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How do we compare development?. What are the best indicators?. Class Project. On the back two bulletin boards The class is to create visuals which display the following information: A working definition of development and all of its varied indicators
How do we compare development? What are the best indicators?
ClassProject • On the back two bulletin boards • The class is to create visuals which display the following information: • A working definition of development and all of its varied indicators • Visuals representing the levels of development- pictures and such • Comparative charts using the countries we will be focusing on (plus the United States)
BULLETIN BOARD RUBRIC Exemplary Proficient Emerging Limited Points Criteria 4 3 2 1 Earned The bulletin board The bulletin board The bulletin board The bulletin board shows considerable shows attention to shows some was put together attention to construction. The attention to sloppily. Items construction. The items are neatly construction. Most appear to be just items are neatly trimmed. All items items are neatly "slapped on". Pieces trimmed. All items are carefully and trimmed. All items may be loose or Quality of are carefully and securely attached. A are securely hanging over the Construction securely attached. few barely attached. A few edges. Smudges, There are no stray noticeable stray barely noticeable stains, rips, uneven marks, smudges or marks, smudges or stray marks, edges, and/or stray glue stains. Nothing glue stains are smudges or glue marks are evident. is hanging over the present. Nothing is s tains are present. edges. hanging over the Nothing is hanging edges. over the edges. Several of the One or two of the One or two graphics Students did not graphics or objects graphics or objects or objects were make or customize used in the bulletin used in the bulletin made or customized any of the items on Creativity board reflect an board reflect by students, but the the bulletin board. ( X 2 ) exceptional degree student creat ivity in ideas were typical of student creativity their creation and/or rather than original. in their creation display. and/or display. Students give a Students give a Students give a The students’ reasonable reasonable fairly reasonable explanations are explanation of how explanation of how explanation of how weak and illustrate every item in the most items in the most items in the difficulty Attention to bulletin board is bulle tin board are bulletin board are understanding how Theme related to the related to the related to the to relate items to the ( X 4 ) assigned theme. assigned theme. assigned theme. assigned theme. For most items, the For many of the relationship is clear items, the without explanation. relationship is clear without explanation. Much time and Adequate time and Some time and Minimal time and Time and effort went into the effort went into the effort went into the effort went into the Effort planning and design planning and design planning and design planning and design of the bulletin board. of the bulletin board. of the bulletin board. of the bulletin board. Titles and text were Titles and text were Titles and text were Titles and/or text easy to read f rom a easy to read close - easy to read close - were hard to read, Titles and distance. Text up. Text varied in up. There was little even when the Text varied in color, size color, size and/or variation in the reader is close. ( X 2 ) and/or style for style for different appearance of text. different text text elements. elements. /40 Score
Participation is required • If you do not include yourself in this task you cannot be scored • This is your responsibility