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Lessons. CHAPTER 17. Consumer Protection. 17-1 Federal Protection 17-2 State and Local Protection and Product Liability 17-3 Warranties. GOALS. LESSON 17-1. Federal Protection. Explain why and how the law focuses on the protection of consumers
Lessons Chapter 17 CHAPTER 17 Consumer Protection 17-1 Federal Protection 17-2 State and Local Protection and Product Liability 17-3 Warranties
GOALS Chapter 17 LESSON 17-1 Federal Protection Explain why and how the law focuses on the protection of consumers Discuss the trade practices that are prohibited by consumer law
Chapter 17 WHY DOES THE LAW PROTECT CONSUMERS? The complexity and sheer abundance of products make it difficult for the consumer to properly judge the quality of advantages and disadvantages of a product.
Chapter 17 PROTECTION AGAINST SUBSTANDARD GOODS • Safety standards • Drugs, food, and cosmetics • Standards for weights and measures
Chapter 17 UNFAIR TRADE PRACTICES • Agreements to control or fix prices • False and misleading advertising • Illegal lotteries and confidence games • Unfair pricing and service • Mislabeled goods • Used articles sold as new • Confusing brand name or trademark • Unordered merchandise and commercial bribery • Fraudulent telemarketing and Internet schemes
Chapter 17 FTC GUIDELINES The FTC has adopted many guidelines and regulations that are intended to correct abusive trade practices by requiring businesses to act certain ways.
GOALS Chapter 17 LESSON 17-2 State and Local Protection and Product Liability Discuss the contribution of local and state governments to consumer protection Define product liability Explain how strict liability law can protect consumers injured by defective products
Chapter 17 STATE AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT PROTECTION • Licensing laws • Remedies available to injured consumers • Sanitation and food adulteration laws • Safety laws
Chapter 17 WHAT ISPRODUCT LIABILITY? • Privity of contract • Recovering damages
GOALS Chapter 17 LESSON 17-3 Warranties Distinguish between implied and express warranties and explain the protection they provide Explain the warranty of merchantability and how it may be limited or excluded Differentiate between a full and a limited warranty
Chapter 17 EXPRESS ANDIMPLIED WARRANTIES • In sales, a warranty is a statement about the product’s qualities or performance that the seller assures the buyer is true. • An assurance of quality or promise of performance explicitly made by the seller is an express warranty. • Warranty obligation implicitly imposed by law on all sellers is an implied warranty.
Chapter 17 SELLERS’ CLAIMS A positive statement about the value of goods or a statement that is just the seller’s opinion does not create a warranty.
Chapter 17 IMPLIED WARRANTIES • Warranty of title • Warranty against encumbrances • Warranty of fitness for a particular purpose
Chapter 17 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ABOUT WARRANTIES • Warranties implied by law for merchants • Warranty against infringement • Warranty of merchantability • Express warranties made by all sellers • Warranty of conformity to seller’s statement or promise • Warranty of conformity to description, sample, or model • Exclusion of warranties