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Training the ICNA Recruiters. In Preparation for the Membership Drive Presented by ICNA – West Region. Objectives. To enumerate ways / means of recruitment To introduce tools of activism To teach some psychological aspects To explore reasons why people join ICNA
Training the ICNA Recruiters In Preparation for the Membership Drive Presented by ICNA – West Region
Objectives • To enumerate ways / means of recruitment • To introduce tools of activism • To teach some psychological aspects • To explore reasons why people join ICNA • To learn how to increase retention rate • To learn special ways for special sectors
What to do ONE year before ? • Bring ICNA into positive lime-light • Repair any negative feelings in existing cadre • Purge inactive members / bad apples • Build a good resume for ICNA • Maintain solid bridges and alliances with the greater community in the area
What to do 6 months before ? • Before 6 months of a membership drive, make verbal or written peace treaties with muslim groups • Not to use mouth or pen against them • Not to steal members from them. • Identify focus groups / segments for campaign
Why do people join any Organization ? • Friendship, Socialization, Camaraderie • Sense of Identity and belonging • Fulfilling of some needs – could be material, social, psychological, legal, matrimonial etc. • Representation – organization is the mouth-piece. • Status symbol if it is a prestigious org. with hard to get membership • To get something – training, books, entry somewhere etc.
Why did people join ICNA ? • Allow enumeration by the participants here • Presenters : plz. Don’t stifle debate – let there be a healthy dis-agreement, jokes, puns etc.
Why did people join ICNA ? • To spread Islam in the USA • To consolidate, to maintain identity • To be in a Pakistani social club • To get approved for loan by MSI • To get discount at convention • Friends asked them to….. (Smile !)
Why did members become MGA’s ? • Wanted to serve Islam more functionally • Finished the syllabus and demonstrated competency • Vision / Mission of ICNA appealed to them • Ready to give Zakat to the Baitul Maal • Tried other options/ groups and those failed to meet the criteria (they had miserable experiences) • Friends in high places promoted them
What do you think helps retention of new members ? • This is an inter-active part • Write comments of the recruiters on the flip-chart • Tear the flip-chart and paste with scotch-tape to a well-lighted wall on one side of the room • Come back to that at the end of the workshop
What are the divisions of ICNA ? • Baitul Maal, ICNA Relief, Helping Hand • Sisters’ Wing • YM – Boys and YM – girls • Muslim Children of North America • Sound Vision / MSI (Historical perspective) • WhyIslam • Civil Advocacy thru’ agreement with CAIR • The Message Magazine
So, let us list them in order of popularity with newbies …. ! • This is a practical exercise. • Allow people to argue about the list-order • Encourage debate about rank-1st,2nd,3rd etc. • Write on flip-chart legibly. • Keep aside on the opposite wall for future use
How to get ready for a membership drive ? • Membership forms (extremely professional) • Sign-in sheets for information @ every event • Delineate eligibility, requirements etc. • Identify avenues, methods, approaches • Train the recruiters and empower them. • Budget time, resources, money, talent. • Have a second line of volunteers to sustain the drive • Schedule a large event at the end of the week to invite all the newcomers to.
Avenues / Modalities • Internet Campaign, Mass e-mails, Form letters • Table at Jummah prayers for 4 Fridays of the alloted month for the membership drive • Table / Booth at mega-events of muslims • Invitations for NNet, Programs, Fund-raisers • Newspaper ads- continuous and ongoing
Target Populations of Muslims • Masjid-going people, Imams, Namazis • Tableeghi Jama’at (need specific tips) • Disenfranchised youth, Ir-religious muslims • Minorities in the USA – Bosnian, Somalian, Filipino, Indonesian, Guyana (West Indies) • Secular muslims – meaning consciously secular. • Muslims in smaller towns of the USA • 2nd or 3rd generation of immigrant muslims • Converts / Reverts – Caucasian, African, Latino, Russian, Ex-convicts
Sample Exercise # 1 • Divide into groups of 3; Put new people together / Learn teamwork – Time limit – 5 minutes only • Select a target sub-sector of the muslims • Write an e-mail form letter to mass-mail on the Yahoo-groups that you have joined. Eg: Bangladeshis in Seattle, Muslims in Idaho, Pakis-in-Denver, Salafidoctors-in-USA. • Complete, sign your names, and hand-over to the Workshop Facilitator. • Give 3 T-shirts to the best letter-writing team
Sample Exercise # 2 • Shuffle the groups; mix and match. • You are at a big muslim “EID CARNIVAL” • You have an ICNA booth, selling books and CD’s • You are also recruiting- Pretend to be a gentleman eg: Tableeghi, Bosnian, Somali, Arab, Latino Convert, Caucasian Convert etc. • Sisters – pretend to be a sister of some sub-sector • Practice talking and pitching an invitation to join ICNA – 3 minutes only. • Switch roles, stop after 3 more minutes. • Elaborate the difficulties
Approaching the Masjid People • Highlight the aims / objectives of ICNA • Advantages of a national organization • Explain concept of Jamat, Shoora, Iqamat Deen, Muslim Identity, Collective Society • Only way to fulfill various responsibilities • Makes living here easier, not harder
Inviting the Ulema / Imams • Gives them a legitimate platform for preaching • Most of them – good for talks; lack in organizing and mobilizing skills • Quote the ayaat and hadeeth that form the basis of ICNA • Show them the peculiarities of ICNA • Give them names of other Imams who joined • Systematically, break-down resistance and answer their questions
Special attention to Tableeghis • Extremely fertile ground for new members • They have a spirit of sacrifice and activism • Explain that Deen is more than worship • Quote ayaat that encourage participation of the muslims in the public square of US • Explain that Fiqah of Deoband not completely applicable to USA at this time • Explain difference between external sunnah and internal sunnah
More conversation with Joula people • Explain Islamic revolution not just of long beards, high pajamas, niqaabs, tasbeehs • Explain about their promotion / advancement into 100 % Deen (not just ibadaat) • Reading Quran with translation and tafseer • Using pamphlets, TV programs or Dawah booths is NOT a bid’ah.
What else can you talk to them about? • Allow active discussion among participants • Allow debate, dis-agreements, rebuttals. • Bring it all together
Disenfranchised youth, Ir-religious muslims • Non-practicing muslims need love and Mercy • Have raham for them; Be polite. • Do not condemn or scold; don’t loose your cool ! • Empower them with Islam, stories of Sahaba. • Remind them of their convenants • Offer them recognition, friendship, camaraderie, a Social club, place to hang-out ! • Concept of Deen and Duniya (Bird with 2 wings) • Integration / Acculturation in the US, but with Islamic Identity
Muslim Minorities in the USA • As opposed to Indian-Pakistani or Arabs • Need an ICNA fellow from their ethnicity to approach them eg: Bangladeshis, Bosnian, Somalian, Filipino, Indonesian, Guyana (West Indies) • May need a separate NNet before integration • Be acutely aware of past baggage, hostilities, mass sufferings • Need to prime / prepare our own members to be accepting of new people who are different
Secular muslims – meaning consciously secular. • Explain Allama Iqbal’s journey • Explain the secularism of the Bosnians’ did not save them when the holocaust came. • Call them towards Civil Advocacy, social services, building bridges with other faith communities, INTERFAITH, anti-war movements etc. • Explain what ICNA has to offer to them
Muslims in smaller towns of the USA • Extremely under-looked and sidelined • Highly talented and potential workers • Usually, fertile ground without other groups • Will get immediate empowerment on joining a national movement • Will get lots of advantages, structure, literature, recognition when they join ICNA
2nd or 3rd generation of immigrant muslims • Sometimes lost in the crowd • Sense of superiority complex over the “FOBs” • Maybe approached using YM- girls or boys • Different directory of words, grammar, accent • Very responsive, eager, hard-working once they join • May result in older members needing to change attitudes • May need to make meetings all English, not Urdu • May need to change food from Biryani to American food
Converts / Reverts – Caucasian • White males harder to find in reverts than females • Tend to be suspicious of groups / cults • Immense amount of talent.
Converts / Reverts – African • Regaining their moral compass of hallaal and haram • History of African Muslims in this country before Christopher Columbus • Many slaves were muslim princes that knew to read and write
Converts / Reverts – Latino • Special affinity groups • Most active on the list-serve • Spirit of dawah is the highest in this group
Schedule a large event at the end of the week to invite all the newcomers to. • Gives you an opening line to approach people • Enables you to solidify and consolidate • Explain the aims and objectives of ICNA further • Showcase past successful projects on poster-boards • Include pictures in the powerpoints • Include endorsements from Ulema and public figures, muslim sportsmen etc.
Hurdles, Barriers, Excuses • Enumerate the hurdles • Verbalize the excuses • Elaborate on the barriers • Discuss if the barriers are perceptions or reality. • Are there any fallacies of thought ?
“I am too busy; No time for this!” • Give me some ideas on how to rebut / explain this excuse !
“ICNA can be labelled terrorist org.” • Give me some ideas on how to rebut / explain this excuse !
“I am a moderate muslim.” • Give me some ideas on how to rebut / explain this excuse !
“It is hard to be a father and do this.” • Give me some ideas on how to rebut / explain this excuse !
“ICNA is not on the sunnat tareeqa.” • Give me some ideas on how to rebut / explain this excuse !
“ICNA peoples beards are not long enough.” • Give me some ideas on how to rebut / explain this excuse !
“I don’t want to join a Desi group.” • Give me some ideas on how to rebut / explain this excuse !
“I don’t need what you are selling.” • Give me some ideas on how to rebut / explain this excuse !
“You are misogynists !” • Give me some ideas on how to rebut / explain this excuse !
“In Rome, do as Romans do !” • We need to be American here, not muslim.
“I am a convert; What can ICNA offer me?” • Very valid question • Our leaders need to answer this – because there are serious differences in perception, our advertisement and our reality
“Forming a group is a bida’ah.” • Give me some ideas on how to rebut / explain this excuse !
“You all compromise on the principles of Islam.” • Give me some ideas on how to rebut / explain this excuse !
“It is too far for me.” • Give me some ideas on how to rebut / explain this excuse !
“This is a new organization.” • Give me some ideas on how to rebut / explain this excuse !
“I don’t know who your Ulema are!” • Give me some ideas on how to rebut / explain this excuse !
After the membership drive…… • Consolidation and solidifying • Inviting and keeping track. • 2 phone-calls and personal visits for 2 months • Repeated e-mails and reminders • Make some activities, dawah booths, picnics, potlucks etc. just for the new members
Ideas, Suggestions, Feedback ? Questions and Critique, please ?
Thankyou for your patient listening and active participation ! May Allah bless you and protect you from the Shaitaan who is our Open Enemy ! Ameen !