart – more than a beach…a country rich in art, music, literature, beauty, unforgettable cuisine, etc.

  48. “The Genius of Jamaica” • This programme… • Imparts an aspirational aura that says “come, let us inspire you” • Enables us to showcase the very best Jamaica has to offer • Gives consumers new reasons to consider/return to Jamaica • Speaks to resilient and influential affluent market

  49. “The Genius of Jamaica” • Themes… • Jamaican Design • Jamaican Fine Arts • Jamaican Music • Jamaican Literature • Jamaica’s Beauty • Jamaican Cuisine • Jamaican Performing Arts • Jamaican Sports • Jamaican Hospitality Industry

  50. Programme for Europe • “Jamaica – Look Again” • An Integrated Communications Strategy • Four main components coordinated through a “Press Office” • Consumer programme • Trade programme • Affinity programme • Opinion Former Programme

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